Theological Miscellanies

Theological Papers: “Pinnock, Pagans, and Pentecost: A Reformed Response to Radical Reconstructions of the Uniqueness of Christ” “The Decree of God” “Toward a Theology and Philosophy of History: The Great Awakening as Case Study” “Our Mother Which Art in Heaven: A Biblical-Theological Examination of a Neglected Image”

Theological Essays

“Covenant and Inheritance” “Francis Turretin’s Doctrine of the Covenant” “An Open Letter on Turretin’s View of Justification and Good Works” “Letter on the Relationship between Justification and Sanctification” “Letter on Good Works and the Final Judgment”   Book Reviews “Bahnsen’s By This Standard Weighed in the Balance, and Found Wanting” “Which Regulative Principle? A Response…

Essays on Creation

Essays on Creation “1. Evening and Morning” “2. The Archetypal Week: A Defense of the Analogous Day View” “3. Day One: Three Studies on the Biblical Usage of the Word and Concept of Day” “4. Do We Live on a Flat Earth with a Solid Dome Over It?” “5. The Doctrine of Creation in the…