Bibliography of the Westminster Divines Invited, noted as attending in Minutes, but not in Reid Robert Crosse, of Lincoln College, Oxford Matthias Styles, D. D., of St. George's, Eastcheap, London. Daniel Featley, D.D., of Lambeth, 'Third and last Provost of Chelsea College' James Weldy/Welby, of Selattyn, Shropshire Henry Tozer, B.D., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford William Lance, of Harrow, Middlesex Thomas Westfield, D.D., of St. Bartholomew the Great, Bishop of Bristol, attended at least the first meeting. William Strong, preacher in Westminster Abbey, replaced Peale, deceased. Robert Johnston, of York, replaced Carter, deceased Samuel Boulton, of St. Saviour's, Southwark, afterwards D.D., and Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, replaced Burroughs, deceased Invited, NOT noted as attending in Minutes, but IN Reid Calibute Downing, died before Assembly began Hannibal Gannon, M.A., of Mawgan, Cornwall Invited, not noted as attending in Minutes, and not in Reid Thomas Wincop, D.D., of Wllesworth, Cambridge John Pyne, of Bereferers, Devon Francis Whidden, M.A., of Moreton-Hampstead, Devon Richard Love, D.D., of Ekington, and of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Ralph Brownerigg, D.D., Bishop of Exeter, sent excuse for non- attendance Samuel Ward, D.D., Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge ----Carter, M.A. of York or Camberwell Richard Capell, M.A., Pitchcombe, Gloucester John Harris, D.D., Warden of Winchester College, 'took Covenant and others oaths' George Morley, D.D., of Mildenhall, Wilts, afterwards Bishop of Winchester Robert Sanderson, D.D., of Boothby Pannell or Pagnell, Lincoln, afterwards Bishop of Lincoln James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh Francis Coke, or Cooke, of Yoxhall, Staffordshire Samuel Hidersham, B.D., of West Felton, Shropshire Henry Hutton, M.A., of Caldbeck, Cumberland, and Prebendary of Carlisle Henry Nye, of Clapham William Moreton, of Newcastle Richard Buckley, or Bulkley, B.D. William Nicholson, M.A., Archdeacon of Brecknock Christopher Pashley, D.D., of Hawarden, Flintshire Edward Ellis, B.D., of Guilsfield, Montgomery John Hacket, D.D., of St. Andre's, Holborne, afterwards Bishop of Lichfield William Lyford, B.D., of Sherborne, Dorset Henry Hammond, D.D., of Penshurst, Kent, and Canon of Christ's Church John Erle, D.D., of Bishopton, Wilts, afterwards Bishop of Worcester, then of Salisbury Richard Holdsworth, or Oldsworth, D.D., Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge William Dunning, M.A., of Cold Aston, Gloucester, or Godalston, Notts Thomas Clendon, of All Hallows, Barking, v. Nicholson, who failed to attend English Divines *Listed in Holley, but not in Reid #Listed in Reid, but not Holley (superadded divines) ^Superadded divines not in Reid BM=Located in the British Museum *Aiscough, Henry (1583-1662)--nominated, but rejected/never invited Arrowsmith, John. (CA) 1602-1659 [Translator] Literae a Conventu Theologorum in Anglia . . . ad ecclesias in Belgio, Gallia, etc. [Assembly of Divines.] 4to. 1644. BM [Translator] Foedus Pactumq; Solenne, etc. [Solemn League and Covenant, 1643.]. 4to. 1644. BM Armilla catechetica. A Chain of Principles: or, An orderly Concatenation of Theological Aphorismes and Exercitations; wherein the Chief Heads of the Christian Religion are asserted and improved. [Edited by Thomas Horton and William Dillingham.] 4to. pp. 490. John Field: Cambridge, 1659. BM The Covenant-Avenging Sword Brandished: A sermon preached from Lev. xxvi. 25. before the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemn fast, Jan. 25th. 4to. pp. 28. For Samuel Man: London, 1643. BM England's Eben-ezer: or, Stone of Help. . . In a sermon preached from 1 Sam. vii. 12. to both . . . Houses of Parliament, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London, being present, upon the late solemne day of thanksgiving, March 12th, 1644. 4to. pp. 34. London, 1645. BM QeanqrwpoV, or God-Man: being an exposition upon the first eighteen verses of the first chapter of the gospel according to John. 4to. pp. 311. For Humphrey Moseley, & William Wilson: London, 1660. BM A Great Wonder in Heaven: or, A Lively Picture of the Militant Church, drawn by a Divine Pencil. Discoursed on in a sermon preached from Rev. xii. 1, 2. before the honourable House of Commons, at Westminster, on the last monthly fast-day, Jan. 27th, 1647. 4to. London, 1647. BM Tactica Sacra, sive De milite Spirituali Pugnante, Vincente, & Triumphante, Dissertatio, Tribus Libris comprehensa. Acesserunt . . . orationes aliquot anti-Weigelianae, et pro reformatis academiis apologetica, etc. 4to. pp.26. 363. Joannes Field: Cantabrigiae; impensis Joannis Rothwell: Londini, 1657. BM Ashe, Simeon. ca. 1597-1662 [co-editor] An Answer to Two Treatises of Mr. I. Can, etc. [By John Ball; Edited with T. Langley, and others.] 4to. 1642. BM [publisher] The Power of Godliness, both doctrinally, and practically handled . . . [by John Ball) Published by S. Ashe. folio, 1657. BM [editor] A Short Treatise containing all the Principall Grounds of Christian Religion, etc. [by John Ball] 8vo. 1650. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1670. BM [Publisher] A Treatise of Divine Meditation . . . [by John Ball] Published by S. Ashe. 8vo. 1660. BM [Publisher] A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace . . . [by John Ball] Published by S. Ashe. 4to. 1645. BM [co-publisher] A Tryall of the New-Church Way in New-England and in Old . . . [by John Ball] Published by W. Rathband and S. Ash. 4to. 1644. BM [preface to] An Antidote against the Poysonous Weeds of Heretical Blasphemiews, etc. [by John Brinsley the Younger] 4to. 1650. BM [editor] Two Treatises: the one, handling the doctrine of Christ's mediatorship . . . The other, of mystical implantation, etc. [by John Brinsley the Younger] 8vo. 1651. BM [editor] The Good Old Way: or, Perkins improved, etc. [by Charles Broxolme] 8vo. 1653. BM [co-editor] A Heavenly Conference between Christ and Mary after his resurrection, etc. [by Jesus Christ; edited with J. Nalton and J. Church] 12vo. 1654. BM [co-editor] A Christians Duty and Safety in Evill Times . . . in several sermons, etc. [by Christopher Love; edited with E. Calamy and J. Whitaker]. 8vo. 1653. BM [co-editor] The Dejected Soules Cure, etc. [by Christopher Love; Edited with E. Calamy and others] 4to. 1657. BM [co-editor] Christ All and in All, etc. [by Ralph Robinson; edited with E. Calamy and W. Taylor.] 8vo. 1656. BM [co-publisher] Christ the Perfect Pattern, of a Christian's Practice . . . [by Ralph Robinson] Published with W. Taylor and S. Clarke. 8vo. 1658. BM [co-editor] A Learned Commentary, or Exposition, upon the fourth chapter of the Second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, etc. [by Richard Sibbes; edited with J. Nalton and J. Church]. 4to. 1656. BM [with William Goode] The Continuation of True Intelligence from . . . the Earl of Manchester's Army, etc. A Particular Relation of the Most Remarkable Occurences from the United Forces in the North, etc. A Continuation of True Intelligence from the English and Scottish Forces in the North, etc. A Particular Relation, etc. no. 2-4. 1644. 4to. [with William Rathband] A Letter of Many Ministers in Old England, requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions . . . Together with their answer thereunto returned . . . and the reply made unto the said answer . . . Now published . . . by S. Ash and W. Rathband. 4to. pp. 90. Thomas Underhill: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) The Best Refuge for the Most Oppressed. A sermon preached from Psal. ix. 9. to the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemne fast, March 30th, 1642. 4to. pp. 62. E. Brewster & I. Burroughs: London, 1642. BM Christ the Riches of the Gospel, and the Hope of Christians. A sermon from Col. i. 27. at the funeral of Mr. William Spurstow, etc. 4to. pp. 38. A. M. for G. Saubridge: London, 1654. BM The Church Sinking, Saved by Christ. Set out in a sermon preached from Isai. lxiii. 24. before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in the Abbey-church at Westminster, Febr. 26. 1644. being the day of the monthly publike fast. 4to. pp. 32. G. M. for E. Brewster: London, 1645. BM The Doctrine of Zeal explained: and the practice of zeal perswaded . . . In a sermon preached at Pauls the 12th of Novemb. 1654. 4to. pp. 41. A. M. for G. Saubridge: London, 1655. BM The Efficiency of Gods Grace in bringing Gain-saying Sinners to Christ: a sermon preached . . . at the funerall of . . . Mr. Robert Strange. With a narrative of his short but wellspent life. 4to. pp. 40. A. M. for G. Saubridge: London, 1654. BM The Faithfull Christians Gain by Death: opened, confirmed, and improved, in a sermon at the funerall of the Right Honourable Essex, Countess of Manchester, etc. 4to. pp.42. A. M. for G. Saubridge: London, 1659. BM (2 copies) Gods Incomparable Goodnesse unto Israel. Unfolded and applyed: in a sermon preached from Psal. lxxiii. 1. before the Honourable House of Commons . . . at the last solemne fast, April 28. 1647. 4to. pp. 34. W. Wilson for E. Brewster: London, 1647. BM Good Courage Discovered, and Encouraged: in a sermon preached from Psal. xxxi. 24. before the Commanders of the Military forces, of the renowned city of London, May the 17. 1642. 4to. pp.36. I Dawson & I. Burroughes: London, 1642. BM Gray Hayres crowned with Grace. A sermon preached at Redriff, Aug. 1. 1654. At the funeral of . . . Mr. Thomas Gataker. 4to. pp.80. A.M. for G. Saubridge: London, 1655. BM Gray Hayres crowned with Grace. A sermon preached at Redriff, Aug. 1. 1654. At the funeral of . . . Mr. Thomas Gataker. . . Together with his studious . . . life, and patient . . . death. Whereunto are annexed many . . . poems and elegies, both English and Latin, etc. 4to. pp.80. A.M. for G. Saubridge: London, 1655. BM (2 copies) Living Loves betwixt Christ and Dying Christians. A sermon preached from John xi. 11--Our Friend Lazarus sleepeth--At M. Magdalene Bermondsey in Southwark, London, June 6th 1654, at the funeral of that faithful servant of Christ, Mr Jeremiah Whitaker, Pastor of the church there. With a narrative of his exemplarily holy life and death . . . Together with poems and elegies on his death, by divers ministers, etc. 4to. pp. 82. T. M. for R. Smith: London, 1654. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 2d edition. 4to. pp. 90. Ralph Smith: London, 1654. BM -----. [another edition] 3d edition. 4to. pp. 80. Ralph Smith: London, 1656. BM (2 copies) Primitive Divinity, a treatise on divine contentment . . . Published, with notes, by Stephen Gerrish . . . Second American edition. 12vo. pp. 216. Stavely & Bringhurst: Philadelphia, 1824. BM Religious Covenanting Directed, and Covenant Keeping Perswaded: presented in a sermon preached from Psal. lxxvi. 11. before the . . . Lord Major . . . the Sheriffs, and Aldermen, his brethren, and the rest of the Common-Councel of the famous City of London, Jan. 14. 1645. Upon which day the Solemne League and Covenant was renewed by them and their officers, with prayer and fasting, at Michael Basing-shaw, London. 4to. pp. 22. London, 1646. BM Self-Surrender unto God, Opened and Applyed, in a Sermon from 2 Chron. xxx. 8. preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at Westminster, at their late solemne fast, February 23. 1647. 4to. pp. 26. E Brewster: London, 1647. BM A Support for the Sinking Heart in Times of Distresse. Or a sermon preached in London, to uphold hope and allay feare, Ianuary 4th. Which was a day of great trouble and deepe danger in the City. 4to. pp. 32. Printed by G. M. and are to be sold by T. Underhill: London, 1642. BM (2 copies) A True Relation, of the most Chiefe Occurrences, at, and since the late battell at Newbery, untill the disjunction of the three armies . . . Published upon necessity, both to undeceive the mistaken multitude, and to vindicate the Earle of Manchester, etc. 4to. pp. 12. G. M. for E. Brewster: London, 1644. BM (2 copies) -------- Said to have published funeral sermon for R. Vines, and Sermon from Gen. xxii. 14. before the Parliament. Backhurst, Theodore (or Theophilus Bathurst) ca. 1586-1651 said to have translated Edmund Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar from English to Latin, but the first edition of this came out in 1597- -when Bathurst was 11 years old. Baylie (Bayly), Thomas. 1582-1663 Thomae Baylaei . . . De Merito Mortis Christi, et Modo Conversionis, Diatribae Duae. Prout ab ipso in Schola Theologica apud Oxonien-publice ad disputatandum propositae fuerunt Maii 8. An. Dom. 1621. Necnon Concio ejusdem ad Clerum. Apud eosdem habita in templo Beatae Mariae, Julii 5 An. D. 1622. 4to. pp. 63. Excudebant J. L. [J. Lichfield] & W. T. [W. Turner], impensis Thomae Huggins: Oxoniae, 1626. BM (2 copies) #Bond, John. ca. 1611- ca. 1680. (replaced Archbishop Ussher) A Doore of Hope, also Holy and Loyall Activity. Two Treatises delivered in several sermons in Excester. 4to. pp. 132. G. M. for John Bartlet: London, 1641. BM Eshcol, or Grapes among Thorns, As they were delivered in a thanksgiving sermon to the Honourable House of Commons. 4to. pp. 44. M. F. for Samuell Gellibrand: London, 1648. BM [Begin]. Exon. Aprill 8. 1643. Having lately seene a pamphlet, etc. [An address disclaiming a publication entitled "A sermon preached in Exon, before the Deputy Livetenants, Captaines, &c. in the county of Devon, by J. Bond."] 4to. Exeter? 1643. BM Occasus Occidentalis: or Job in the West. As it was laid forth in two severall sermons, at two publike fasts, for the five associated westerne counties of England, from Job xix. 21. 4to. pp. 80. J. D. for Fran. Eglesfield: London, 1645. BM Ortus Occidentalis: or, a Dawning in the West. As it was delivered in a sermon from Isai. xxv. 9. before the Honourable House of Commons . . . upon their day of thanksgiving, for severall victories in the west, 22 Aug. 1645. 4to. pp. 47. J. D. for Fr. Eglesfield: London, 1645. BM Salvation in a Mystery: or, A Prospective Glasse for Englands Case. As it was laid forth in a sermon preached from Isai. xlv. 15. before the honourable House of Commons, at their monthly fast, March 27, 1644. 4to. pp. 60. L. N. for Francis Eglesfeild: London, 1644. BM A thanksgiving sermon, from Psal. l. 23. before the House of Commons, 19th of July 1648. 4to. London, 1648. (conceivably could be "Eshcol" above) ^Boulton, Samuel (replaced J. Burroughs, deceased) (none known) Bowles, Oliver. ca. 1577-1644 De Pastore Evangelico Tractatus: in quo universum munus pastorale; tam quoad pastoris vocationem, & praeparationem; quam ipsius muneris exercitium: accurate proponitur, etc. 2 pt. 4to. Apud Samuelem Gellibrand: Londini, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 428. Apud Sa. Gellibrand: Londini, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] Cum praefatione Cornelii a Velzen. 8vo. pp. 25. 506. Groningae, 1739. BM Zeale for Gods House Quickned: or, A Sermon preached from John ii. 17. before the Assembly of Lords, Commons, and Divines, at their solemn fast, Iuly 7. 1643. In the Abbey Church at Westminster; expressing the eminence of zeal requisite in Church- Reformers. 4to. pp. 48. with an epistle dedicatory, of above five pages. Richard Bishop for Samuel Gellibraud: London, 1643. BM Bridge, William. ca. 1600-1670 [preface to] Gospel Marrow, the Great God giving himself for the sons of Men, etc. [by John Brinsley the Younger]. 8vo. 1659. BM [editor of J. Burroughs, Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew; Gospel Conversation; Gospel Worship; The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment] BM [publisher of J. Burroughs, The Eighth Book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs; Gospel Reconciliation; Gospel Remission; Gospel Revelation; The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs; The Saints Happiness; Two Treatises] BM [letter in:] A True Relation of a Great Victory obtained by the Parliament Forces in Lincolnshire . . . Declared in severall letters. One from Colonel Cromwell . . . and another from Master Bridge a minister, to a friend in London, etc. 4to. 1643. BM [co-author] An Apologetical Narration . . . By T. Goodwin . . . W. Bridge. 4to. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] reprinted in Tracts on Liberty in the Puritan Revolution, by William Haller. Vol. 2. pt. 1. 8vo. 1934. BM [co-author] A Copy of a Remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly. By T. Goodwin . . . W. Bridge, etc. 4to. 1647. BM [co-author] The Independents' Declaraion delivered in to the Assembly. By T. Goodwin . . . W. Bridge, etc. 4to. 1647. BM [co-author] The Reasons of the Dissenting Brethren (T. Goodwin, W. Bridge [and others]) against the Third Proposition concerning Presbyterial Government, etc. 4to. 1645, etc. BM The Works of William Bridge. [Edited by W. Greenhill, J. Yates, and W. Adderley.] 4to. 3 vol. Peter Cole: London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition of vol. 1] 4to. pp. 325. Peter Cole: London, 1649. BM Twenty one several Books of Mr. William Bridge. 4to. 2 vol. 9 pt. vol. 1: The Great Gospel Mystery of the Saint's comfort and holiness, opened and applied from Christ's Priestly office. 2. Satan's power to tempt; and Christ's love to, and care of, his people under temptation. 3. Thankfulness required in every condition. 4. Grace for Grace; or, the overflowing of Christ's fulness received by all saints. 5. The Spiritual actings of Faith, through natural Impossibilities. 6. Evangelical Repentance. 7. The spiritual life, and in-being of Christ in all believers. 8. The woman of Canaan. 9. The Saints' Hiding-place in time of God's anger. 10. Christ's coming is at our midnight. 11. A vindication of Gospel Ordinances. 12. Grace and Love beyond Gifts. vol. 2: Scripture-light, the most sure Light. 14. Christ in Travail, and his Assurance of Issue. 15. A Lifting up for the Down-cast. 16. Sin against the Holy Ghost. 17. Sins of Infirmity. 18. The False Apostle Tried and Discovered. 19. The Good and Means of Establishment. 20. The Great Things Faith can do. 21. The Great Things Faith can suffer. Peter Cole: London, 1657. BM The Works of the Rev. William Bridge, M. A. . . . Now first collected. [With a portrait.] 5 vol. 8vo. E. Palmer & Son: London, 1845. BM Seven Sermons by . . . William Bridge . . . Particularly recommended by the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon, to the congregations in connection with her ladyship. 12vo. pp. ii. 225. L. J. Highham: London, 1789. BM -----. [another edition] Valuable Treasure Restored to Light; or, Faith's spoils preserved from oblivion . . . Being seven sermons preached by the Rev. W. Bridge . . . Published by James Osbourn . . . First American edition. 12vo. pp. 260. D. Fanshaw: New York, 1823. BM -----. [another edition] Seven Sermons, etc. 12vo. pp. iv. 250. E. Palmer: London, 1829. BM -----. [another edition] Faith. Seven sermons, etc. 16vo. pp. iv. 268. J. Nisbet & Co.: London, 1836. BM Babylons Downfall: A sermon lately preached at Westminster, from Rev. xiv. 8. before sundry of the Honourable house of Commons. 4to. pp. 34. J. N. for John Rothwell: London, 1641. BM Christs Coming opened in a Sermon before the Honourable House of Commons . . . May 17. 1648, being the day appointed for thanksgiving for the great victory in Wales. 4to. pp. 23. Peter Cole: London, 1648. BM (2 copies) England saved with a Notwithstanding: represented in a sermon to the Honourable House of Commons. . . Novemb. 5. 1647, etc. 4to. pp. 30. For R. Dawlman: London, 1648. BM The Freeness of the Grace and Love of God to Believers discovered . . . Delivered in several sermons by the late . . . W. Bridg. 8vo. pp. 182. For Nath. Crouch: London, 1671. BM The Righteous Man's Habitation in the Time of Plague and Pestilence. Being a brief exposition of the xci Psalm. 8vo. 2 pt. 1665. BM -----. [another edition] 24vo. pp. 121. 1835. BM -----. [another edition] The Saint's Hiding Place in Time of Trouble, Plague, and Pestilence, etc. 18vo. pp. 72. 1853. BM The Saints Hiding Place in the time of Gods anger: Presented in a sermon from Zeph. ii. 3. before the Right Honorable the House of Lords, at Westminster, at their solemne Fast, 28th Oct. 1646. 4to. pp. 33. Peter Cole: London, 1647. BM -----. [another edition] Peter Cole: London, 1647. BM Seasonable Truths in Evil-Times. In several sermons lately preached, in and about London, etc. 8vo. pp. 254. Nath. Crouch: London, 1668. BM A Sermon containing some Comfortable Directions, for such as have been, or may be driven from their Houses, goods, or Country. Preached by William Bridge at great Yarmouth. London, 1642. A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their Publique Fast, Novemb. 29. 1643. from Zech. i. 18, &c. 4to. pp. 32. For R. Dawlman: London, 1643. BM A Sermon preached unto the Voluntiers of the City of Norwich and also to the Voluntiers of Great Yarmouth in Norfolke. 4to. pp. 23. J. F. for Ben. Allen: London, 1642 [1643]. BM The True Souldiers Convoy, a sermon preached...for the Princes good success in going forth to warre. 8vo. pp. 110. For Thomas Lappagde: Rotterdam, 1640. BM The Truth of the Times Vindicated; Whereby the lawfulness of Parliamentary proceedings in taking up of Arms, is justified, Doctor Fernes Reply answered, and the Case in question more fully resolved. 4to. pp. 54. T. P. & M. S. for Ben. Allen: London, 1643. BM Two Sermons: viz., I. The Diseases that make a stoppage to Englands Mercies discovered, and attended with their remedies. In a sermon delievered at Margarets on Fishstreet Hill. II. A preparation for suffering in these Plundering Times. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1642 [1643]. BM A Vindication of Ordinances . . . Unto which is added, Grace and Love beyond Gifts: opened in a sermon before the Lord Mayor of London. 4to. 2 pt. Peter Cole: London, 1650 [1649]. BM The Wounded Conscience Cured, the Weak One strengthened, and the Doubting satisfied. By way of answer to Doctor Fearne: Where the maine point is rightly stated, and Objections thoroughly answered, for the good of those who are willing not to be deceived. 4to. pp. 62. Benjamin Allen: London, 1642 [1643]. BM ----------------- others listed in Reid: Eight sermons of good and bad company. Remains, containing eight sermons. London, 1673. The sinfulness of sin, and fulness of Christ. Ten sermons of God's return to the soul Ten sermons respecting Christ and the covenant. London, 1667. A word to the Aged. *Brownrig, Ralph 1592-1659 Fourty Sermons (Twenty Five Sermons) . . . Published by William Martyn, etc. [With portraits] folio 2 vol. Tho: Roycroft for John Martyn: London, 1661, 64. BM -----. [Another edition] folio 2 vol. E. Cotes for John Martyn & James Allestry: London, 1665, 66. BM -----. [another edition] folio 2 vol. Sixty Five Sermons . . . Published by William Martyn, etc. folio 2 vol. Tho. Roycroft for John Martyn: London, 1674. BM -----. [another edition] Forty Sermons (Twenty Five Sermons) . . . Published by William Martyn. folio 2 vol. Printed by R. Everingham: London, 1685. BM A Sermon on the 5th of November [1659], etc. 12vo. pp. 76. For Roberr [sic] Crofts: London, 1660 [1659]. BM Sermons in Sentences: being selected passages from the sermons of . . . R. Brownrig . . . Edited by Rev. A. A. Toms. 8vo. pp. xii. 93. Field & Tuer: London, [1884]. BM *Bulkeley (Bulkely), Richard ca. 1608-1653 (none known) Burgess (Burgesse), Anthony. ca. 1600-ca. 1663 A Demonstration of the Day of Judgment, against Atheists & Hereticks . . . Preached at St. Pauls, May 11. 1656. 12vo. pp. 70. For T. Underhill: London, 1657. BM The Difficulty of, and Encouragements to a Reformation: A sermon preached from Mark i. 2, 3, before the Honourable House of Commons, at the publike fast, Septem. 27. 1643. 4to. pp. 28. R. Bishop for Thomas Underhill: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) The Doctrine of Original Sin, Asserted & Vindicated against the old and new Adversaries thereof, Socinians, Papists, Arminians, and Anabaptists. And practically improved for the benefit of the meanest capacities. To which is added a digressive Epistle concerning Justification by Faith alone, etc. Folio. pp. 555. Abraham Miller for Thomas Underhill: London, 1659. BM An Expository Commentary on the whole first Chapter of 2 Cor. Folio. pp. 697. London, 1661. Judgments Removed, where Judgment is Executed: A sermon preached from Psalm cvi. 30, 31. to the Court-Martial in Lawrence-Jury, London, 5th of Sept. 1644. Being the day of their solemn seeking of the Lord for his blessing upon their proceedings. 4to. pp. 13. M. Simmons for Thomas Underhill: London, 1644. BM The Magistrate's Commission from Heaven: Declared in a sermon preached from Rom. xiii. 4. in Lawrence-Jury, London, the 28th of Sept. 1644. at the election of the Lord Major. 4to. pp. 20. George Miller for Thomas Underhill: London, 1644. BM One Hundred and forty-five Expository Sermons upon the whole 17th chapter of the Gospel according to John: or, Christ's Prayer before his Passion explained, and both practically and polemically improved. Folio. pp. 672. Abraham Miller for Thomas Underhill: London, 1656. BM Paul's last Farewell, or a Sermon, preached at the Funerall of . . . Mr. Thomas Blake . . . With a funeral Oration made at Mr. Blakes death by Samuel Shaw, etc. 4to. pp. 24. For Abel Roper: London, 1658. BM (2 copies) Publick Affections, Pressed in a sermon preached from Numb. xi. 12. before the Honourable House of Commons . . . upon the solemn day of Humiliation, Febr. 25. 1645. 4to. pp. 23. J. Y. for Thomas Underhill: London, 1646. BM (2 copies) The Reformation of the Church to be endeavored more than that of the Common-Wealth: declared in a sermon preached from Judges vi. 27, 28, 29. before the Right Honourable House of Lords, at the publike fast, Aug. 27. 1645. 4to. pp. 27. G. M. for T. Underhill: London, 1645. BM (3 copies) Romes Cruelty and Apostacie: declared in a Sermon preached from Rev. xix. 2. on the 5th of November, 1644, before the Honourable House of Commons. 4to. pp. 21. George Miller for Tho. Underhill: London, 1645. BM (2 copies) The Scripture Directory, for Church Officers and People: or, A Practical Commentary upon the whole third chapter of the first Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. To which is annexed the Godly and the Natural Man's Choice, upon Psal. 4. vers. 6, 7, 8. 4to. 2 pt. Abraham Miller for T. U.: London, 1659. BM Spiritual Refining: or, A Treatise of Grace and Assurance. Being CXX sermons, etc. Folio pp. 696. A. Miller for Thomas Underhill: London, 1652. BM Spiritual Refining: Part 2. or, A Treatise of Sin, with it's Causes, Differences, Mitigations, and Aggravations. 4to. pp. 368. London, 1654. -----. [another edition] Spirituall Refinings: in two parts. Delivered in CLXI sermons . . . The second edition. folio, 2 pt. J. Streater for T. U.: London, 1658. BM A Treatise of Self-Judging, in order to the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. Together with a Sermon of the generall Day of Judgement. 12vo. 2 pt. J. H. Underhill & M. Keinton: London, 1658. BM The True Doctrine of Iustification Asserted and Vindicated, from the Errors of Papists , Arminians, Socinians, and more especially, Antinomians: In thirty lectures preached at Lawrence-Iury, London. Part I. 4to. pp. 275. Robert White for Thomas Underhill: London, 1648. BM -----. [another edition] The second edition corrected and revised. 4to. pp. 272. A. Miller for Tho. Underhill: London, 1651. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] The third edition. London, 1655 The True Doctrine of Justification asserted & vindicated from the Errours of many, and more especially Papists and Socinians. Or, a Treatise of the Natural Righteousness of God, and Imputed Righteousness of Christ. (A Treatise of Justification. Part II). 4to. pp. 456. For Thomas Underhill: London, 1654. BM (2 copies) [In forty-five sermons.] Vindiciae Legis: or, A Vindication of the Morall Law, and the Covenants, from the Errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and more especially, Antinomians: In twenty-nine lectures, preached at Lawrence-Jury, London. 4to. pp. 271. James Young for T. Underhill: London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] The second edition, corrected and augmented. 4to. pp. 281. James Young for Thomas Underhill: London, 1647). BM Burgess (Burges), Cornelius. ca. 1589-1665 [editor] Reasons shewing the Necessity of Reformation of the Publick 1. Doctrine, 2. Worship, 3. Rites and Ceremonies, 4. Church-Government, and Discipline . . . Humbly offered to the serious consideration of this present . . . Parliament. By divers Ministers of sundry counties in England. 4to. pp. 63. 1660. BM -----. [another edition] 1660. BM -----. [another edition] The second edition, revised and enlarged. 4to. pp. 63. 1661?. BM Another Sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, from Psal. lxxvi. 10. November the fifth, 1641. Wherein, among other things, are shewed A List of some of the Popish Traytors in England. That their Treasons were not occasioned by our Laws, but from Principles of their owne Religion. 4to. pp. 65. Printed by R. B. for P. Stephens & C/ Meridith: London, 1641. BM Baptismall Regeneration of Elect Infants, professed by the Church of England, according to Scriptures, the Primitiue Church, the present Reformed Churches, and many particular divines apart. 4to. pp. 347. I. L. for Henry Curteyn: Oxford, 1629. BM The Broken Title of Episcopall Inheritance. Or, a Discovery of the weake Reply, to the Humble Examination of the Answers to the Nine Reasons of the House of Commons, Against the Votes of Bishops in Parliament, their Lordly Dignity, and Civil Authority. Dedicated to both Houses of Parliament. 4to. pp. 21. London, 1642. BM A Case concerning the Buying of Bishops Lands, with the Lawfulness thereof. And the difference between the contractors for sale of those lands, and the corporation of Wells: ordered, Anno. 1650. to be reported to the then Parliament, with the necessity thereof, since fallen on Dr Burges. 4to. pp. 80. London, 1659. BM -----. [another edition] No Sacrilege nor Sin to Aliene or Purchase the Lands of Bishops, or others, whose offices are abolished. The second edition. [revised and enlarged.] 8vo. pp.188. London, 1659. BM -----. [another edition] No Sacrilege nor Sin to alienate or purchase Cathedral Lands, as such . . . The third edition, revised and abbreviated, for the service of the Parliament: with a postscript to Dr. Pearson (and his No Necessity of Reformation of the Publick Doctrine of the Church of England). 4to. pp. 69. Printed by James Cottrel: London, 1660. BM (2 copies) A Chain of Graces drawn out at length for a Reformation of Manners. Or, A brief Treatise of Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly kindness, and Charity, so far as they are urged by the Apostle, in 2 Pet. i. 5, 6, 7. London, 1622. The Fire of the Sanctuarie newly vncovered; or, A Compleat Tract of Zeale. 12vo. pp. 492. Printed by G. Miller & R. Badger: London, 1625. BM The First Sermon, preached from Jer. l. 5 to The Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at their Publique Fast, Novemb. 17. 1640. 4to. pp. 80. I. L. for P. Stephens & C. Meredith: London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] The third edition revised and corrected by the author. 4to. pp. 48. Printed by Iohn Legatt, for P. Stephens & C. Meredith: London, 1641. BM An Humble Examination of a printed Abstract of the Answers to Nine Reasons of the House of Commons, Against the Votes of Bishops in Parliament, etc. 4to. pp. 77. London, 1641. BM The Necessity of Agreement with God: opened in a sermon from Amos iii. 3. preached to the . . . House of Peers . . . upon the 29th of October, 1645. being the monethly fast, etc. 4to. pp. 51. G. Miller for Philemon Stephens: London, 1645. BM A New Discovery of Personal Tithes: Or, The Tenth Part of Mens cleere gains proued due both in Conscience, and by the lawes of this Kingdome. 12vo. pp. 81. I. L. for William Sheffard: London, 1625. BM Prudent Silence. A sermon from Amos v. 13. preached in Mercer's-chapel to the Lord-Mayor and Citizens, on Jan. 14th, 1648. London, 1660. Sion College, what it is, and doeth. Together with a vindication of that Society from the slanderous diffamations of two . . . satyres, the one called Sion College visited: the other the Pulpit Incendiary. As also a little taste . . . of another young thing of Mr J. Goodwins . . . under the name of NeofutopresbuteroV . . . By C. B.. 4to. pp. 31. 1648. BM Two Sermons Preached from Jer. iv. 14. to the Honourable House of Commons, at two Publike Fasts; the one, March 30. 1642. the other, April 30. 1645. The former, opening the necessity and benefit of washing the heart; the later, discovering the vanity and mischief of an heart unwashed, etc. 4to. pt I. pp. 50. pt II. pp. 53. J. R. for Phil. Stephens: London, 1645. BM Two Sermons preached to the Honourable House of Comons, at two pubike fasts; the one, March 30. 1642; the other, April 30. 1645. etc. 4to. 2 pt. J. R. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1645. BM -----. [printed separately from the above] The Second Sermon, preached to the honourable House of Commons, April 30. 1645, etc. BM [co-signed] A Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel in, and about London, from the unjust Aspersions cast upon their former Actings for the Parliament, etc. 4to. pp. 11. A. M. for Th. Underhill: London, 1648. BM -----. [another edition] [A Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel.] The Presbyterians Not Guilty of the Unjust Charge of being concern'd in the Murther of King Charles I. As appears by their abhorrence of the then proceedings against His Majesty: faithfully printed from the original copy, sign'd by fifty seven of the most eminent Presbyterian minister then possess'd of the parish churches in and about the City of London. With a vindication of moderate Churchmen and Dissenters, from the aspersions cast upon them in the late addresses, &c. That they are men of republican and antimonarchical principles, etc. 8vo. pp. 24. A. Baldwin: London, 1710. BM -----. [another printing] A Vindication of the Ministers of the Gospel, etc. In: A Sermon preach'd to a Congregation of Dissenters, on . . . the Anniversary of the Murther of K. Charles the First, etc. 8vo. 1714. BM A Vindication of the Nine Reasons of the House of Commons, against the Votes of Bishops in Parliament; or, a Reply to the Answers to the said Reasons, in defence of such Votes. London, 1642. Burroughs, Jeremiah. 1599-1646. [co-author] An Apologetical Narration . . . by T. Goodwin . . . J. Burroughs, etc. 4to. 1643. BM -----. reprinted in Tracts on Liberty in the Puritan Revolution. ed, William Haller, vol 2. pt. 1., 1934. BM [co-author] A Copy of a Remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly. By T. Goodwin, I. Burroughs, etc. 4to. 1645. BM [co-author] The Reasons of the Dissenting Brethren (T. Goodwin, J. Burroughs [and others]) against the Third Proposition concerning Presbyterial Government, etc. 4to. 1645. BM [preface to] The Christian's Portion, etc. [by Richard Sibbes]. 12vo. 1638. BM A briefe Answer to Doctor Fernes Booke, tending to resolve Conscience, about the Subjects taking up of Arms. 4to. pp. 14. London, 1642 or 43. BM Christ Inviting Sinners to Come to Him for Rest: Sermons from Mat. xi. 28, 29, 30. In four Books. A thick quarto. London, 1659. The Difference between the Spots of the Godly, and of the Wicked. 8vo. pp. 112. Thomas Parkhurst, London, 1668. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1687. The Eighth Book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs. Being a Treatise of the Evil of Evils, or the Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin . . . Published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Bridge, Sydrach Sympson, William Adderly, William Greenhil, Philip Nye, John Yates. 4to. pp. 537. Peter Cole: London, 1654. BM The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit: Delivered in a treatise upon the 14. of Numbers, verse 24. [With an epistle to the reader signed: W. Gr., i.e., W. Greenhill.] 8vo. pp. 431. M. F. for R. Dawlman & L. Fawne: London, 1638. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 431. London, 1640. BM -----. [another edition] Together with Moses his Self-deniall 8vo. 2 pt. G. Dawson for Francis Eglesfield: London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. London, 1657. [missing Moses his Self-deniall] BM The Excellency of Holy Courage in Evil Times, etc. 4to. pp. 215. Peter Cole and Edward Cole, London, 1661. BM An Exposition of the Prophesie of Hosea. Begun in divers lectures upon the first three chapters, etc. 4to. pp. 750. London, 1643. BM (2 copies) An Exposition with Practical Observations on the Prophecy of Hosea continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of the Prophesy of Hosea. Being first delivered in several lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 700. London, 1650. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations on the Prophecy of Hosea continued upon the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth chapters of the Prophesy of Hosea. Being first delivered in several lectures, etc. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1654, 51. BM (2 copies of part 2) Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew: viz. I. Christ Inviting Sinners to Come to him for Rest. II. Christ the Great Teacher of Souls that Come to him. III. Christ the Humble Teacher of those that Come to him. IIII. The only Easie way to Heaven. 4to. 3 vol. Peter Cole: London, 1659. BM (2 copies) Four Useful Discourses. I. The Art of Improving a full and prosperous Condition, for the Glory of God; an Appendix to the art of Contentment, in three sermons from Phil. iv. 12. II. Christian Submission, from I Sam. iii. 18. III. Christ a Christian's Life; and Death his Gain, Phil. i. 21. IV. The Gospel of Peace sent to the Sons of Peace: Six sermons, from Luke x. 5, 6. 4to. pp. 276. For Thomas Parkhurst: London, 1675. The glorious Name of God, The Lord of Hosts. Opened in two sermons from Isai. xlvii. 4. At Michael's Cornhill, London: Vindicating the commission from this Lord of Hosts, to subjects, in some case, to take up arms. With a postscript, briefly answering a treatise by Henry Ferne, D. D. 4to. pp. 146. For R. Dawlman: London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 2 pt. For R. Dawlman: London, 1643. BM Gospel-Conversation: wherein is shewed, 1. How the conversation of believers in Christ ought to exceed what could be by the light of nature. 2. Beyond those who lived under the law. 3. And suitable to those truths which the gospel reveals: In seven sermons, preached from Phil. i. 27. in the years 1645, and 1646. And three sermons, from John xviii. 36. wherein the nature of Christ's kingdom is explained; and a Gospel-Conversation answerable thereunto is warmly recommended. Unto which is added, The Misery of those Men who have their Portion in this Life, from Psal. xvii. 14. 4to. 2 pt. pp. 372. For Peter Cole: Lonodn, 1648. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. -----. [another edition] Gospel-Conversation . . . Being the third book [of Burroughs Works], etc. 4to. pp. 359. Printed by Peter Cole: London, 1653. BM Gospel-Fear: or the Heart trembling at the Word of God, evidenceth a blessed frame of spirit. Delivered in several sermons, etc. 8vo. pp. 166. J. D. for B. Aylmer: London, 1674. Gospel-Reconciliation: or, Christ's Trumpet of Peace to the World. . . . 2 Cor. v. 18, 19, 20. To which is added two sermons; one from Hos. ii. 14. and another from Prov. xvi. 31. 4to. pp. 451. Printed by Peter Cole: London, 1657. Gospel-Remission: or; A Treatise shewing, that True Blessedness consists in Pardon of Sin. . . Being several sermons preached immediately after those of The Evil of Sin, by the same author. And now published by Philip Nye, William Greenhill, William Bridge, William Adderly, Matth. Mead, C. Helmes. 4to. pp. 220. For Dorr. Newman: London, 1668. BM -----. [another edition] 1674. Gospel-Revelation: In three Treatises. 1. The Nature of God. 2. The Excellencies of Christ. 3. The Excellency of Man's Immortal Soul . . . Published by William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nye, John Yates, Matthew Mead, William Adderly. 4to. pp. 370. For Nath. Brook & Thomas Parkhurst: London, 1660. BM Gospel-Worship: or, The Right Manner of Sanctifying the Name of God in generall. And particularly in these three great ordinances, viz. 1. Hearing the Word. 2. Receiving the Lord's Supper. 3. Prayer. [edited by T. Goodwin, W. Greenhill, W. Bridge, S. Simpson, P. Nye, J. Yates, and W. Adderly. The address to the reader signed by the first five editors.] 4to. pp. 297. Printed by Peter Cole: London, 1648. BM -----. [another edition] Gospel-Worship . . . Being the second of the seven volumes [of Burrough's works], lately published by Thomas Goodwin, William Greenhill, Sydrach Sympson, Philip Nye, William Bridge, John Yates, William Adderly. 4to. pp. 297. Printed by Peter Cole: London, 1653. BM -----. [another edition] 1658. BM Irenicum, to the Lovers of Truth and Peace. Heart-divisions opened, in the causes and evils of them: with cautions that we may not be hurt by them, and endeavours to heal them. 4to. pp. 302. For Robert Dawlman: London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] 1653. BM Jacobs Seed: or the Generation of seekers. And Davids Delight, or the Excellent on earth. 12vo. pp. 156. Printed by Roger Daniel: Cambridge, 1648. BM Jerusalems Glory breaking forth into the World, being a scripture-discovery of the New Testament Church in the latter days immediately before the Second Coming of Christ. [Three Sermons. Edited by William Adderly.] 8vo. pp. 114. For Giles Calvert: London, 1675. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 120. Printed by J. H.; sold by J. Sprint: London, 1697. BM The Miserie of those Men that have their Portion in this Life discovered. [published with "Gospel Conversation"] BM Moses his Choice, with his eye fixed upon heaven: discovering the happy condition of a self-denying heart: Delivered in a treatise upon Heb. xi. 25, 26. 4to. pp. 754. M. F. [Miles Flesher] for R. D. [Robert Dawlman]: London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 722. Printed by John Field; sold by Thomas Eglesfield: London, 1650. BM ----. [another edition] 1659. Moses His Self-Denyall. Delivered in a treatise upon Heb. 11. the 24. verse. 8vo. pp. 262. Printed by T. Paine; sold by H. Overton & T. Nichols: London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 248. J. Dawson for Francis Eglesfeild: London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs: containing three treatises: I. of Precious Faith. II. of Hope. III. The Saints walk by faith on earth; by sight in heaven. Being the last sermons that the author preached at Stepney . . . Published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Bridge, Sydrach Simpson, William Adderly, William Greenhil, Philip Nye, John Yates. 4to. pp. 436. Printed by Peter Cole: London, 1655. BM The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, etc. [Eleven sermons. Edited by T. Goodwin, S. Simpson, W. Greenhill, P. Nye, W. Bridge, J. Yates and W. Adderly.] (The Saints Duty in times of extremity. Opened in a sermon, etc.) 4to. 2 pt. pp. 329. For Peter Cole: London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment . . . The first of the three volumes that are published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Greenhill, etc. (The Saints Duty in Times of extremity). 4to. pp. 329. For Peter Cole: London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. -----. [another edition] London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] 1666. -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 208. Printed by John Streater; sold by Richard Chiswel: London, 1670. BM -----. [another edition] 1685. -----. [another edition] 12vo. pp. 288. R.T.S.: London, 1831. BM -----. [another edition] With a sermon on the Saint's duty in times of extremity . . . Reprinted from the edition of 1655. 8vo. pp. 96. T. Ward & Co.: London, 1840. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. pp. 288. H. G. Bohn: London, 1845. [A reissue of the edition of 1831.] BM The Saints Duty in Times of Extremity. Opened in a sermon . . . occasioned upon the news of extraordinary loss to the Parliaments forces in the west. [published with The Rare Jewell...] BM The Saints Happinesse; Together with the severall steps leading thereunto: delivered in divers lectures on the Beatitudes . . . By Jeremiah Burroughs . . . Being the last sermons that ever he preached. Now published by William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nye, John Yates, William Aderly, Mathew Mead. 4to. pp. 662. M. S. for Nathaniel Brook: London, 1660. BM The Saints Treasury; Holding forth, The incomparable excellency and holiness of God.--Christ's All in All--The glorious enjoyment of Heavenly things by Faith.--The Natural Man's bondage to the Law, and the Christian's liberty by the Gospel.--And a preparation for judgment: Being sundry sermons preached in London. 4to, pp. 131. T. C. for John Wright: London, 1654. BM The Sea-Mans Direction in Time of Storme. Delivered in a sermon from Psalm xclviii. 8. upon occasion of a strong stormie wind lately happening. 8vo. pp. 87. Printed by T. Paine & M. Simmons: London, 1640. BM A Sermon preached before the . . . House of Commons from Mat. v. 6. at their late solemne Fast, August 26. 1646. 4to. pp. 38. Matthew Simmons, for Hanna Allen: London, 1646. BM A Sermon preached before the . . . House of Peeres from Phil. iv. 12. in the Abbey at Westminster, the 26. of Novemb. 1645. Being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation. 4to. pp. 38. For R. Dawlman: London, 1646. BM Sion's Joy: A sermon preached from Isai. lxvi. 10. to the . . . House of Commons . . . at their publique thanksgiving, September 7. 1641. for the peace concluded between England and Scotland. 4to. pp. 64. T. P. [Thomas Payne] & M. S. [Matthew Simmons] for R. Dawlman, and are to be sold by Ben. Alline: London, 1641. BM (2 copies) Speech in Guild-Hall on . . . the sixt of October, 1643. In, Four Speeches delivered in Guild-Hall, etc. 4to. London, 1646. BM A Treatise of the Evil of Evils: or, The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin. 4to. London, 1654. Two Sermons. London, 1643. Two Treatises . . . The first of earthly mindedness . . . The second treatise of conversing in Heaven, and walking with God . . . The fourth volumn published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Greenhil, Sydrach Simpson, Philip Nye, William Bridge, Iohn Yates, William Adderley. 4to. pp. 339. For Peter Cole: London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 1652. BM -----. [another edition] 1656. A Vindication of Mr Burroughes, against Mr Edwards his foule aspersions in his spreading Gangraena, and his angry Antiapologia. Concluding with a briefe declaration what the Independents would have. 4to. pp. 32. For H. Overton: London, 1646. BM #Byfield, Richard. 1598-1664. replaced Dr. Featley, deceased The Doctrine of the Sabbath Vindicated, in a confutation of a treatise of the Sabbath, written by M. Edward Breerwood against M. Nic. Byfield, etc. 4to. pp. 227. Felix Kyngston, for Philemon Stephens & Christopher Meredith: London, 1631. BM (2 copies) The Gospels Glory, without Prejudice to the Law, shining forth in the Glory of God the Father, the Sonne, the Holy Ghost, for the Salvation of Sinners, who through Grace do believe according to the draught of the Apostle Paul in Rom. iii. 24. 8vo. pp. 378. E. M. for Adoniram Byfield: London, 1659. BM The Light of Faith: and, Way of holinesse. Shewing what to belieue, and for what to striue together in all estates and conditions. 12vo. pp. 444. T. H. [T. Harper] for Ph. Stephens and Ch. Meredith: London, 1630. BM The Lord's Day, the Sabbath day. Or a briefe Answer to some materiall passages, in a late Treatise of the Sabbath-day [by Francis White, Bishop of Ely]. Digested dialogue-wise between two Divines A & B . . . The 2. edition much enlarged, with a second part and postscript. [By R. Byfield?] 4to. pp. 62. 1636. BM (2 copies) The Power of the Christ of God: or, a Treatise of Power, as it is originally in God the Father, and by him given to Christ his Sonne, &c. 4to. pp. 46. R. Cotes for Jo. Bellamie & Ralph Smith: London, 1641. BM (2 copies) The Real Way to Good Works. Temple-defilers defiled, wherein a true Visible Church of Christ is described. The evils and pernicious errours, especially appertaining to schisme, anabaptisme and libertinisme, that infest our Church, are discovered . . . Delivered in two sermons preached from I Cor. iii. 17. at the Lecture in Kingston-upon- Thames, Feb. 20. & 27. 1644, etc. 4to. pp. 40. John Field for Ralph Smith: London, 1645. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition without the epistle dedicatory] A Short Treatise describing the true Church of Christ, etc. For Ralph Simth: London, 1653. BM A Treatise of Charity. Zions Answer to the Nations Ambassadors, according to instructions given by Isaiah from Gods mouth: In part unfolded in a sermon preached from Isai. xiv. 32. before the Honourable House of Commons at their solemne fast, Junii 25. 1645. 4to. Printed by John Field for Ralph Smith: London, 1645. BM Calamy, Edmund. 1600-1666. [said to be compiler] Cromwell's Souldier's Bible: being a reprint in facsimile of "The Souldier's Pocket Bible," compiled by E. Calamy, etc. 8vo. 1895. BM [prefatory epistle] A Brief Exposition of the xii Smal Prophets . . . by G. Hutcheson. folio. 1657. BM [preface to] Mr Blake's Answer to Mr Tombes . . . in vindication of the birth-privilege . . . of beleevers, etc. 4to. 1646. BM [address to the reader] The Dead Saint speaking to Saints and Sinners living, etc. [by Samuel Bolton]. folio. 1657. [preface to] The Marrow of Ecclesiastical Historie, etc. [by Samuel Clarke]. 4to. 1650. BM [publisher] The Works of . . . W. Fenner . . . published by his over-seers [i.e., T. Hill and E. Calamy], etc. 8vo. 1651. BM [editor] A Divine Message to the Elect Soule, etc. [by William Fenner; edited with J. Goodwin]. 8vo. 1647. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1676. BM [epistle to the reader] The Soul's Looking-glasse, etc. [by William Fenner] 8vo. 1640. BM [epistle to the reader] A Vindication of the Essence and Unity of the Church Catholike Visible, etc. [By Samuel Hudson] 4to. 1650. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1658. BM [editor] The Christians Duty and Safety in evill times, etc. [by Christopher Love; edited "with others"]. 4to. 1653. BM [editor] The Dejected Soules Cure, etc. [by Christopher Love; edited with others]. 4to. 1657. BM [editor] The Penitent Pardoned, etc. [by Christopher Love; edited with others]. 4to. 1657. BM [editor] The Zealous Christian taking Heaven by Holy Violence, etc. [by Christopher Love; edited with others] 4to. 1657. BM [co-author] An Answer to a Book entitled, An Humble Remonstrance; in which, the Original of Liturgy and Episcopacy is discussed: and Queries propounded concering both. The Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demonstrated. The occasion of their Imparity in Antiquity discovered. The Disparity of the Ancient and our Modern Bishops manifested. The Antiquity of Ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The Prelatical Church bounded. Written by Smectymnuus. 4to. pp. 94. 1641. BM [co-author] Smectymnuus Redivivius . . . Composed by five . . . divines (S. Marshall, E. Calamy, [and others]). 4to. 1669. [epistle to the reader] Clavis Bibliorum. The Key of the Bible, etc. [by Francis Roberts] 8vo. 1656. BM [editor] Christ All and in All, etc. [by Ralph Robinson; edited with others] 8vo. 1656. BM [prefatory note] The Parable of the Ten Virgins, opened and applied, etc. [Thomas Shephard the Elder] 8vo. 1797. BM [epistle to the reader] A Plain and Easie Calculation of the Name, Mark, and Number . . . of the Beast. [By Nathaniel Stephens] Whereunto is prefixed, a commendatory epistle . . . by Mr. E. Calamy. 4to. 1656. BM [dedicatory epistle] The Works of . . . Dr. Thom. Taylor, etc. folio. 1653. BM [signed address] The Penitent Murderer . . . [by Randolph Yearwood] Whereunto is annexed a serious advice to the inhabitants o fLondon from many reverend ministers thereof. [signed by E. Calamy and others]. 8vo. 1657. BM [co-author] Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici, et Anglicani. 1654. [co-author] Vindication of the Presbyterial Government and Ministry. 1650. An Answer to the Articles against Master Calamy, Master Martiale, Master Burton, Master Peters, Master Moleigne, Master Case, M. Sedgwicke, M. Evans, &c. and many other painfull divines who were impeached of high treason by his Majesty. First Answering particularly the articles themselves, then shewing the mis- information of his Majestie by the bishops, concerning the same, etc. 4to. pp. 5. For William Bond: London, 1642. BM The Art of Divine Meditation. Or, a Discourse of the nature, necessity, and excellency thereof. With motives to . . . the better-performance of that most important Christian duty. In several sermons on Gen. 24. 63. 8vo. pp. 208. For Tho. Parkhurst: London, 1680. The City Remembrancer. Or, a Sermon preached to the native citizens, of London, at their solemn assembly in Pauls . . . the 23 of June, A.D. mdclvii. 12vo. pp. 74. S. G. for John Baker: London, 1657. BM The Doctrine of the Bodies Fragility; with a Divine Project, discovering how to make these vile bodies of ours glorious by getting gracious souls: a sermon preached from Phil. iii. 21. at the funeral of Dr Samuel Bolton. [A surreptitious edition of "The Saints Transfiguration"] London, 1655. BM The Door of Truth opened: or a Brief narrative of . . . how Mr Henry Burton came to shut himself out of the church-doors of Aldermanbury . . . In answer to a paper called, Truth shut out of Doors, etc. 4to. pp. 18. London, 1646. BM Eli trembling for fear of the Ark. A sermon, preached at St. Mary Aldermanbury, Dec. 28. 1662: by E. Calamy, B. D. late minister there: upon the preaching of which he was committed prisoner to . . . Newgate . . . Together with the Mittimus and manner of his imprisonment, annexed hereunto. 4to. pp. 19. Oxford, 1663. BM Englands Antidote against the Plague of Civil Warre. Presented in a sermon from Acts xvii. 30. before the Honourable House of Commons, on their late extraordinary solemne fast, October 22. 1644. 4to. pp. 45. I. L. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1645. BM England's Looking-Glasse, presented in a sermon from Jer. xviii. 7-10. preached before the . . . House of Commons, at their late solemn Fast, December 22. 1641. 4to. pp. 62. L. Raworth for Chr. Meredith: London, 1642. BM -----. [another edition] fourth . . . edition. 4to. pp. 32. For Cadwallader Greene: London, 1642. BM The Godly Mans Ark, or, City of Refuge, in the Day of his Distresse. Discovered in divers sermons, the first of which was preached at the funerall of Mistresse Elizabeth Moore . . . Hereunto are annexed Mris. Moores evidences for heaven, etc. 8vo. pp. 254. For Jo. Hancock & Tho. Parkhurst: London, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] second edition, corrected and amended. 1658. BM -----. [another edition] third edition, London, 1661. -----. [another edition] fourth edition, London, 1664. -----. [another edition] seventh edition, London, 1672. -----. [another edition] eighth edition, corrected and amended. 12vo. pp. 34 [221] London, 1678. BM [Cropped] -----. [another edition] 1682. -----. [another edition] seventeenth edition, corrected and amended. 12vo. pp. 142. London, 1693. BM -----. [another edition] 1709. -----. [another edition] New edition. [The editor's preface signed: M. F. Without the "Brief Repetition, etc.] 16vo. pp. v. 208. BM A Brief Repetition of what was said of Mris. Elizabeth Moore at her Burial. [Being pp. 195-221 of an edition of "The Godly Mans Ark".] 16vo. 1656?. BM Gods Free Mercy to England, presented as a pretious, and powerful motive to humiliation in a sermon preached from Ezek. xxxvi. 32. before the . . . Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Feb. 23. 1641. 4to. pp. 50. For Christopher Meredith: London, 1642. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 51. London, 1642. BM The Great Danger of Covenant-refusing, and Covenant-breaking. Presented in a sermon preached from 2 Tim. iii. 3. Truce- breakers; or, Covenant-breakers, before the Lord Mayor of the City of London, with the Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Common Council of that city, at Michael Bassingshaw, London, Jan. 14. 1645. Upon which day the the Solemne League and Covenant was renued by them. 4to. pp. 40. M. F. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] A Phenix or the solemn League and Covenant, etc. 12vo. 1661. BM -----. [another edition] The Memorial of the Presbyterians, exemplified in the Solemn League and Covenant, etc. 4to. 1706. BM The Happinesse of those who Sleep in Jesus . . . Delivered in a sermon preached at the funeral of . . . the Lady Anne Waller . . . Oct. 31, 1661. 4to. pp. 32. J. H. for Nathanael Webb: London, 1662. BM (2 copies) An Indictment against England because of her self-murdering Divisions; together with an exhortation to an England-preserving unity and concord. Presented a sermon preached from Mat. xii. 25. before the . . . House of Lords . . . at the late solemn fast. Dec. 25. 1644. [With "a catalogue of the sermons preached and printed by order of both or either Houses of Parliament from January 1643 to January 1644."] 4to. pp. 41. I. L. for C. Meredith: London, 1645. BM A Just and Necessary Apology against an unjust Invective, published by Mr Henry Burton in a late book of his, entituled, Truth still Truth, though shut out of doors. 4to. pp. 12. For Christopher Meredith: London, 1646. BM (2 copies) Master E. Calamies Leading Case [On his being committed to Newgate by the Lord Mayor for an unlawful sermon]. 4to. pp. 16. London, 1663. BM Mr. Edmond Calamy his speech in Guild-Hall . . . the sixt of October, 1643. in Four Speeches in the Guild-Hall. 4to. 1646. BM The Monster of sinful self-seeking anatomized; together with a description of the heavenly and blessed self-seeking: a sermon from Phil. ii. 21. at Paul's Dec. 10th 1654. 4to. pp. 34. London, 1655. The Noble-Mans Patterne of true and reall Thankfulnesse: Presented in a sermon from Josh. xxiv. 15. before the Right Honourable House of Lords, at their late solemne day of thanksgiving, June 15 1643 for the discovery of a dangerous, desperate, and bloody design, tending to the utter subversion of the Parliament and the famous City of London. 4to. pp. 59. G. M. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1643. BM Of the Resurrection. in Thomas Case, The Morning Exercise Methodized, etc. 4to. 1660. BM -----. [another edition] in Samuel Annesley, The Morning Exercises, etc. vol. 5. 8vo. 1844. BM A Patterne for all, especially for Noble and Honourable Persons, to teach them how to die nobly and honourably. Delivered in a sermon preached at the solemne interment of the corps of the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Warwick . . . May 1. 1658, etc. 4to. pp. 39. For Edward Brewster: London, 1658. BM (4 copies) The Saints Rest: or their happy Sleep in Death. As it was delivered in a sermon, Aug. 24, 1651. 4to. pp. 19. Printed by A. M.: London, 1651. BM -----. [another edition] A Sermon preached from Acts vii. 60. at Aldermanbury, London, 24th Aug. 1651, Being a funeral sermon for Mr Love on the Sabbath Day following after he was executed, etc. For G. Horton: London, 1651. BM -----. [another edition] With a Christians Duty and Safety in evill times, etc. [by Christopher Love] 8vo. 1653. BM The Saints Transfiguration: or, the Body of Vilenesse changed into a Body of Glory. A sermon preached . . . at the funeral of . . . Dr Samuel Bolton . . . With a short account of his death . . . To which are annexed verses upon his death, composed by divers of his friends, etc. 4to. pp. 35. For Joseph Cranford: London, 1655. BM (3 copies) A sermon at the funeral of the Earl of Warwick, 1658. Sermon . . . August 17. 1662.--The Righteous Man's Death Lamented. A sermon, preached at St. Austins, London, August 23. 1662. from Isai. lvii. 1. at the funeral of . . . Mr Simeon Ashe, etc. 8vo. London, 1662. BM Farewell Sermons preached by Mr. Calamy, Dr. Manton [and others] . . . Together with Mr. Calamies sermon at the funeral of Mr. Ash. His serm. Decemb. 28. at Aldermanbury . . . Revised and corrected, etc. 4to. 1663. BM Mr. Calamy's Sermon, preached, August 17. 1662. -- Mr. Calamy's Sermon at the funeral of Mr. Ash. -- Mr. Calamy's Sermon, preached December 28. 1662. in A Compleat Collection of Farewell Sermons . . . With Dr. Wilde's poem on Mr. Calamy's imprisonment, etc. 8vo. 1663. BM Mr Calamy's Sermon preached August 17, 1662. -- Mr. Calamy's Sermon [on Eli, preached 28. Dec. 1662]. in Farewell Sermons of some of the most Eminent of the Nonconformist Ministers, etc. 8vo. 1816. BM Sermon in the Morning-Exercise at St Giles's upon the Resurrection of the Dead, from Acts xxvi. 8. Two Solemne Covenants made between God and Man . . . Clearly laid open, distinguished, and vindicated, etc. 4to. pp. 14. For Thomas Banks: London, 1647. BM (2 copies) [Extracts from E. Calamy's "Indictment against England," "Speech at Guildhall, October the sixth, 1643," "The Noble-Mans Patterne," and "A Just and Necessary Apology."] in Evangelium Armatum. A specimen . . . of . . . doctrines . . . preached . . . by . . . Mr. Calamy, Mr. Jenkins, etc. 4to. 1663. BM Mr. Edmund Calamy his Exhortations to the Service of the Lord. -- Divine Sentences, collected from the works of Mr. E. Calamy, lately deceased. 8vo. 1674. BM Old Mr. E. Calamy's Former and Latter Sayings upon several Occasions. Folio. For W. B.: London, 1674. BM *Capel, Richard 1586-1656 [editor] Salomon's Recantation . . . or the Booke of Ecclesiastes briefly . . . explained . . . [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1627. BM -----. [another edition] 1628. BM [editor] A Short and sweete Exposition upon the first nine chapters of Zachary. [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1629. BM [dedicatory letter to] De formarum origine . . . Editio posthuma. [by William Pemble]. 12vo. 1650? BM [editor] A Fruitfull Sermon on 1. Cor. 15. 18, 19. [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1629. BM [publisher] An Introduction to the worthy Receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper . . . [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1628. BM -----. [another edition] 1629. BM [publisher] The Period of the Persian Monarchie . . . Published and enlarged . . . by R. Capel. [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1631. BM [editor] Tractatus de Providentia Dei, etc. [by William Pemble]. 12vo. 1631. BM [editor] Vindiciae Fidei, or a Treatise of Iustification by Faith, etc. [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1625. BM [dedicatory epistle to] Vindiciae Gratiae. A plea for grace, etc. [by William Pemble]. 4to. 1627. BM -----. [another edition] 1629. BM Tentations; Their Nature, Danger, Cure . . . To which is added a Briefe Dispute, as touching Restitution in the Case of Usury. [With a Preface R. Sibbes.] 12vo. pp. 456. Printed by R. B.: London, 1633. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition, corrected. R. B. for Iohn Bartlet: London, 1635. BM -----. [another edition] Third edition corrected. 3 pt. R. B. for Iohn Bartlet: London, 1636, 1637. (Part 3 is of the second edition, printed by R. Y. for Iohn Bartlet) BM -----. [another edition] Sixth edition. The fourth part of the work left enlarged by the Author, and now there is added his Remains to the work of Tentations. To which thous hast prefixed an abridgment of the Authours life by V. Marshall. [With a preface by R. Sibbes.] 8vo. 5 pt. Tho. Ratcliffe for Iohn Bartlet: London, 1658, 1655. BM -----. [another copy of pt. 4]. BM -----. [another issue of the "Remains"] 8vo. London, 1658. BM Carter, Thomas c. 1585-c. 1646 Prayers Prevalencie for Israels Safety: Declared in a sermon preached from Exod. xxxii. 9, 10. before the . . . Honourable House of Commons, at the late solemne fast, June 28. 1643. 4to. pp. 38. Printed by Richard Cotes; sold by John Bellamie and Ralph Smith: London, 1643. BM Carter, Wiliam. 1605-1658 [co-author] A Copy of a Remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly. By T. Goodwin . . . and W. Carter, etc. 4to. 1645. BM [co-author] The Reasons of the Dissenting Brethren (T. Goodwin . . . W. Carter) against the third proposition, concerning Presbyterial Government, etc. 4to. 1645, etc. BM The Covenant of God with Abraham, opened. Wherein 1. The Duty of Infant-Baptism is cleared. 2. Something added concerning the Sabbath, and the nature and increase of the Kingdom of Christ. Together with a short discourse concerning the manifestations of God unto his people in the last dayes, etc. 4to. pp. 176. T. C. for John Rothwell: London, 1654. BM Israels Peace with God, Benjamines Overthrow. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, August 31. 1642. 4to. pp. 44. For Giles Calvert: London, 1642. BM Light in Darknesse: discovered in a sermon preached from Psal. lxv. 5. before the . . . House of Commons, November 24. 1647, being the day of their publick fast. 4to. pp. 31. M. Simmons, for Giles Calvert: London, 1648. BM *Mr. Carter. unknown (none known) Caryl, Joseph. 1602-1673. "had a hand in" An English Greek Lexicon, containing the derivations and various significances of all the Words in the New Testament . Oct. 1661. [papers in] Reliquiae sacrae Carolinae, etc. (The Papers which passed between His Majesty and Mr. Marshall, Mr. Vines, Mr. Caril, and Mr. Seaman . . . concerning Church-Government and Episcopacy.) 8vo. 1649. BM [papers in] New Propositions . . . betwixt the Kings Majesty, and Mr. Marshall and Mr. Caryll: concerning the Presbyteriall Government, etc. 4to. 1647. BM [co-editor] The Saint's Anchor-hold, in all Storms and Tempests, etc. [by John Davenport; edited with William Hooke]. 12vo. 1661. BM [editor] A Late and Further Manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. [by John Eliot]. 4to. 1655. BM -----. [another edition] 1660. BM [co-author] His Majesties Paper containing several Questions propounded to the Commissioners Divines, touching Episcopacy. With an humble answer returned to His Majesty by Mr. Marshall, Mr. Vines, Mr. Caryl and Mr. Seaman, 4 October 1648. 4to. 1648. BM [editor] Husbandry Spiritualized, etc. [by John Flavell]. 4to. 1669. BM -----. [another edition] 1674. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1810. BM [preface to] Honey on the Rod, etc. [by Elizabeth Major]. 12vo. 1656. BM [preface to] A Cluster of Canaans Grapes, etc. [by Robert Tichborne]. 4to. 1657. BM [letter in] A Fresh Discovery of the High Presbyterian Spirit, etc. [by John Goodwin]. 4to. 1654. BM The Arraignment of Unbelief, as the Grand Cause of our Nationall Non-establishment: cleared in a sermon to the Honourable House of Commons, from Isai. vii. 9. the latter part of the verse, the 28th of May 1645. 4to. pp. 48. G. Miller for Giles Calvert: London, 1645. BM (2 copies) Caryl on the Judgments of War. The Church's Duty, and the Nation's Danger: or, the Punishment of the sword, a judgment from Heaven, etc. 8vo. pp. 19. Houlston & Stoneman: London, 1854. BM David's Prayer for Solomon; containing the proper endowments and duty royall of a king, with the consequent blessings upon a kingdom. Delivered in a sermon from Psal. lxxii. 1-3. before the Lord Mayor at Christ-Church, London, upon the 27th. of March, 1643. Being the commemoration of His Majesties inauguration. 4to. pp. 38. G. M. for Giles Calvert: London, 1643. BM England's Plus Ultra, both of Hoped Mercies, and of Required Duties: shewed in a sermon preached from Psal. cxviii. 17. to the . . . Houses of Parliament, the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and Common-council of London, together with the Assembly of Divines, at Christ Church, April 2. 1646, being the day of their publike thanksgiving . . . for the great successe of the Parliaments army in the west, especially in Cornwall, under the conduct of his excellency Sr T. Fairfax. 4to. pp. 42. G. M. for John Rothwell & Giles Calvert: London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 39. Printed by T. F. for John Rothwell & Giles Calvert: London, 1646. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations upon the first three chapters of the Book of Iob. Delivered in XXI lectures, at Magnus neare the Bridge, London. 4to. pp. 479. G. Miller for Henry Overton: London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 1644. BM -----. [another edition] Printed by S. Simmons; to be sold by N. Ranew & J. Robinson: London, 1669. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chapters of the Booke of Job: being the substance of XXXV. lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 725. G. Miller, for H. Overton: London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] For L. Fawne: London, 1656. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the eighth, ninth and tenth chapters of the Book of Job: being the sum of thirty two lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 587. Printed by M. Simmons; to be sold by George Calvert: London, 1669. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations; continued upon the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of the Book of Job: being the summe of XXXV. lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 672. For Thomas Sawbridge: London, 1670. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth chapters of the Book of Job: being the summe of twenty three lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 538. Printed by Matthew Simmons; to be sould by Edward Dod & Nathanael Ekins: London, 1653. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-one [sic] chapters of the Book of Job: being the summe of forty-two lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 841. Printed by M. Simmons; to be sould by Joseph Cranford: London, 1658. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth chapters of the Book of Job: being the summe of thirty-seven lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 826. Printed by M. Simmon; to be sould by John Allen & Joseph Barber: London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] M. Simmons: London, 1659. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the twenty-seventh, the twenty-eighth, and twenty-ninth chapters of the Booke of Job: being the substance of twenty six lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 628. M. S., for Elisha Wallis: London, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] M. Simmons; to be sold by William Birch: London, 1670. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the thirtieth and thirty first chapters of the Booke of Job: being the substance of thirty-seven lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 769. M. Simmons for Elisha Walsh: London, 1659. BM (2 copies) An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the thirty second, the thirty third, and the thirty fourth chapters of the Book of Job: being the substance of forty nine lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 863. M. Simmons, for Giles Widdowes: London, 1669. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, and thirty-seventh chapters of the Book of Job: being the substance of thirty-five lectures. 4to. pp. 650. Printed by M. Simmons: London, 1664. BM An Exposition with Practical Observations continued upon the thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth, fortieth, forty-first, and forty- second . . . chapters of the Book of Job: being the substance of fifty-two lectures, etc. 4to. pp. 1036. Printed by M. & S. Simmons: London, 1666. BM Fast and Thanksgiving sermon before the Parliament, Aug. and Oct. 1659. A Fast sermon before the House of Commons, 29th July, 1646. Fast sermon before the Parliament, 24th Sept. 1656. Heaven and Earth Embracing; or, God and Man Approaching: shewed in a sermon preached from Jam. iv. 6. the former part of the verse, before the Honourable House of Commons, upon the day of their publike Fast, at Margaret's Westminster. 4to. pp. 44. G. M. for George Hurlock & Giles Calvert: London, 1646. BM (2 copies) Joy Out-joyed: or, Joy in overcoming evil spirits and evil men, overcome by better joy: set forth in a sermon preached from Luke x. 20. to the Right Honourable the Lords . . . at Martin's in the Fields, upon the day of their solemn rejoycing and praising God, for reducing the City of Chester, by the forces of the Parliament, under the command of Sr W. Brereton, Feb. 19, 1645. 4to. pp. 30. G. M. for John Rothwel & Giles Calvert: London, 1646. BM Memorable Dayes and Workes of God, in the yeare past 1645. Or, a Catalogue of the cities, castles . . . that have beene taken by the Parliaments Forces since Ianuary last. 4to. 1646. BM [probably] The Mystery of Godlines . . . By I. C., the meanest labourer in Christ's vineyard. 8vo. pp. 52. 1654. BM The Nature and Principles of Love, as the end of the Commandment. Declared in some of the last sermons of Mr. J. Caryl. With an epistle prefixed by John Owen. 8vo. pp. 125. Printed & sold by John Hancock, Sen. & Jun.: London, 1673. BM The Nature, Solemnity, Grounds, Property, and Benefits of a Sacred Covenant. Together with the Duties of those who enter into such a Covenant. Delivered in a sermon from Neh. ix. 38. preached at Westminster, at that publique Convention, ordered by the Honourable House of Commons, for taking of the Covenant, by all such, of all degrees, as willingly presented themselves, upon Friday, Octob. 6. 1643. 4to. pp. 43. E. G. for J. Rothwell, & G. Calvert: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) The Oppressor Destroyed. As it was delivered in a sermon at Pauls, Septem. 21. 1651. Preached before the Lord Mayor from Psal. cxix. 134. . . it being a sermon in commemoration of the 3d of Sept. on which day it pleased the Lord to vouchsafe a wonderfull victorie to the parliaments forces before Worchester, etc. 4to. pp. 16. Printed by J. B. at the request of divers friends: London, [1651]. BM Peter's Pattern: or, the Perfect path to worldly happiness. As it was delivered in a funeral sermon preached at the interrment of Mr. Hugh Peters . . . By I. C. . . . one of the Triers. [A satire.] 4to. pp. 13. 1659. The Present Duty and Endeavor of the Saints. Openend in a sermon at Pauls from Eph. v. 10. upon the Lord's-day, Dec. 14th, 1645. 4to. pp. 39. T. Forcet for George Hurlock: London, 1646. BM The Saints Thankfull Acclamation at Christs Resumption of his Great Power and the Initials of his Kingdome. Delivered in a sermon at Westminster, from Rev. xi. 16, 17. before the Honourable House of Commons, upon the day of their solemne thanksgiving unto God, for the great victory given our armie under the command of the noble Lord Fairfax, at Selby in Yorkshire and to other the parliaments forces in Pembrockshire, April 23d, 1644. 4to. pp. 50. G. M. for Giles Calvert: London, 1644. BM Mr. Caryl's Sermon, preached from Rev. iii. 4. August 17, 1662. in A Compleat Collection of Farewell Sermons, etc. 8vo. London, 1663. BM -----. [another edition] in Farewell Sermons of some of the most Eminent of the Nonconformist Ministers, etc. 8vo. 1816. BM A Sermon pressing to, and directing in, that great Duty of praising God. Preached to the Parliament, at Margaret's Westminster, Octob: 8. 1656, from Psal. cxi. 1-5. being the day of their solemn thanksgiving to God for that late successe given . . . against the Spanish Fleet in its return from the West Indies. 4to. pp. 39. Printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sould by John Hancock: London, 1657. BM The Workes of Ephesus Explained in a sermon from Rev. ii. 2, 3. before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, April 27th, 1642. 4to. pp. 60. For John Bartlet & William Bladen: London, 1642. BM Mr. Caryls Palm-Tree Christian.--Mr. Caryls Practical and Experimental Considerations, and Characters of the Real Christian.--Mr. Caryl on Gospel-Charity.--The Heart Anatomized.-- Mr. Caryl's Divine Sentences: or, a guide to an holy life. In, Saints Memorials . . . Being, a collection of divine sentences . . . By . . . Mr. E. Calamy, Mr. J. Caryl, etc. 8vo. 1674. BM Case, Thomas. 1598-1682. [co-editor] The Morning Exercise at Cripplegate [edited by S. Annesley], St. Giles in the Fields [edited by T. Case], etc. 8vo. 1844. BM [two sermons in] The Morning Exercises, etc. vol. 5. [edited by Samuel Annesley]. 8vo. 1844. BM 'Agiw-mimesiV. The imitation of the saints opened in some practical meditations, upon the death of Mrs. Anne Browne, etc. 8vo. pp. 88. Printed by A. M.: London, 1666. BM `Asarkokaukhma, or the Vanity of Vaine-Glory open'd in a sermon preached at the funeral of Kingsmel Lucy Esq. 16vo. pp. 115. T. R. & E. M. for Robert Gibbs: London, 1655. BM Correction, Instruction: or, A Treatise of afflictions: first conceived by way of private meditations, afterward digested into certain sermons . . . and now published for the help and comfort of humble suffering Christians. [With a commendatory letter by T. Manton]. 12vo. pp. 287. J. M. for Luke Fawn: London, 1652. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition, corrected and enlarged, London, 1653. -----. [another edition] 1671. -----. [another edition] A new edition, corrected and somewhat abridged. 8vo. pp. xvi. 151. T. Williams: London, 1802. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. pp. 178. R.T.S.: London, 1832. BM Deliverance-Obstruction: or, The Set-backs of Reformation: Discovered in a sermon from Exod. v. 22, 23. before the House of Peers . . . upon the monthly fast, 26th March, 1646. 4to. pp. 42. Ruth Raworth for Luke Fawne: London, 1646. BM Elijah's Abatement: or, Corruption in the Saints. Discovered and distinguished in a sermon preached at Chatham in Kent from James v. 17 at the funeral of that faithful minister . . . Mr Gualter Roswell. 12vo. pp. 135. E. T. for Luke Fawn: London, 1658. BM Funeral sermon for Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, 1659. Gods Rising, His Enemies Scattering; delivered in a sermon from Psal. lxviii. 1, 2. before the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemne fast, 26. Octob. 1642, etc. 4to. pp. 51. J. R. for Luke Fawn: London, 1644. BM Gods Waiting to be Gracious unto his People: Together with Englands encouragements and cautions to wait on God. Delievered in certaine sermons at Milk-street, London, from Isai. xxx. 18. 4to. pp. 168. Felix Kingston for Luke Fawne: London, 1642. BM Jehoshaphats Caveat to his Judges. Delivered in a sermon from 2 Chron. xix. 6, 7. before the Commissioners for the Court- Martiall, 17th Aug. 1644. 4to. pp. 31. Felix Kingston for Luke Fawne: London, 1644. BM A Model of True Spiritual Thankfulnesse. Delivered in a sermon from Psal. cvii. 30, 31. before the . . . House of Commons, upon their day of thanksgiving, Feb. 19. 1645, for the great mercy of God, in the surrender of the citie of Chester into the hands of the Parliaments forces . . . under the command of Sir W. Brereton. 4to. pp. 36. Ruth Raworth for Luke Fawne: London, 1646. BM The Morning Exercise, or Some short notes taken out of the Morning-Sermons which divers reverend ministers preached in Giles in the Fields, during the moneth of May, 1655. By T. Case. [with a preface by Thomas Manton]. 12vo. pp. 115. T. R. & E. M. for Robert Gibbs: London, 1655. BM The Morning Exercise Methodized; or Certain chief heads and points of the Christian religion opened and improved in divers sermons by several Ministers of the City of London, in the monthly course of the morning exercise at Giles in the Fields, etc. [Compiled and edited by T. Case.] 4to. pp. 667 [697]. E. M. for Ralph Smith: London, 1660 [1659]. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 517. R. W. for Ralph Smith: London, 1676. BM Mount Pisgah: or, A Prospect of Heaven. Being an exposition on the fourth chapter of the first epistle . . . to the Thessalonians, from the 13th verse, to the end of the chapter. [With a letter to the author by Thomas Manton.] 4to. 2 pt. Thomas Milbourne for Dorman Newman: London, 1670. BM Of Sabbath Sanctification. in A Supplement to the Morning Exercise, etc. [edited by Samuel Annesley.] 4to. 1676. BM -----. [another edition] in The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, etc. vol. 2. 8vo. 1844. BM The Quarrell of the Covenant, with the Pacification of the Quarrell. Delivered in three sermons from Lev. xxvi. 25. and Jer. l. 5. 4to. pp. 102. For Luke Fawne: London, 1644 [1643]. BM -----. [another edition] Glasgow, 1741. -----. [another edition] Glasgow, 1799. The Root of Apostacy, and Fountain of true Fortitude. Delivered in a sermon from Dan. xi. 32. before rhe [sic] . . . House of Commons, on their late day of thanks-giving (April 9, 1644) for the great Victory given to Sir W. Walter . . . against the army of Sir R. Hopton. 4to. pp. 34. J. R. for Luke Fawne: London, 1644. BM The Saints, Gods Precious Treasure. Opened in a sermon . . . at the funeral of that hopeful young gent. Darcy Wyvil Esq., etc. 12vo. pp. 80. Robert Gibs: London, 1659 [1658]. BM Sensuality Dissected: or, the Epicure's motto opened, censured, improved: in a sermon preached to divers citizens of London, born in Kent in Paul's Church, on the 9. of June, 1657. 12vo. pp. 92. T. N. for R. Gibbs: London, 1657. BM Sermon. [17 Aug. 1662.] in A Compleat Collection of Farewell Sermons, etc. 8vo. 1663. BM -----. [another edition] in The London-Ministers Legacy, etc. 8vo. 1662. BM -----. [another edition] in Farewell Sermons of some of the most eminent of the Nonconformist Ministers, etc. 8vo. 1816. BM A Sermon preached before the . . . House of Commons . . . August 22. 1645. Being the day appointed for their solemn thanksgiving unto God for his several mercies to the forces of the Parliament in divers parts of the kingdome, etc. 4to. pp. 34. Ruth Raworth for Luke Fawne: London, 1645. BM Spirituall Whordome Discovered, in a sermon preach'd before the . . . House of Commons . . . from Hos. ix. 1. upon the solemn day of humiliation, May 26. 1647. 4to. pp. 39. J. Macock for Luke Fawne: London, 1647. BM Two sermons lately preached from Ezek. xx. 25. and Ezra x. 23. at Westminster before sundry of the . . . House of Commons. 4to. pp. 31. 56. I. Raworth for Luke Fawne: London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] The second edition. Corrected by the author, etc. 4to. pp. 24. 40. Printed by J. Raworth for Luke Fawn: London, 1642. BM #Cawdrey, Daniel. 1588-1664. replaced Dr. Harris [epistle in] Praedestination . . . defended against Post- destination . . . To which are prefixed the epistles of Dr. E. Reynolds, and Mr. D. Cawdrey. 4to. 1656. BM [co-author] Sabbatum Redivivum: or, The Christian Sabbath Vindicated; in a full discourse concerning the Sabbath and the Lord's Day: wherein whatsoever hath been written of late, for, or against the Christian Sabbath is exactly, but modestly, examined: and the perpetuity of a Sabbath deduced, from grounds of nature, and religious reason . . . Divided into four parts. Part I. Of the Decalogue in generall, and other laws of God, together with the relation of time to religion. 4to. pp. 368. Robert White, for Thomas Underhill: London, 1645. BM [A large and elaborate work, in two quarto volumes. The first Part by him and Mr Herbert Palmer; the second Part by Mr Cawdrey alone.] [co-author] Sabbatum Redivivium . . . The second part. Of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue in speciall. (The third part. In three questions concerning the old Sabbath. The fourth part. In three questions concerning the Lords day.) 4to. pp. 682. Thomas Maxey, for Samuel Gellibrand & Thomas Underhill: London, 1652. BM The Account Audited and Discounted; or, a Vindication of the Diatribe against Doctor Hammonds Paradiatribees. By D. C. 8vo. pp. 438. 1658. BM An Assize sermon at Northampton, in 1627, from Psal. lxix. 9. Bowing towards the Altar, upon Religious Reasons, impleaded as grossely superstitious. Being an answer to Dr Duncons Determination, lately reprinted. 4to. pp. 31. For J. Rothwell: London, 1661. BM Church-Reformation promoted: in a sermon on Matth. 18. vers. 15, 16, 17. Preached at Northampton . . . As also. 1. Some Animadversions upon Mr. Humphry's second Vindication, for promiscuous admission to the Sacrament. 2. Some Animadversions upon Mr. Sanders his Antidiatribe, tending to the same end of Church-Reformation. 8vo. pp. 192. W. Wilson, for John Wright: London, 1657. BM Diatribe triplex: or a Threefold Exercitation, concerning 1, superstition; 2, will worship; Christmas festivall; with . . . Dr. Hammond. 8vo. pp. 204. For John Wright: London, 1654. BM An Essay against Usury. Family Reformation Promoted. Small book, London, 1656. The Goodman a publick good; 1, passively; 2, actively, as it was manifested in a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at the late solemne fast, Jan. 31. 1643. 4to. pp. 43. T. Harper, for C. Greene & P. W.: London, 1643. BM The Grand Case, with Reference to the New Conformity. Humilitie, the Saints Liuerie; or, the Habit of humilitie, the grace of graces: fetched out of the wardrobe of Saint Paul. As it was deliuered . . . in two sermons at Blacke-Fryers in London, etc. 4to. pp. 51. John Haviland, for Edward Brewster: London, 1624. BM The Inconsistencie of Independent way with Scripture and it self; manifested in a threefold discourse: 1, Vindiciae Vindiciarum with M. Cotton; 2, a review of M. Hookers Survey of Church- discipline: the first part; 3, a diatribe with the same M. Hooker, concerning baptism of infants, etc. 4to. pp. 219. A. Miller, for C. Meredith: London, 1651. BM Independencie a great Schism: proved against Dr. Owen his Apology in his tract of schism; as also an appendix to the former discourse, shewing the inconsistancy of the Dr. etc. 8vo. pp. 229. [249]. J. S. for John Wright: London, 1657. BM Independency further proved to be a Schism. Or, a Survey of Dr. Owens Review of his Tract of Schism; with a Vindication of the Authour from his unjust clamours and false aspersions. 8vo. pp. 158. For John Wright: London, 1658. BM Self-examination for Preparation to the Lord's-table. A sermon at Paul's, July 1st 1655. from 1 Tim. i. 19. London, 1655. A Sober Answer to a Serious Question propounded by Mr. G. Firmin . . . viz. Whether the Ministers of England are bound by the Word of God to baptise the children of all such parents which say they believe in Jesus Christ; but are grossly ignorant, scandalous in their conversation, scoffers at godliness, and refuse to submit to church-discipline . . . Which may serve also as an appendix to the diatribe with Mr. Hooker, lately published, concerning the baptisme of infants, etc. 4to. pp. 31. For Christopher Meredith: London, 1652. BM Superstitio Superstes. 4to. 1641. Vindiciae Clavium: or, A Vindication of the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven, into the hands of the right Owners. Being some Animadversions upon a Tract of Mr. I. C. (Mr Cotton) called, The Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven. As also upon another Tract of his, called, The Way of the Churches of New-England . . . By an earnest well-wisher to the Truth. 4to. pp. 90. London, 1645. BM (3 copies). Chambers, Humphrey. 1599-1662. [co-publisher] The Anatomy of Secret Sins . . . & Uprightness . . . By . . . O. Sedgwick . . . Perfected by himself, and published by those whom he intrusted with his notes. 4to. 1660. BM [co-publisher] The Bowels of Tender Mercy sealed in the Everlasting Covenant . . . By O. Sedgwick . . . Publishd by his own manuscript . . . by those whom he intrusted with this work for that purpose. folio. 1661. BM [co-publisher] The Parable of the Prodigal . . . By O. Sedgwick . . . Perfected by himself, and perused by those whom he intrusted with the publishing of his works. 4to. 1658. BM Animadversions on Mr W. Dell's Book entitled, The Crucified and Quickened Christian. [With the text of the book.] 4to. pp. 84. London, 1653. BM An Answer of Humphrey Chambers . . . to the Charge of Walter Bushnell . . . published in a book of his entituled: A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Commissioners appointed . . . for ejecting scandalous and ignorant Ministers . . . With a vindication of the said commissioners annexed. 4to. pp. 41. For Thomas Johnson: London, 1660. BM [co-author] An Apology for the Ministers of the County of Wilts, in their actings at the election of members for the approaching Parliament. In answer to a Letter sent out of the said County, pretending to lay open the dangerous designes of the clergy, in reference to the approaching Parliament . . . By some of the defamed Ministers . . . Humphrey Chambers . . . Adoniram Bifield. John Strickland. Peter Ince. 4to. pp. 28. For Ralph Smith: London, 1654. BM A Divine Balance to weigh Religious Fasts in. Applyed to present use, in a sermon preached from Zech. vii. 5-7. before the . . . House of Commons . . . at their publique fast, Sept. 27. 1643. 4to. pp. 44. M. F. for Samuel Man: London, 1643. BM A Motive to Peace and Love. Delivered in a sermon at Pauls the first Lords Day in June . . . 1648. 4to. pp. 34. For John Wright: London, 1649. BM Pauls Sad Farewell to his Ephesians. Opened in a sermon preached from Acts xx. 37, 38. at the funeral of Mr John Grayle, Minister of Tidworth, in the county of Wilts. A Modest Vindication of the Doctrine of Conditions in the Covenant of Grace, etc. 4to. London, 1655. BM Cheynell, Francis. 1608-1665. [co-author] A New Confession of Faith . . . Represented by a Committee of Divines . . . unto the Grand Committee for Religion, etc. 4to. [1654]. BM A Copy of some Papers past at Oxford, betwixt the author of The Practical Catechisme (N. Hammond), and Mr Ch. (F. Cheynell). 4to. London, 1647. BM [attributed] Aulicus his Dream, of the Kings sudden coming to London. 4to. pp. 6. 1644. BM -----. [another edition] 1644. BM [attributed] Aulicus his Hue and Cry sent forth after Britanicus [i.e., Henry Walker] who is generally reported to be a lost man. 4to. pp. 6. 1645. BM (2 copies) The Beacon Flameing with a non-obstante: or a Justification of the Firing of the Beacon, by way of animadversion upon a book intituled The Beacon's Quenched, subscribed by Col. Pride, &c. [With a preface signed by L. Fawne and others.] 4to. pp. 22. 1652. BM (2 copies). Chillingworthi Novissima: or, The Sicknesse, heresy, death, and buriall, of William Chillingworth, etc. 4to. pp. 61. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1643 [1644]. BM (3 copies). -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 88. John Noon: London, 1725. BM A Discussion of Mr Fry's Tenets lately condemned in Parliament: and Socinianism proved to be an Unchristian Doctrine. Divers Letters to Dr Jasp. Mayne, concerning false Prophets. 4to. 1647. The Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: or, the Blessed doctrine of the three coessential subsistents in the eternall Godhead, etc. 8vo. pp. 480. T. R. & E. M. for Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1650. BM The Man of Honour, described in a sermon, preached before the Lords of Parliament from Psal. xlix. 20. March 26. 1645. the solemne day of the publique Monethly-Fast. 4to. pp. 67. J. R. for Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1645. BM A Plot for the Good of Posterity: Communicated in a sermon from Gen. xviii. 19. to the Honourable House of Commons for the sanctifying of the Monthly Fast, March 25. 1646. 4to. pp. 47. For Samuel Gellibrand: London,1646. BM The Rise, Growth, and Danger, of Socinianisme. Together with a plaine discovery of a desperate design of corrupting the Protestant Religion, whereby it appeares that the religion which hath been so violently contended for (by the Archbishop of Canterbury and his adherents) is not the true Protestant Religion, but an hotchpotch of Arminianisme, Socinianisme, and Popery, etc. 4to. pp. 75. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1643. BM Sions Memento, and God's Alarum. In a sermon from Zech. ii. 7. before the Honourable House of Commons, on the 31. of May 1643. the solemne day of their Monethly Fast. 4to. pp. 45; with 7 pages of an Epistle prefixed; For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1643. BM [attributed] The Sworne Confederacy between the Convocation at Oxford and the Tower of London. [A satire]. 4to. 1647. BM Truth Triumphing over Errour and Heresie. Or, a Relation of a Publike Disputation at Oxford . . . on . . . Jan. 11. 1646. between Master Cheynell . . . and Master Erbury . . . Wherein the Socinian tenents maintained by Master Erbury are laid down, and Master Cheynels clear confutation of them . . . is declared. 4to. pp. 7. For E. B. and S. G.: London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] 1647. Clark, Peter. c. 1606-?? none known ^Clendon, Thomas (replaced Nicholson) Justification justified; or the Doctrine of Justification; briefly and clearly explained, and vindicated in a sermon . . . 11 Dec. 1652. 4to. pp. 32. Robert Ibbitson: London, 1653. BM Cleyton, Richard. c. 1597-1671 none known *Coke, Francis c. 1600-1682 none known Coleman, Thomas. 1598-1647. A Brotherly Examination Re-examined: or, a Clear justification of those passages in a sermon, against which . . . Mr Gillespy . . . did preach and write. And a short discovery of some tenets and principles which intrench upon both the honour and power of parliament. 4to. pp. 22. John Clark: London, 1646. BM (2 copies) The Christian's Course and Complaint, both in the pursuit of happinesse desired, and for advantages slipped in that pursuit: a sermon preached to the Honourable House of Commons, from Jer. viii. 20. on the day of the Monthly Fast, Aug. 30, 1643, at Margaret's Church, Westminster. 4to. pp. 71, with an Epistle Dedicatory to the Honourable House of Commons, consisting of four pages, closely printed, under the date of Sept. 11th, 1643. I. L. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) Gods Unusuall Answer to a Solemne Fast . . . Or, Some observations upon the late sad successe in the West . . . in a sermon before the Honourable Houses of Parliament, on a fast specially set apart . . . in Margarets Westminster . . . preached from Psal. lxv. 5., Sept. 12. 1644. 4to. pp. 30. Christopher Meredith: London, 1644. BM The Hearts Ingagement: a sermon preached from Jer. xxx. 21, last clause of the verse, at Margaret's Church, Westminster, at the publique entering into the Covenant, Sept. 29. 1643. 4to. pp. 39. I. L. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1643. BM -----. (another edition). Glasgow, 1741. -----. (another edition). Glasgow, 1799. Hopes Deferred and Dashed. Observed in a sermon preached from Job xi. 20, to the Honourable House of Commons, in Margarets Westminster, July 30. 1645, Being the monethly fast. 4to. pp. 35. Christopher Meredith: London, 1645. BM Maledicis Maledicis: or, A Brief Reply to Mr Gillespie's "Nihil Respondens" [sic]. Also, the Brief View briefly viewed. Being animadversions upon a namelesse authour [Adoniram Byfield?], in a book, called, A Brief View of Mr. Coleman his new model. 4to. pp. 39. John Clark: London, 1646. BM (3 copies) Conant, John. 1608-1693 or his uncle, 1587-? Reid thinks the first; Holley thinks the second (never took the covenant, probably never sat with the Divines) (Rector of Lymington, Somerset) (Preface to) Thesaurus Biblicus . . . By Richard Bernard, etc. Folio. 1644. BM -----. (another edition). 1661. BM The Woe and Weale of Gods People. Displayed in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemn humiliation on Iuly 26. 1643, etc. 4to. pp. 46. G. M. for Christopher Meredith: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) Corbett, Edward. 1602-1658. (replaced H. Hall) God's Providence, a sermon preached from 1 Cor. i. 27, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne Fast, Decemb. 28. Anno 1642, etc. 4to. pp. 30. Tho. Badger for Robert Bostock: London, 1642 [O.S.]. BM (3 copies) The Worldling's Looking-glass; or, The Danger of Losing his Soul for Gain. 1630. *Crooke, Samuel 1575-1649--replaced before invitation Ta Diaferonta, or Divine characters in two parts, acutely distinguishing the more secret and undiscerned differences between 1. The Hypocrite in his best dresse of seeming virtues and formal duties. And the true Christian in his real graces and sincere obedience. As also between 2. The blackest weeds of dayly infirmities of the truly godly, eclipsing saving grace, and the reigning sins of the unregenerate that pretend unto that godlinesse they never had. By that late burning and shining lamp, Master Samuel Crook . . . By C. B. and W. G. [i.e., William Garret]. Folio. pp. 634. Printed for A. B. [Adoniram Byfield]; sold by Joseph Cranford: London, 1658. BM A Briefe Direction to True Happinesse. Abridged out of the larger Treatise [The Guide unto True Blessednesse], for the more conuenient use of priuate families, and instruction of the younger sort. 8vo. pp. 67. Edward Griffin, for Nathaniel Butter: London, 1614. BM -----. (another edition). 8vo. pp. 64. William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter: London, 1631. BM -----. (another edition). Printed by M. Flesher: London, 1640. BM Death Subdued, or, the Death of Death. Begun in a sermon at Denmarke house on Ascension day, May 6, 1619. London, 1619 The Guide vnto True Blessednesse. Or, a Body of the doctrine of the Scriptures, directing man to the sauing knowledge of God . . . -----. (another edition) The second edition. 8vo. pp. 244. [248]. Edw. Griffin, for Nathaniel Butter: London, 1614. BM -----. (another edition) The fifth edition. pp. 248. William Stansby for Nathaniell Butter: London, 1632. BM -----. (another edition) The sixt edition. pp. 246. Printed by M. Flesher: London, 1640. Three Sermons, viz., The Waking Sleeper, The Ministeriall Husbandrie, the Discouerie of the Heart. Preached and published by Sam. Crooke. 8vo. 3 pt. William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter: London, 1615. *Crosse, Robert 1605-1683 Logou Alogia, seu, Exercitatio theogica de insipientia rationis humanae, gratia Christi destitutae, in rebus fidei. 4to. pp. 23. Excudebat H. Hall; impensis Th: Robinson: Oxoniae, 1655. BM *Dawes, Lancelot 1580-1654 -- replaced before invitation God's Mercies and Ierusalem Miseries. A sermon preached at Paul's Crosse, the 25. of Iune. 1609. 12vo. Cle. Knight: [London,] 1609. BM Sermons preached upon Severall Occasions. 4to. 2 pt. Humphrey Robinson: London, 1653. BM Two Sermons preached at the Assises holden at Carlisle, touching sundry corruptions of these times. 8vo. pp. 146. Ioseph Barnes: Oxford, 1614. BM de la March, John. (cov; Presby)--declined due to lack of ministers in Guernsey A Complaint of the False Prophets Mariners, upon the drying up of their Hierarchicall Euphrates, as it was preached publickly in the island of Garnezey, before a sett order of Ministers, expounding in their turnes the Revelation of St. John, by Iohn De la March, one of them. A Treatise on Rev. xviii. 17. 4to. pp. 112. Printed by Thomas Payne; sold by Humphry Blunden: London, 1641. To which is prefixed, A dedicatory epistle to the House of Commons, An Address to the faithful witness of Christ, Mr Henry Burton, and a short Preface. BM de la Place, Samuel. declined on account of the fewness of ministers in Guernsey (none known) #Delme, Philip. (replaced Rathbone, deceased) none known. *Dillingham, Thomas c. 1569-1647--replaced before invitation none known Downing, Calibute (Calybute). 1606-1643--died before Assembly began The Cleere Antithesis, or diametricall opposition betweene Presbytery and Prelacy, etc. 4to. 1644. BM -----. [another edition] 1645. BM Considerations toward a Peaceable Reformation in Matters Ecclesiastical. 4to. London, 1641. BM A Discourse of the State Ecclesiasticall of this Kingdome, in relation to the Civill. Considered under three Conclusions. With a digression discussing some ordinary exceptions against Ecclesiasticall Officers. 4to. W. Turner: Oxford, 1632. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] reissue. Oxford, 1633. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition . . . enlarged. Oxford, 1634. BM (2 copies) A Discourse upon the Interest of England: considered in the case of the deteinure of the Prince Elector Palatine his Dignities and Dominions. 4to. pp. 41. Richard Hearn: London, 1641. BM A Discoursive Conjecture upon the Reasons that produce a desired event of the present Troubles of Great Britaine, different from those of Lower Germanie; considered in the maine passages that seeme parallel, but upon a further survey are discovered to be otherwise. 4to. London, 1641. BM (2 copies) A Discoverie of the false Grounds the Bavarian Party have layd, to settle their owne Faction, and shake the peace of the Empire. Considered in the case of the Deteinure of the Prince Elector Palatine his dignities and dominions. With a discourse upon the interest of England in that cause. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1641. BM A Sermon [on Deut. xxv. 17] preached to the renowned Company of the Artillery, 1 September, 1640, designed to compose the present Troubles, by discovering the Enemies of the Peace of the Church and State. 4to. London, 1641. BM Several Sermons. *Dunning, William 1599-?? none known Dury, John. 1596-1680--replaced Downing, deceased [Preface to] Clavis Apocalyptica . . . 8vo. 1651. BM [Translator] A Learned and exceeding well compiled Vindication of Liberty of Religion:: written by Junius Brutus [Polonus] in Latine, and translated into English by N. Y. [Dury], etc. 8vo. 1646. BM [Editor] Repulsa Appellationis . . . quam nuper edidit J. Duraeus, etc. [by J. C. Dannhauer] 8vo. 1666. BM [Author?] The Copy of a Letter written to Mr. A. Hinderson [concerning the affairs of the Palatine. By J. D.?] 4to. 1643. BM [Translator] EikonoklasthV, ou Reponse au Livre intitule Eikwn Basilikh. Traduite [by J. D.] de l'Anglois, etc. 8vo. 1652. BM [Author?] Motives to induce the Protestant Princes to mind the worke of peace ecclesiasticall, etc. 4to. 1641. BM The earnest breathings of forreign Protestants . . . for a compleat body of practicall Divinity . . . and an essay of a Modell of the said body of Divinity by J. D., etc. 4to. 1658. BM [Letter in ] Some few considerations, propounded . . . in a letter to . . . J. D. upon his Epistolary discourse, with Mr Duryes answer thereunto, etc. [by H. Robinson] 4to. 1646. BM [?] A disingag'd survey of the engagement, in relation to publike obligations,etc. 4to. 1646. BM [?] Hartlib, Dury and Comenius. Gleanings from Hartlib's papers. [by George H. Turnbull] 8vo. 1947. BM Epistolae de Negotio Irenico J. Duraei. Museum Helveticum, etc. Particula 7. Vol. 2. 8vo. Zurich, 1746, etc. BM "Letters written by John Dury in Sweden, 1636-1638," edited by Professor G. H. Turnbull, in Kyrkohistorik årsskrift. årg. 49. pp. 204-251. 8vo. 1949. BM "Madam, although my former freedom, etc." [Four letters to Lady Ranelagh, the first, third and fourth by J. Dury, the second by his wife, concerning their marriage.] 4to. pp. 8. 1645. BM Brev från John Durie åren 1636-1638. Utgivna av . . . Gunnar Westin. 1934 Kyrkohistoriska Föreningen. Skrifter, etc. ser. 1. årg. 33. 8vo. 1900, etc. BM [Pseudonymous] A true relation of the conversion and baptism of Isuf, etc. [substance of a sermon on Acts x. 47 by R. Christophilus.] 8vo. 1658. BM Anonymi Theoria de Consilius Eclesiasticae Pacis inter Ecclesias Christianas capessendis. Cum paraenesi ad Lectorem. No imprint, 1634. Bibliotheca Augusta Sereniss Princ. D. Augusti Ducis Brunovicensis, &c. 1650. "A briefe Declaration of the severall forms of government received in the reformed Churches beyond the Seas," in Certain briefe Treatises . . . concerning the . . . government of the Church, etc. [Edited by J. D.?] 4to. 1641. BM A Briefe Relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure Ecclesiastical Peace amongst Protestants. London, 1641. A Case of Conscience, concerning ministers meddling with state matters in or out of their sermons, resolved more satisfactorily than heretofore, etc. 4to. London, 1650. BM (2 copies) A Case of Conscience: whether it be lawful to admit Jews into a Christian Commonwealth? resolved by J. D. written to S. Hartlib, Esquire. 4to. London, 1656. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] in The Harleian Miscellany, etc. 4to. Vol. 7. 1744. BM -----. [another edition] in The Harleian Miscellany, etc. 8vo. Vol. 6. 1808. BM -----. [another edition] in The Harleian Miscellany, etc. 4to. Vol. 7. 1808. BM Certain considerations shewing the necessity of Correspondence in spiritual matters betwixt all protestant Churches; an especiall means for effecting whereof . . . would be a national synod. 4to. London, 1642. Concordiae inter Evangelicos quaerendae Consilia, quae ab Ecclesiae in Transylvania Evangelicae Pastoribus & Scholae Albae Juliacensis Professoribus in Synodo congregatis approbata fuerunt, anno 1634, et tunc ipsorum nomine J. Duraeo transmissa ad promovendam evangelicarum ecclesiarum unionem cujus tum se praestabat sollicitatorem, etc. [with the questions of Duraeus prefixed.] 4to. 1654. BM Conscience eased, or the main scruple which hath hitherto stuck most with conscionable Men against taking the Engagement, removed, etc. 4to. London, 1651. BM Considerations concerning the present Engagement; whether it lawfully may be entered into, yea or no? The second edition corrected and amended. 4to. London, 1650. BM (2 copies-- second copy pp. 23-26 only) -----. [another edition] Third edition. London, 1650. BM Consultationum Irenicarum ProdiorqwsiV; sive Acta tractatuum de mediis Concordiae Evangelicae procurandis, inter . . . J. C. Dannhawesam [and] B. Boebelium, ab una parte, et J. D. ab altera . . . Additur--Apographum Epistolae ad Imperii quandam Principem missae, etc. [By J. D.] 8vo. Amsterodami, 1664. BM Consultatio Theologica super negotio pacis Eccelsiast. 4to. London, 1641. A Copy of Mr. J. D.'s Letter presented in Sweden to the . . . Lord Forbes; briefly intimating the necessity of a common, fundamental Confession of Faith among those Christians that receive the Holy Scriptures as the only rule of faith and practice . . . Published by S. Hartlib. 4to. London, 1643. BM A Copy of a Petition as it was tendered by Mr. Dury to Gustavus, the late King of Sweden, of glorious memory, when he was at Elbing in Prussia, in the year 1628. Translated out of French. 4to. London, 1641. BM De Pace inter Evangelicos procuranda sententiae quatour: Quorum tresa Reverdenis Dominis Episcopis. London, 1638. De Pacis Ecclesiasticae Rationibus inter Evangelicos usurpandis, Et de Theologorum fundamentali consensu in Colloquio Lipsiensi. No imprint, 1634. A Declaration of John Dury, to make known the Truth of his Way and Deportment in all these Times of Trouble. 1660. A demonstration of the necessity of settling some Gospel government amongst the Churches of Christ in this nation; held forth in answer to a querie, whereby Mr. Saltmarsh did once endeavor to hinder the settlement of all Church-Government in the nation. Written in . . . 1646, etc. 4to. London, 1654. BM An earnest Plea for Gospel Communion in the way of Godliness; which is sued for by the Protestant Churches of Germanie unto the Churches of Great Britain and Ireland, in a Letter [which is prefixed to this answer] written by them to these, [requesting the Compilation of a Body of Practical Divinity] which was sent hither to that effect by the by the hand of J. D. [With a preface by S. Hartlib]. 4to. London, 1654. BM The effect of Master D.'s negotiation for the uniting of Protestants in a Gospell interest is . . . this, etc. 4to. London, 1657?. BM Epistolary Discourse [concerning the toleration of Independency] . . . Written . . . to Mr. Tho. Goodwin, Mr. Phil. Nye, and Mr. Sam. Hartlib. Published by a friend for more common use. 4to. London, London, 1644. BM Epistolica Dissertation quam Johannes Duraeus, Evangelicae concordia procurandae ergodioctes misit authoribus Calvinismi (ut vocatur) irreconciliabilis. No imprint, 1641. An Epistolary Discourse to Mr Thorowgood, concerning his Conjecture that the Americans are descended from the Israelites. 4to. pp. 16. London, 1650. (to which is added "the History of a Portugal Jew, Antonie Monterinos, attested by Manasseh Ben Israel, to the same effect.") BM Ex apposito extracto harmonico cum addita obtestatione et monito; intelligetis meae solicitationis studium ad finem vergere, etc. [Signed J. Duraeus] 4to. 1657?. BM Informatio Ecclesiis Reformatis oblata, de conciliis, quae agitata fuerunt in Pace Religiosa cum ecclesiis Augustanis quaerenda, a Johanne Duraeo ecclesiaste Britano. Bremen, 1640. Israel's Call to March out of Babylon unto Jerusalem; opened in a sermon [on Isai. lii. 11.] before the Honourable House of Commons, at the monethly fast, Nov. 26, 1645. 4to. pp. 49. London, 1646. BM (2 copies) Johannis Duraei Irenicorum Tractatuum Prodromus, etc. 8vo. pp. 548. J. H. Boon: Amstelodami, 1662. BM Just Re-proposals to Humble Proposals: or, an impartiall consideration of, and answer unto, the Humble Proposals, which are printed in the name of sundry learned and pious divines, concerning the Engagement which the parliament hath ordered to be taken . . . Hereunto are added, The humble proposals themselves, etc. 4to. London, 1650. BM (2 copies) A Memoriall concerning Peace Ecclesiastical amongst Protestants. (J. D. his petition to the hon. house of commons, etc.) 4to. London, 1641. BM Model of Church Government: or, the Grounds of the Spirituall Frame and Government of the House of God . . . for the better satisfaction of such as scruple at the work of reformation, declared and appointed by severall ordinances of Parliament. 4to. 1647. BM A Motion tending to the Publick Good of this age, and of Posteritie, or, the coppies of certain letters written by . . . J. D., to a worthy Knight at his earnest desire. Shewing briefly what a Publick Good is, and how by the best means of Reformation in Learning and Religion it may be advanced to some perfection. 4to. Published by S. Hartlib, etc.: London, 1642. BM Motives to induce the Protestant Princes to mind the work of peace ecclesiastical amongst themselves. London, 1641. Objections against the taking of the engagement answered. Or, some scruples of conscience which a godly minister in Lancashire did entertain against the taking of the engagement resolved by J. D. 4to. London, 1650. BM (2 copies) Of Presbytery and Independency. 4to. 1646. [selections in] A Pack of old Puritans maintaining the unlawfulness and inexpediency of subscribing the new Engagement . . . With Mr. J. D.'s considerations and just reproposals concerning it, and answering the most material allegations that are urged by him or others for subscription. 4to. London, 1650. A Peace-maker without partiality & Hypocrisie: or, the Gospel-Way to make up the present breaches of the Brotherhood and heale the divisions whereby some of the Reforming Professors and Ministers of this Kingdome at this time, sadly dishonour their profession, etc. 4to. Published by S. Hartlib: London, 1648. BM The Plain Way of Peace and Unity in matters of religion, shewed by some maxims supposed to be undeniable, which J. Durie hath made use of in negotiating with all the churches. 8vo. London, 1669. BM The Reformed Librarie-Keeper, with a supplement to the Reformed- School. By J. Durie. Whereunto is added, I. An Idea of Mathematicks (by J. Pell). II. The Description [Latin] of one of the chiefest Libraries . . . in Germany [viz. that of Wolfenbuttel.--Edited by S. Hartlib.] 12vo. London, 1650. BM The Reformed School. [Edited, with additions, by S. Hartlib.] 12vo. London, 1649?. BM A Seasonable Discourse . . . 1. What the Grounds and Method of our Reformation ought to be in Religion and Learning. 2. How, even in these times of distraction, the Work may be advanced: By the Knowledge of Orientall tongues and Jewish mysteries; By an agency for advancement of universall learning. 4to. Published by S. Hartlib: London, 1649. BM (2 copies) A Summarie Account of . . . J. D.'s former and later negotiation for the procurring of true Gospel Peace . . . amongst the Protestant Churches and Academies. 4to. London, 1657. BM (2 copies) A Summary Discourse concerning the work of Peace Ecclesiastical, How it may concurre with the aim of a civill confederation amongst Protestants: Presented to the consideration of my Lord Ambassadour Sir Thomas Row, etc. at Hamburg in the year MDCXXXIX. 4to. Cambridge, 1641. BM A Summarie Platform of the heads of a Body of Practical Divinity, which the Ministers of the Protestant Churches abroad have sued for, etc. 4to. pp. 7. Printed for Richard Wodenothe: London, 1654. BM The Time-serving Proteus, and Ambidexter Divine, uncased to the world: containing two letters of M.J.D. the great champion for the New Ingagement . . . The first, to J. Hall, Bishop of Exeter; the second, to W. Lawd, late Archbishop of Canterbury, wherein he expresseth the reasons which moved him . . . to renounce his ecclesiasticall orders and ministeriall function formerly conferred on him in the Reformed Churches beyond the seas, because not given by a Diocesan Bishop, etc. [By W. Prynne] 4to. London, 1650. BM Two treatises concerning the matter of the Engagement: the first of an unknown author, excepting against Mr. Dureus' considerations for the taking of the Engagement, to show the unsatisfactoriness thereof; the second of Mr. Dureus' maintaining the satisfactoriness of his considerations, against the unknown author's exceptions. 4to. London, 1650. BM (2 copies) The unchanged, constant, and single-hearted Peace-maker drawn forth into the world: or, A vindication of John Dury from the aspersions cast upon him in a nameless Pamphlet, called, The Time-serving Proteus, and ambidexter Divine, uncased to the World. Wherein the two letters written seventeen years ago, the one to J. Hall, then bishop of Exeter; the other to W. Laud, then Archbishop of Canterbury, are cleared from the most false and injurious interpretations put upon them. [With a Preface by S. Hartlib.] 4to. London, 1650. BM (2 copies) *Earle, John c. 1601-1665 [selections in] A Book of Characters: selected from the writings of Overbury, Earle, etc. 8vo. 1865. BM [translator] Eikwn Basilikh: vel imago regis Caroli in illis suis aerumnis et solitudine. 12vo. 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 1649. BM [selections in] The Mirror of Character: selected from the writings of Overbury, Earle, etc. 8vo. 1869. BM [essays in] The World Display'd, etc. [Being essays by Bishop Earle and others]. 8vo. 1742. BM [a copy of the inscription on the memorial tablet to John Earle in the Chapel of Merton College, Oxford.] Clarendon Press, 1920. BM Micro-cosmographie: or, a piece of the world discovered. [with a preface by E. Blount] 12vo. London, 1628. BM -----. [another edition] 1629. BM -----. [another edition] 1630. BM -----. [another edition] 1633. BM -----. [another edition] 1638. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM -----. [another edition] Micro-cosmographie. Or, a Piece of the world characteriz'd; in essayes and characters. 12vo. pp. 131. 1650. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 1664. BM -----. [another edition] 1669. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. London, 1732. BM -----. [another edition] The World Display'd: or, several essays; consisting of the various characters . . . of its principal inhabitants, etc. 12vo. London, 1740. BM -----. [another edition] Micro-cosmography, etc. 12vo. London printed, 1650; Salisbury reprinted, 1786. BM -----. [another edition] New edition, to which are added notes and an appendix, by P. Bliss. 8vo. pp. xx. 340. London, 1811. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] Micro-cosmographie. Editio princeps, 1628. With additional characters from the fifth edition of 1629; and the sixth edition of 1633. Carefully edited by Edward Arber. 8vo. pp. 104. [English Reprints, no. 12] Alex. Murray & Son: London, 1868. BM -----. [another issue] 1868. BM -----. [a reissue] 1869. BM -----. [a reissue] 1895. BM -----. [another edition] Microcosmography . . . A reprint of Dr. Bliss's edition of 1811. With a preface and supplementary appendix by S. T. Irwin. 8vo. pp. lx. 341. W. C. Hemmons: Bristol, 1897. BM -----. [another edition] Earle's Microcosmography. Edited with introduction and notes by A. S. West. 8vo. pp. xlvii. 160. Pitt Press Series, 1897. BM -----. [another edition] Microcosmographie: or, A Piece of the World Discovered, etc. (Edited by W. H. D. Rouse.) 8vo. pp. 187. The Temple Classics, 1899. BM -----. [another edition] Micro-cosmographie; or, A Piece of the World Discovered; in essayes and characters . . . Printed from the sixth augmented edition of MDCXXXIII, etc. 4to. pp. xi. 128. University Press: Cambridge, 1903. BM -----. [another edition] Microcosmographie. Faithfully reprinted from the edition of 1633. 16vo. Methuen & Co.: London, 1904 [1903]. BM -----. [another edition] Microcosmography. Edited by Alfred S. West. A reissue of the edition of 1897. 8vo. pp. xlvii. 160. University Press: Cambridge, 1920. BM -----. [another edition] Microcosmographie . . . Edited by Gwendolen Murphey. 4to. pp. vi. 73. Golden Cockerel Press: Waltham St. Lawrence, 1928. BM -----. [another edition] Microcosmography, or a Piece of the World discovered in Essays and Characters. Edited by Harold Osborne. 8vo. pp. xxviii. 178. University Tutorial Press: London, 1933. BM A True Description of the Pot-Companion Poet: who is the founder of all the base and libellous pamphlets lately spread abroad. Also a character of the swil-bole cook. (Extracted from J. Earle's Micro-cosmographie). 4to. London, 1642. BM A Gallery of Portraits, painted by an old and celebrated master, and retouched by an Irish artist. [An adaptation of Earle's Microcosmographie.] 16vo. Dublin, 1813. BM *Ellis, Edward c. 1603-?? (could possibly be a different Edward Ellis) A Sudden and cloudy Messenger, with glimpses of great joy to the Israel of God: declaring the hastning of that day of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus in His Saints, etc. 4to. London, 1649. BM (2 copies) *Featley, Daniel 1582-1645 [preface] A Complete Concordance to the Bible of the last translation, etc. folio. 1631. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1635. BM -----. [another edition] folio. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] folio. 1650. BM [debate in] True Relations of sundry Conferences had betwene certaine Protestant Doctours (F. White, D. Featley) and a Iesuite called M. Fisher, etc. 4to. 1626. BM [preface to] Virgilius Dormitans . . . a Treatise of the fifth generall Councell held at Constantinople, Anno 553, etc. [by R. Crakanthorp] 8vo. 1631. BM [essay] A case for the Spectacles . . . by Sir H. Lynde . . . together with Stricturae in Lyndomastigem . . . by D. F . . . Supplement to Gibson's Preservative to Popery, etc. vol. 5. 8vo. 1849. BM [biography] The Works of . . . J. Jewell . . . With a briefe discourse of his life [by D. F.] Folio. 1669. BM -----. [another edition] 1611. [1671?, 1711?) BM [essay] A Seconde Parallel together with a writ of Error [by D. F.] sued against the Appealer [i.e., R. montague Bishop of Chichester, etc.]. 4to. 1626. BM [author?] Sacra Nemesis, the Levites scourge; or Mercurius Britan., Civicus, disciplin'd. etc. 4to. 1644. BM [preface] Texeda Retextus, etc. [by Fernando de Texeda] 4to. 1623. BM Ancilla pietatis: or, the Hand-Maid to Private Devotion. London, 1626. -----. [another edition] The fourth Edition, corrected and enlarged. 12vo. pp. 866. Nicholas Bourne: London, 1630. BM [2 copies, one imperfect, the other microfilmed] -----. [another edition] Ancilla Pietatis: or the hand-maid to private devotion: presenting a manuall to her mistresse, furnished with instructions, hymns and prayers . . . The sixth edition . . . augmented. 12vo. 2 pt. BM -----. [another edition] Seventh edition, . . . augmented. 12vo. London, 1647. BM -----. [another edition] Eighth edition. 12vo. London, 1656. BM Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament; . . . by . . . [D.F.], etc. folio. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM An Appendix to the Fishers Net: Together with a Description of the Romish Wheele, or Circle. London, 1624. Clavis Mystica: A Key opening divers difficult and mysterious Texts of Holy Scripture; Handled in Seventy Sermons, preached at solemn and most celebrious Assemblies, upon speciall occasions, in England and France. Folio. London, 1636. BM The Conference [between Daniel Featley and Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon] mentioned by Doctour Featly in the end of his Sacrilege. With some notes added . . . by S. E. 12vo. 1632. BM Cygnea Canti: or, Learned Decisions, and most prudent and pious Directions for students in Divinitie; Delivered by our late soveraigne of Happie Memorie, King James, at White Hall a few weekes before his Death. [A relation of the same by D.F.] 4to. London, 1629. BM The Fisher Catched in his own net. (the occasion and issue of the late conference had between Dr. White. . . and Dr. Featly, with Mr. Fisher and Mr. Sweet, Jesuites, etc.). 4to. London, 1623. BM (2 copies) The Gentle Lash, or the vindication of Dr Featley, a knowne champion of the Protestant Religion: also seven articles exhibited against him with his answer thereunto. Togethter with the said doctor his manifesto and challenge. 4to. 2 pt. Oxford, 1644. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] 1644. BM The Grand Sacrilege of the Church of Rome, in taking away the Sacred Cup from the Laiety at the Lords Table: detected and convinced by the evidence of Holy Scripture, and testimonies of all ages. . . . Together with two conferences; the former at Paris with D. Smith . . . the later at London with Mr. Everard, etc. 4to. London, 1630. BM Katabaptistai kataptustoi. The Dippers dipt: or, the Anabaptists duck'd and plunged over head and eares at a disputation in Southwark. Together with a large and full discourse of their 1, originall. 2, several sorts. 3, peculiar errours. 4, high attempts against the state. 5, capitall punishments: with an application to those times. 4to. pp. 227. For N. Bourne and R. Royston: London, 1645. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] The third edition. 4to. pp. 191. Nicholas Bourne; Richard Royston: London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] The Dippers Dipt . . . Fourth edition. 4to. London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] Katabaptistai kataptustoi. The dippers dipt, etc. Sixth edition, augmented with, 1, severall speeches delivered before this Assembly of Divines; 2, the famous history of the frantick Anabaptists, their wild preachings and practises in Germany, etc. 4to. 3 pt. London, 1651. BM -----. [another edition] Seventh edition, augmented, etc. London, 1660. BM (2 copies) Orationes Synodicae: or, severall speeches delivered before the assembly of divines. (A warning for England . . . in the famous history of the frantick anabaptists.--Remarkable histories of the anabaptists.) [a fragment of the sixth edition of katabaptistai kataptustoi, pp 187-258] 4to. London, 1646, 1647. BM (2 copies) The League illegal: wherein the late solemn league and covenant is. . . examined . . . and . . . confuted; . . . written long since in prison by D. F. . . . Published by John Faireclough vulgo Featley. (D.F. his speech before the assembly of divines, concerning the new league and covenant. Dr. F.'s sixteen reasons for episcopall government, which he intended to have delivered in the assembly. . . but was not permitted. By the king: his majesties proclamation, forbidding the tendring or taking of the late vow or covenant, etc.) 4to. London, 1660. BM (3 copies) The Lives of Jewell, Reynolds, Abbot, and diverse others. 4to. 1651. BM Parallelismus nov-antiqui erroris Pelagiarminiani [directed against Richard Montagu by D. Featley?]. 4to. 1626. BM Pelagius redivivus. Or Pelagius raked out of the ashes by Arminius and his Schollers. London, 1626. BM Philip's Memento Mori: or, the passing-bell. A sermon [on Deut. xxxii. 29,] preached at the funeral of Mr. Bennet. 4to. London, 1708. Roma Ruens; Romes Ruine; being a succinct answer to a Popish Challenge, concerning the antiquity, unity, universality, succession, and perpetuall visibility of the true church, even in the most obscure times, when it seemed to be totally eclipsed, in the immediate ages before Luther. 4to. London, 1644. BM (3 copies) The Romish Fisher caught and held in his own net: or a true relation of the Protestant Conference [of D. F. and F. White with J. Fisher pseud., i.e. John Piercy, and J. Sweet] and Popish Difference; a justification of the one, and Refutation of the other. (An appendix to the Fisher's Net, etc.) 4to. London, 1624. BM (2 copies) Sermons. qrhnoikoV . . . sermons . . . by D. Featley, etc. folio. 1640. BM The Summe of Saving Knowledge. London, 1626. Stricturae in Lyndomastygem: Or, an Answere by way of Supplement to the Chapters remaining in the Booke intitled A Case for the Spectacles. Together with a funeral Sermon preached at Cobham June 14, 1636. London, 1638. Stricturae in Lyndomastygem, etc. A sermon [on Numb. xxiii.10.] preached at the Funerall of Sir H. Lynd. A Case for the Spectacles, etc. [Edited by D.F.] 4to. 1638. BM Transubstantiation Exploded: Or, an encounter with Richard the Titularie Bishop of Chalcedon concerning Christ his presence at his holy Table . . . . Whereunto is annexed a publique and solemn disputation held at Paris with Christopher Bagshaw D. in Theologie, and Rector of Ave Marie Colledge. 12vo. London, 1638. BM Vertumnus Romanus, or, a Discourse penned by a Roman Priest, wherein he endeavours to prove that it is lawfull for a Papist iin England, to go to the Protestant Church, to receive the Communion, and to take the Oathes both of Allegiance and Supremacie. To which are adjoyned Animadversions in the margin by way of Antidote against those places where the rankest poyson is couched. London, 1642. Dr. D. Featley revived: or, the faithfull shephard, a sermon [on 1 Pet. v. 2-4] preached at the consecration of the Bishops Elect, of Oxford, Bristol, and Chester, in his graces chappell at Lambeth, May 9, 1619. And now [edited and] reprinted at the sole charge of G. Vineing. 4to. London, 1661. BM Featlaei Palig genesia: or Doctor D. Featley revived: proving, that the Protestant church (and not the Romish) is the only catholick and true church . . . With a succinct history of his life and death. 12vo. 2 pt. Published by John Featley. London, 1660. BM #Ford, Thomas. 1598-1674 (or 1676) replaced Bowles, deceased AutokatakritoV; or the Sinner Condemned of himself; being a Plea for God against all the ungodly, proving them alone guilty of their own destruction. By One, that wisheth better to all, than most do to themselves. 8vo. pp. 256. London, 1668. BM Scripture's self-evidence, proving it to be the only Rule of Faith; against the Papists, 1677. Singing of Psalms The Duty of Christians under the New Testament. Or, A Vindication of that Gospel-Ordinance, in five sermons from Eph. v. 19. Wherein are asserted and cleared; 1. That, 2. What, 3. How, 4. Why, we must sing. 8vo. pp. 175. London, 1653. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. London, 1659. BM Foxcroft, John. 1595-1662 The Good of a Good Government, and Well-grounded Peace, opened in a sermon from Isa. xxxii. 1, 2. preached before the Hon. House of Commons, in Margaret's Church at Westminster, Dec. 31, 1645, the day of their monethly Fast. 4to. pp. 24. London, 1645. BM Gammon (Gamon), Hannibal. 1582-??selected, but never attended Gods Just Disertion of the Unjust. London, 1622. Gods Smiting to Amendment, or, Revengement with Preservatives against Revolting. In a sermon [on Is. i. 5] preached at the Assises in Launceston, the 6 of August 1628. 4to. pp. 38. Printed for Iohn Clarke: London, 1629. BM The Praise of a Godly Woman. A sermon [on Prov. xxi. 30] preached at the solemne funerall of the Right Honourable Ladie, the Ladie Frances Roberts, at Lanhide-Rock-Church in Cornwall, the tenth of August, 1626. 4to. London, 1627. BM Gataker, Thomas. 1576-1654. [editor/transl] Markou Antwninou twn eiV eauton biblia ib. M. Antonini de rebus suis . . . libri XII. Studio T. Gatakeri. Greek and Latin. 4to. Cambridge, 1652. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1697. BM -----. [another edition] Utrecht, 1698. -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1744. BM -----. [another edition] Pugillaria imperatoris M. A. Antonini . . . Sequitur interpretatio Gatakeri . . . 12vo. 1774. BM -----. [another edition] M. Antonini Commentariorum quos ipse sibi scripsit libri duodecim . . . Gatakeri . . . notas . . . adjecit J. M. Schultz. 8vo. 1802. BM -----. [English translation] The Emperor M. Anoninus his Conversation with himself. Together with the preliminary discourse of . . . Gataker, etc. 8vo. 1701. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1726. BM -----. [another edition] 1749. BM -----. [another edition] 1764. BM [publisher] Verklaring van de geheele heilege Schrift, door eenige van de voornaamste Engelsche godgeleerden (S. Patrick . . . T. G., etc) folio. 1741. BM [publisher] A Plaine and Pithie Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. By William Bradshaw. Published by T. Gataker. 4to. 1620. BM [editor] Miscellaneous Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament. folio. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM [preface to] God's holy minde touching matters morall, etc. by E. Elton. 4to. 1648. BM [editor] The Ballance of the Sanctuarie, etc. by W. Feelinck. 4to. 1621. BM [translator] The Resting Place of the Minde. by W. Feelinck. 4to. 1622. BM [editor] An Exposition of the pouring out of the fourth viall, etc. by R. Parker. 4to. 1650. BM [editor] Balme from Gilead to recover Conscience. In a sermon, etc. by Samuel Ward. 8vo. 1617. BM -----. [another edition] 1618. -----. [another edition] 1622. [with J. Goodwin] Ubristodikai. The Obstructours of justice . . . opposed chiefly to the Serious . . . representation . . . of some ministers of London. 4to. 1649. BM [with others] A Serious and Faithful Representation of the Judgments of Ministers of the Gospell within the Province of London: contained in a letter from them to the Generall and his Councell of Warre, delivered . . . Jan. 18. 1648. [O.S.] dated Jan. 17. 1648, signed by Thomas Gataker and others. [various editions] BM [co-author] De baptismatis infantilis vi et efficacia disceptatio, privatim habita inter. . . S. Wardum . . . et T. Gatakerum. 8vo. 1653. BM T. Gatakeri opera critica. Marci Antonini Imperatoris de Rebus suis libri XII., commentario perpetuo explicati. (Greek and Latin M. Casauboni Notae) Opuscula varia. Omnia recensita, expurgata, illustrata et indicibus ornata. folio. 2 vol. Apud F. Halman, etc: Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1698-97. BM (4 copies) Abraham's Decease. A meditation on Genesis 25.8. Delivered at the Funerall of that Worthy Servant of Christ, Mr Richard Stock, late Pastor of All-Hallowes, Bread-street. 4to. London, 1627. BM (2 copies) Animadversiones in J. Piscut. &c. An Anniversarie Memoriall of England's delivery from the Spanish Invasion: delivered in a sermon on Psal. 48. 7,8. 4to. London, 1626. BM (2 copies) An Answer to Mr George Walker's Vindication, or rather fresh accusations: Wherein he chargeth Mr. Wotton . . . with Arianism; Mr Gataker with Socinianism; Dr. Gouge and Mr. Downham, with a false Attestation; Dr. Baylie and Mr. Stock, with self- condemnation. London, 1642. An Antidote against Errour Concerning Justification; or, the true Notion of Justification and of Justifying Faith, cleared by the Light of Scripture and . . . Reason . . . To which is added, The way of truth and peace: or a reconciliation of . . . S. Paul and S. James concerning justification. 4to. 58. London, 1670. BM The Benefit of a Good Name, and a Good End. A funerall sermon on Eccles. 7.1 London, 1620. Certaine Sermons, first preached and after published at several times, . . . and now gathered together, etc. folio. 2 pt. London, 1637. BM Christian Constancy Crowned by Christ. A funerall sermon on Apocalyps 2.10. Preached at the buriall of Mr. William Winter, Citizen of London. 4to. London, 1624. BM (2 copies) The Christian Man's Care. A sermon on Matth. 6.33. Together with a Short Catechisme for the Simpler Sort. 4to. London, 1624. BM David's Instructor. A sermon preached at the visitation of the Free-Schole at Tunbridge in Kent, by the Wardens of the Worshipfull Companie of Skinners. London, 1620. BM (2 copies) David's Remembrancer. A Meditation on Psalme 13.1. Delivered in a sermon at Serjeants Inne in Fleet-street. 4to. London, 1622. BM De Dipthongis sive Bivocalibus Dissertatio Philologica, 1646. also in Critical Works. De Nomine Tetragrammato Dissertatio. A Small book in Latin, Londini, 1645. (1652) also in Critical Works. The Decease of Lazarus Christ's Friend, a Funerall Sermon on John 11. 2. Preached at the buriall of Mr. John Parker Merchant and Citizen of London. 4to. London, 1640. BM (3 copies) A Defence of Mr Bradshaw against Mr J. Canne. A Discourse Apologetical, wherein Lilies lewd and lowd Lies in his Merlin or pasqil for the yeer 1654 are cleerly laid open . . . his shameless slander fullie refuted . . . Together with an advertisement concerning two allegations produced in the close of his postscript; and a postscript concerning an epistle dedicatorie of one J. Gadburie. 4to. pp. 104. London, 1654. BM A Discussion of the Popish Doctrine of Transubstantiation: Wherein the same is declared, by the confesion of their owne writers, to have no necessary ground in Gods Word: As also it is further demonstrated to be against Scripture, Nature, Sense, Reason, Religion, the Judgement of the Auncients, and the Faith of our Auncestors. 4to. pp. 233. W. Sheffard: London, 1624. BM The English Annotations upon Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Lamentations of Jeremiah, folio, London, 1645. Fran. Gomari Disputationis Elencticae, de Justificationis materia & forma, 1640. God's Eye on his Israel, or a passage of Balaam out of Numb. xxiii. 21 . . . expounded and cleared from Antinomian abuse; with application to the present state of us; to which is prefixed a large epistle to the Religious, Judicious, and Ingenuous, Reader. 4to. pp. 99. London, 1645. BM Gods Parley with Princes: with an appeale from them to Him. The summe of two Sermons on the 3 last Verses of the 82 Psalme, preached at Sergeant-Inne in Fleet-Streete. 4to. London, 1620. BM A Good wife God's Gift: and, A Wife Indeed. Two marriage sermons. Prov. 12, 4 [and Prov. 18, 22], etc. 4to. 2pt. London, 1623. BM A Good Wife Gods Gift. A marriage Sermon. On Prov. 19:14. London, 1620. Jacob's Thankfulnesse to God, for Gods Goodnesse to Jacob. A meditation on Genesis 32.10. Where by the way also the Popish Doctrine of Mans Merite is discussed. 4to. London, 1624. BM Jeroboams Sonnes Decease: a funerall sermon on part of I Kings 14.17 [preached at the burial of ----- Crispe]. 4to. London, 1627. BM The Joy of the Just; with the signes of such. A Discourse tending to the comfort of the dejected and afflicted; And to the triall of Sinceritie. Being the enlargement of a sermon preached at Blackfriers London; on Psal. 95.11. London, 1623. A Iust Defence of Certain Passages in a former Treatise concerning the Nature and Use of Lots, Against such Exceptions and Oppositions as have been made thereunto by Mr. J. B(almford), Wherein the Insufficiency of his Answers given to the Arguments brought in Defence of a Lusorious Lot is Manifested; the Imbecility of his Arguments produced against the same further Discovered; and the Point itself in Controversy more fully Cleared. 4to. pp. 275. Iohn Haviland for William Bladen: London, 1623. BM -----. [another edition] 1623. Marriage Duties briefly couched together: Out of Colossians 3.18,19. 4to. London, 1620. BM A Marriage Praier, or Succint Meditations: Delivered in a Sermon on the praier of Eleazar the servant of Abraham, Genes. 24.12,13,14. London, 1624. BM A Mistake or Misconstruction removed, (whereby little difference is pretended to have been acknowledged between the Antinomians and us,) and Free Grace, as it is held forth in God's Word, as well by the Prophets in the Old Testament, as by the Apostles and Christ himself in the New, shewed to be other than is by the Antinomian party in these times maintained. In way of Answer to some Passages in a Treatise of Mr John Saltmarsh, concerning that Subject. 4to. London, April 21, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] Antinomianism discovered and confuted, etc. 4to. London, 1652. BM (3 copies) Mr Anthony Wotton's Defence, 1641. Mysterious Clouds and Mists, in Answer to Mr John Simpson. 4to. pp. 13; small and closely printed. London, 1648. Noah His Obedience, with the Ground of it: or, his Faith, Feare, and Care. A meditation on Hebrewes 11.7. Delivered in a Sermon at Lincolnes-Inne. London, 1623. Of the Nature and Use of Lots; a Treatise Historicall and Theologicall. Small 4to. pp. 360. London, 1619. BM -----. [another edition] second edition. . . enlarged with addition of answer to some further arguments; by the author. 4to. London, 1627. BM Paul's Desire of Dissolution and Death's Advantage. A sermon [on Phil. 1.23] preached at the Funerall of that right vertuous and religious Gentlewoman Mrs. Rebekka Crisp, together with the testimonie then given unto her. 4to. London, 1620. BM Saint Stevens Last Will and Testament. A Funerall sermon on Acts vii, 59. Preached at the enterrement of the remaines of Mris. Joice Featley. Together with the testimonie then given unto her by T. G. folio. London, 1638. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1638. BM (2 copies) Shadowes without Substance; or, Pretended New Lights, together with the impieties and blasphemies that lurk under them, further discovered in way of rejoynder unto Mr. J. Saltmarsh his reply, entituled, Shadowes flying away, etc. 4to. pp. 124. London, 1646. BM (2 copies) A Sparke toward the kindling of Sorrow for Sion. A meditation on Amos 6.6. Being the summe of a sermon preached at Sergeants Inne in Fleet-Street. 4to. London, 1621. BM The Spiritual Watch; or Christ's General Watch-Word. A Meditation on Mark xiii. 37. 4to. London, 1619. BM -----. [another edition] second edition . . . enlarged. 4to. pp. 130. London, 1622. BM Stricturae ad Epistolam J. Daven, de Baptismo Infantum. 1654. Stricturae in Barth. Wigelini Sang. de obedientia Christi, &c. 1653. T. Gataker . . . his vindication of the Annotations on Jer. x. 2. by him published . . . against the scurrilous aspersions of . . . W. Lillie. As also against the various expositions of two of his advocates, Mr J. Swan and another, . . . Together with the annotations themselves: wherein the pretended grounds of judiciary astrologie, and the scripture proofes produced for it, are discussed and refuted. 4to. London, 1653. BM (2 copies) T. Gatakeri Cinnus, sive adversaria miscellanea animadversionum variarum libris sex comprehensa, quorum primores nunc primitus proderunt, religis [sic] deinceps . . . seorsim inseruturis. 4to. Londini, 1651. BM T. Gatakeri . . . Adversaria miscellanea, in qibus [sic] Sacrae Scripturae primo, deinde animadversionum hujusmodi Cinnum ab ipso, authore praemissum jam subsequuntur . . . Edente Carolo, T. G. filio. Adjicitur authoris vita propria manu scripta, etc. folio. Londini, 1659. BM T. Gatakeri de diphthongis sive bivocalibus; deque literarum quarundam sono germano, etc. dissertatio philologica. 12vo. Londini, 1646. BM Thomae Gatakeri Londinatis Antithesis, partim Gulielmi Amesii, Partim Gisberti Voetii, De Sorte Thesibus reposita. 4to. pp. 61. Typis J. Haviland: Londini, 1638. BM Thomae Gatakeri Londinatis de Novi Testamenti stylo dissertatio; qua . . . S. Pfochenii de Linguae Graecae Novi Testamenti Puritate . . . diatribe ad examen revocatur, etc. 4to. Londini 1648. BM (2 copies) Thomae Gatakeri Londinatis, Dissertationes De Tetragrammato suae, adversus Capellum Vindicatio. Londini, 1652. T. Gatakeri de Nomine Tetragrammato dissertatio, qua vocis Jehovah, apud nostros receptae usus defenditur, etc. 8vo. 1707. BM True Contentment in the gaine of Godliness, with its self- sufficincie. A Meditation on 1 Tim. vi. 6. 4to. pp. 87. Printed by Edward Griffin for William Bladen: London, 1620. BM A true Relation of Passages between Mr Wotton and Mr Walker, 1642. Two funeral sermons much of one and the same subject; to wit, the Benefit of Death. The former on Phil. 1.23. The latter on Eccles. 7.1. 4to. 2pt. London, 1620. [A reissue of "Paul's Desire of Dissolution" and "The Benefit of a Good Name."] BM Two marriage sermons, the former on Prov. XIX. 14 by T. Gataker, the latter on John II. 1-12 by . . . W. Bradshaw. 4to. 2pt. London, 1620. BM Two sermons. Tending to direction for Chrisitian Cariage, both in Affliction incumbent, and in Judgements imminent. The former on Psalm 13.1 The latter on Hebr. 11.7. 4to. 2pt. London, 1623. BM Gibbon, John. c. 1587-?? none known Gibson, Samuel. ca. 1580-?? The only Rule to walke by; guiding Christ's Ministers, and all his members, how to frame their conversation in the way to salvation. A sermon preached . . . the second of October 1615. 8vo. London, 1616. BM The Ruine of the Author and Fomentors of Civill Warres; as it was deliver'd in a sermon [on 2 Sam. xvii. 14] before the Honourable House of Commons, in Margaret's Church, Westminster, Sept. 24th, being the monethly fast day, set apart for publick humiliation. 4to. 4to. pp. 35. London, 1645. BM The sacerdotal benediction. A sermon [on 2 Chron. xxx. 27], etc. in G. Hickes, Three Short Treatises, etc. 8vo. 1709. BM A sermon of ecclesiastical benediction. Preached at Oundle at a Visitation, Apr. 14, 1619. London, 1620. Gipps, George. c. 1590-1654 A Sermon [on Psal. xlvi. 1] preached (before God, and from Him) to the Honourable House of Commons, at a publike Fast, Novemb. 27, in the yeare God is our refuge, our strength; a helpe in troubles verie abundant we finde. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1645. BM #Goode, William. The Discoverie of a publique spirit, presented in a sermon [on Acts xiii. 36] before the Honourable House of Commons, at Margaret's, Westminster, at their publique fast, March 26. 1645. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1645. BM (3 copies) Jacob Raised; Or, The means of making a Nation happy both in spiritual and temporal Privileges: presented in a sermon from Amos vii. 5. preached before the right honorable house of Peeres at Westminster, at the late solemne monthly fast, Dec. 30th, 1646. 4to. London, 1647. BM A new catechsisme, commended to be set forth in this time of reformation, being the principall grounds of Christian Religion . . . Also, with a breefe direction how to read the holy scriptures with profit. 8vo. London, March 4, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1645. BM A Particular Relation of the most Remarkable Occurences from the United Forces in the North . . . By W. Good, etc. (A continuation of True Intelligence . . . by S. Ash and W. Goode, etc.) 4to. 1644. BM Goodwin, Thomas. 1600-1680. [editor of J. Burroughs, Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew (1659); Gospel Conversation (1648); Gospel Worship (1648); The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (1648; 1649; 1845)] BM [publisher of J. Burroughs, The Eighth Book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs (1654); Gospel Reconciliation (?); The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs (1655); Two Treatises (1649)] BM [preface to] A Practical Discourse of God's Sovereignty, etc. [by E. Coles]. 8vo. 1678. BM -----. [another edition] 1708. BM -----. [another edition] 1718. BM -----. [another edition] 1768. BM -----. [another edition] 1794. BM [publisher] The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, etc [by J. Cotton]. 4to. 1644. BM [address to] The Spiritual Taste described, etc. [by R. Dingley]. 8vo. 1649. BM [editor & dedicatory epistle] The Doctrine of the Saints Infirmities. [by John Preston]. 8vo. 1630?. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1636. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1638. BM [editor] The Golden Scepter [by John Preston]. 4to. 1638. BM [dedicatory epistle] Life Eternall [by John Preston]. 4to. 1631. BM -----. [another edition] second edition, corrected. 1631. BM -----. [another edition] 1633. BM -----. [another edition] 1634. BM [editor] Sermons preached before his Maiestie, etc. [by John Preston] 4to. 1631. BM [editor] Bowels opened, or a discovery of the . . . Love, Union, and Communion betwixt Christ and the Church . . . in divers sermons, etc. [by Richard Sibbes] 4to. 1639. BM [publisher] The Christian's Portion, etc. [by Richard Sibbes] 12vo. 1638. BM [publisher] The Excellencie of the Gospell above the Law, etc. [by Richard Sibbes] 12vo. 1638. BM [editor] A Fountain Sealed, etc. [by Richard Sibbes] 12vo. 1637. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1638. BM [publisher] The Spirituall-Man's aime, etc. [by Richard Sibbes] 12vo. 1637. BM The Works of Thomas Goodwin [With preface to vol. 1 by T. Owen and J. Barron] folio. 5 vol. London, 1681-1704. BM The Works of Thomas Goodwin. With general preface by J. C. Miller, and memoir by R. Halley. 8vo. 1861. BM [co-author] The Independents' Declaration, delivered in to the Assembly by Thomas Goodwin, etc. 4to. 1647. BM [co-author] An apologeticall Narration humbly submitted to the honourable houses of Parliament by Thomas Goodwin, etc. 4to. London, 1643. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 1643. BM -----. [another edition] in Wm Haller's Tracts on Liberty in the Puritan Revolution, 8vo. 1934. BM [co-author] A Coole Conference between the Scottish Commissioners' Cleared Reformation, and the Holland Ministers' Apologeticall Narration, etc. 4to. 1643. BM [co-author] A copy of a remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly. By T. Goodwin, et al. Declaring the grounds and reasons of their declining to bring into the assembly, their modell of church government. 4to. London, 1645. BM (2 copies) [co-author] The Principles of Faith presented by Mr T. Goodwin, . . . and other Ministers to the Committee of Parliament for religion, by way of explanation to the proposals for propagating of the gospel. 4to. London, 1654. BM -----. [another edition] De Fondamenten des Geloofs, gepresenteert by Mr T. G. . . . en andere ministers, aen de Gecommitteerdens van't Parlement, ter saecke van religie, etc. [translated from the English] 4to. Amsterdam?, 1654. BM [co-author] Queries of highest consideration proposed to the five Holland Ministers and the Scotch Commissioners (so called) upon occasion of their late printed apologies for themselves and their churches. In all humble reverence presented to the . . . parliament. 4to. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) [co-author] The reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the third Proposition, concerning Presbyterial Government. (The answer of the Assembly of Divines unto the reasons of the seven Dissenting Brethren, etc.) [With an order of the Commons 23 Dec. 1644 that three hundred copies, and no more be printed.] 4to. 2 pt. London, 1645, 44. BM (2 copies of pt 1. Aggravation of Sinne; and sinning against Knowledge, Mercy; Delivered in severall sermons upon divers occasions. 4to. 3 pt. pp. 92. M. Flesher for J. Rothwell: London, 1637. -----. [another edition] 12vo. 2 pt. 1638. BM -----. [another edition] Aggravation of Sinning against Mercie by exaggerating the Riches of common Mercies men sin against. [microfilm of pt 3 made in 1955 by Folger Shakespeare Library] BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. Printed for the benefit of the English Churches in the Netherlands: Amsterdam, 1639. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM Certaine select cases resolved specially tending to the comfort of Beleevers in their . . . temptations, heretofore all published in three treatises. . . Now reprinted, and newly put together. With other divine tractates. 4to. 3 pt. London, 1651. A Childe of Light walking in Darknesse: or, a treatise shewing the Causes, by which; the Cases, wherein; the Ends, for which; God leaves his children to distresse of conscience. Together with directions how to walk so as to come forth of such a Condition. With other observations upon Isai. l. 10, 11. 4to. pp. 255. London, 1636. -----. [another edition] R. Dawlman and L. Fawne: London, 1638. BM -----. [another edition] 1643. BM -----. [another edition] with a recommendatory preface by . . . R. Hawker. 8vo. London, 1855. BM -----. [another edition] in John Wesley's Christian Library, vol. 6. 8vo. 1819. BM Christ set forth in his Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Sitting at God's right-hand, and Intercession; as the Cause of Justification, Object of Justifying Faith, upon Rom. viii. 34. Together with a Treatise discovering the affectionate tendernesse of Christs heart now in heaven, unto sinners on earth. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1642. BM -----. [another edition] 1643, 2. BM -----. [another edition] Whereunto is newly added, Encouragements to Faith . . . Fourth edition, corrected and enlarged. 12vo. 3 pt. Robert Dawlman: London, 1645, 47. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1651. BM -----. [another edition] Third impression, corrected. 2 pt. 1653. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1831. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1841. -----. [another edition] 12vo. pp. 328. R. T. S.: London, 1847. [in Doctrinal Puritans, vol. 10] BM Christ the Object and Support of Faith in Wesley's Christian Library, vol. 6. 8vo. 1819. BM Christ the Universal Peace-Maker: Or, The Reconciliation of all the People of God, notwithstanding all their differences and enmities. A sermon on Eph. ii. 14-16. 4to. London, 1651. BM (2 copies) A discourse [on Heb x. 30, 31] of the Punishment of Sin in Hell; . . . To which is added a sermon [on 2 Cor. v. 5] proving a state of glory for the spirits of just men upon dissolution. 8vo. London, 1680. BM A discourse of the true nature of the Gospel; demonstrating that it is no new law, but a pure doctrine of Grace. In answer to Mr Lorimer's Apology. 4to. London, 1695. BM Encouragements to Faith, drawn from severall engagements both of God's/Christ's heart to receive/pardon sinners. A sermon, on John vi. 37, 38. 4to. London, 1642. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1647. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1650. BM The Expositione of Thomas Goodwin on part of the Epistle to the Ephesians, and on the Book of Revelation. (Vol. 2. The Treatises of T. G. first series) condensed from the original by a clerical member of the Convocation at Oxford. vol. 1, 2. 8vo. London, Plymouth, 1842-44. BM Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians, etc. in W. Wilson The Attributes of God, 8vo. 1835. BM The French Revolution foreseen in 1639. Extracts from an exposition of the Revelation, by an eminent divine of both Universities . . . (Thomas Goodwin) who explains a prophecy in that book of a revolution in Frnce, its separation from Rome . . . To which are subjoined, some observations and remarks, to illustrate facts., etc. 8vo. London, 1796. BM A Glimpse of Sions Glory; or, the Churches Beautie specified, etc. 4to. pp. 33. 1641. BM (2 copies) The Glories of Christ set forth in his mediatorial character . . . Together with the Triumphs of Christ over the empire of Satan, Sin, Death, and Hell. To which is added, a short view of the tenderness of Christ . . . to his redeemed members . . . Revised with a recommendatory preface . . . and a short memoir . . . of the author, by R. Hawker, etc. 8vo. Plymouth, London, 1818. BM -----. [another issue] Plymouth, 1818. BM The government and discipline of the Churches of Christ set down by way of questions and answers, with an explanation and application of the same. 8vo. pp. 99. J. Clark: London, 1722. BM The Great Interest of States and Kingdomes: A sermon from Psal. cv. 13, 14, preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Feb. 25th, 1645. 4to. pp. 59. London, 1646. BM The Happinesse of the Saints in Glory, or, a Treatise of Heaven. 12vo. pp. 95. E. Griffin for R. Dunscomb: London, 1638. BM The Heart of Christ in Heaven, towards Sinners on Earth. London, 1642. -----. [another edition] in Wesley's Christian Library. vol. 6. 8vo. 1819. BM Most holy and profitable sayings of that reverend divine Doctor T. Goodwin. folio. London, 1680?. BM Patience and its perfect work under sudden and sore Trials; which was written upon his loss by the great fire of London. 8vo. 1666. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1667. BM -----. [another edition] With a memoir of the author, by R. Hawker. 12vo. London, 1838. BM The Returne of Prayers: A Treatise, in which this case, (How to discerne Gods answers to our prayers), is briefly resolved; with other observations upon Psal. lxxxv. 8. concerning God's speaking Peace unto his people, and to his saints. 12vo. Printed for R. Dawlman and L. Fawne: London, 1636. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 100. London, 1636. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. pp. 396. 1638 [microfilm of copy in Folger Shakespeare Library] BM -----. [another edition] 1641. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. BM -----. [another edition] in Wesley's Christian Library, vol. 7 8vo. 1819. BM -----. [another edition] to which are added Tidings of Peace, and the Folly of Relapsing. 8vo. Sleaford, 1823. BM -----. [another edition] 16vo. London, 1825. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. Oxford, 1839. BM A Sermon of the Fifth Monarchy, proving by invincible arguments that the saints shall have a kingdom here on earth, which is yet to come . . . preached on Rev. v. 9, 10, etc. 4to. London, 1654. BM (3 copies) A State of Glory for spirits of just men upon dissolution demonstrated: a sermon [on 2 Cor. v. 5.] preached August 30, 1657 before the right honorable the lord mayor, etc. 4to. London, 1657. BM (2 copies) A Sweet Morsel, or divine cordial [a sermon on Ephes. i. 7] . . . extracted from . . . Dr. T. Goodwin. 12vo. pp. 16. Philip Rose: Bristol, 1829. BM The Triumph of Faith; or, Christ exhibited in his Death, . . . as the cause of Justification, . . . A discourse on Rom. viii. 34. Together with a Treatise, displaying the affectionate Tenderness of Christ's Heart, . . . Revised and corrected by . . . T. Smith. 8vo. London, 1814. BM The Tryall of a Christian's Growth, in Mortification, or Purging out Corruption. A Treatise handling this Case, How to discerne our Growth in Grace: Affording some Helps rightly to judge thereof. London, 1641. -----. [another edition] revised as The Tryall of a Christian's Growth, in Mortification or purging out corruption: and Vivification or bringing forth more Fruit, Together with other observations upon the Parable of the Vine. John xv. 1, 2. 8vo. London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1650. -----. [another edition] in Wesley's Christian Library, vol. 7. 8vo. 1819. BM Two Discourses: I. Of the Punishment of Sin in Hell; demonstrating the wrath of God to be the immediate cause thereof; II. Proving a state of glory for just men upon their dissolution. 8vo. London, 1693. BM The Vanity of Thoughts Discovered: with their Danger and Cure. 12vo. pp. 33. Printed by M. Flesher for R. Dawlman and L. Fawne: London, 1637. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1850. BM The World to Come: Or, The Kingdome of Christ asserted; in two Expository Lectures on Eph. i. 21, 22. . . . Preached many years since, etc. 4to. London, 1655. BM Zerubbabel's Encouragement to Finish the Temple: A sermon preached from Zech. iv. 6-9, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late Solemne Fast, April 27th, 1642. 4to. pp. 59 London, 1642. BM Gouge, William. 1578-1653. [publisher] An Exposition of the Song of Solomon, . . . Perused and Published by W. Gouge. London, 1615. BM [editor] A Commentary or Sermons upon the second chapter of the first epistle of Saint Peter. by N. Byfield, etc. 4to. 1623. BM -----. folio. 1637. BM [publisher] Sermons upon the ten first verses of the third chapter of the First Epistle of S. Peter. 4to. 1626. BM Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament. folio. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM [preface to] A Complete Concordance to the Bible of the last translation. folio. 1631. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1635. BM -----. [another edition] folio. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] folio. 1650. BM [epistle to] Certaine Devout Prayers... 12vo. 1638. BM [epistle to] A Treatise of Faith... folio. 1625. BM [preface to] The Practice of Christianitie... 12vo. 1618. BM -----. [another edition] 1623. BM [editor] Vindicae Senectutis, or, A Plea for Old Age... 16vo. 1639. BM [publisher] The Worlds Great Restauration. Or, the Calling of the Iewes. 4to. 1621. BM Briefe answers to the chiefe articles of Religion. 4th edition. 12vo. London, 1642. BM The Dignitie of Chivalrie; A Sermon preached from 2Chron. viii.9. before the Artillery Company of London, 13th of June, 1626. 12vo. G. Miller: London, 1626. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. G. Miller for Ralph Mab: London, 1626. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1631. An Exposition of part of the fifth and sixt chapter of S. Paules Epistle to the Ephesians, where is handled all such duties as belong to household Government; Also the Spiritual Armour, out of which a Christian may fetch sufficient furniture against all his spirituall enemies. London, 1630. An Exposition on the whole fifth chapter of S. Johns Gospell taken from the mouth of Mr W. Mr H. W. Pemble...As also notes on other choice places of scripture taken by a Reverend Divine, now with God, and found in his study after his death. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1631,30. BM The Extent of God's Providence; A Sermon from Mat. x. 29-31. A Funerall Sermon preached . . . at the funeralls of Mrs Margaret Ducke . . . With a short relation of her life and death, written by a friend. 4to. pp. 42. A. M. for Joshua Kirton: London, 1646. BM (2 copies) God's Three Arrowes, the Plague, Famine, Sword, in three Treatises: 1. A Plaister for the Plague. 2. Dearth's Death. 3. The Church's Conquest over the Sword. 4to. London, 1623. BM -----. [another edition] with the Extent of God's Providence set out in a Sermon [on Matt. x.29]. The Dignitie of Chivalry, set for in a sermon [on 2 Chron. viii. 9] . . . Second edition. 4to. 5 pt. G. Miller for E. Brewster: London, 1631. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 436. George Miller for Edward Brewster: London, 1636. BM A Guide to goe to God: Or, an explanation of the Perfect Patterne of Prayer, the Lords Prayer. 4to. pp. 340. G. M[iller] and R. B[adger] for Edward Brewster: London, 1626. BM -----. [another edition] 2d edition. G. M[iller] for E. Brewster. London, 1636. BM A Learned . . . Commentary on the whole Epistle to the Hebrewes, 2 vols. folio, London, 1655. BM Mercies Memoriall: set out in a sermon [on Exod. xiii.13] preached . . Novemb. 17, 1644, in memoriall of th egreat deliverance which England had from anti-Christian bondage by Queen Elizabeth's attaining the crowne. 4to. London, 1645. BM Of Domestical Duties. Eight Treatises. viz. Particular Duties of Wives--Husbands--Children--Parents--Servants--and Masters. 4to. pp. 693. John Haviland, for William Bladen: London, 1622. BM -----. [another edition] Folio, London, 1626. -----. [another edition] 3d edition. 4to. pp. 704. G. Miller for E. Brewster: London, 1634. BM Panoplia tou Qeou. The Whole-Armor of God: Or, The Spirituall Furniture which God hath prouided to keepe safe euery Christian Soldier from all the assaults of Satan. First preached and now published for the good of all such as well use it. A Treatise on Eph. vi. 10-20. 8vo. J. Beale: London, 1616. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp.523. London, 1616. -----. [another edition] 1619. -----. [another edition] 1627. The Progresse of Divine Providence, set out in a sermon [on Ezek. xxxvi. 2] preached . . . before the House of Peers, Sept. 24, 1645, being the day of their monethly fast. 4to. pp. 40. London, 1645. BM A Recovery from Apostacy. Set out in a sermon [on Luke xv. 32] preached in Stepney Church neere London at the receiving of a Penitent Renegado into the Church, Octob. 21, 1638. . . Herein is the history of the surprizall and admirable escape of the said penitent [V. Jukes]. 4to. G. Miller for J. Kirton and T. Warren: London, 1639. BM The Right Way; or a direction for obtaining good successe in a weighty enterprise; set out in a Sermon [on Ezra vii. 21] preached, Sept. 12, 1648, before the Lords, on a day of humiliation for a blessing on a treaty between his Majesties and the Parliaments commisioners. 4to. London, 1648. BM The Sabbath's Sanctification . . . Here-unto is added, a treatise of apostasy, and of recovery from apostasy. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1641. BM The Saints Sacrifice: or, a Commentarie on the 116 Psalme. Which is, a Gratulatory Psalme, for Deliverance from deadly Distresse. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1632. BM The Saints Support; set out in a Sermon [on Neh. v. 19] preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at a Publick Fast, June 29, 1642. 4to. pp. 40. London, 1642. BM A Short Catechisme, wherein are briefly layd downe the fundamentall Principles of Christian Religion. London, 1615. -----. [another edition] 3d edition. 8vo. 1621. BM -----. [another edition] ...needful to be knowne of all such as come to the Lord's Table. Whereunto are added sundry prayers. The sixth edition corrected and inlarged. 16vo. J. Beale: London, 1631. BM A Treatise of Apostacy. London, 1641. A Treatise on the Sin against the Holy Ghost. Folio, London, 1626. The Whole-Armor of God: or, a Christjans Spjritual Furniture, to keepe him safe from all the assaults of Satan. First Preached, and now the second time published and enlarged for the good of all such as well vse it: Whereunto is also added a Treatise of the Sinne against the Holy Ghost. 4to. pp. 626. Iohn Beale: London, 1619. BM The Workes of W. Gouge. In two volumes: the first, domesticall duties. The second, the whole armour of God. 2 vol. folio. J. Beale for J. Grismond: London 1627, 26. BM Gower, Stanley. [preface to] Eighteen sermons [by J. Usher]. 4to. 1659. BM -----. [another edition] Eighteen Sermons preached in Oxford . . . With a preface concerning the life of the pious author by the Rev. S. Gower. 4to. 1660. BM [publisher] The Principles of Christian Religion . . . The seventh edition . . . to which is added twenty sermons. [by J. Usher]. folio. 1678. BM Life of Mr Richard Rothwell, published in Clarke's Lives. Things Now-a-doing: or, the Church's Travail of the Child of Reformation now-a-bearing, In a sermon [preached from Dan. xii. 10] before the . . . House of Commons, at their solemne Fast, July 31, 1644. 4to. pp. 30. London, 1644. BM Greene, John. (BM attributes these writings to 3 different Greene's) The Churches Duty, for received mercies, discovered in a sermon [on 1 Sam. xii. 24] preached before the hon. house of commons, . . . Feb. 24, 1646 [O.S.] being the day of the solemne monthly fast. 4to. London, 1647. BM Nehemiahs Tears and Prayers for Judah's Affliction, and the ruines and repair of Jerusalem., delivered in a sermon [on Neh. i. 3, 4] in the church of Margaret, Westminster, before the House of Commons, upon the day of their Monethly Humiliation, April 24th, 1644. 4to. pp. 40. London, 1644. BM ------------------These are probably by a couple of different John Greene's A brief unvailing of God and mans glory. London, 1641. The Brownists conventicle. London, 1641. The first man, or, a short discourse. London, 1643. Greenhill, William. (CA; Diss; Cov) 1591-1671. [preface to] The Works of W. Bridge. 4to. 1649. BM [editor] Twenty one several books. [W. Bridge] 4to. 1657. BM [editor of J. Burroughs, Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew [1659]; Gospel Conversation [1648]; Gospel Worship [1648]; The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment [1648, 1649]] BM [publisher of J. Burroughs, The Eighth Book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs [1654]; Gospel Reconciliation; Gospel Remission; Gospel Revelation [1660]; The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs [1654]; The Saints Happiness [1660]; Two Treatises [1649]] BM [preface to] The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit. [J. Burroughs] 8vo. 1640. BM -----. [another edition] 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM [address to the reader] Moses his self-denyall, [by J. Burroughs] 8vo. 1641. BM ------. [another edition] 1649. BM [co-author] A Copy of a Remonstrance lately delivered in to the assembly. 4to. 1645. BM [co-author] The reasons of the Dissenting Brethren, T. Goodwin, W. Greenhill, etc. against the third proposition [of the Assembly of Divines] concerning Presbyterial Government. 4to. 1645. BM [address to the reader] QeosplagcnisqeiV [by S. Moore] 8vo. 1648. BM [address] Certain Select Cases resolved... [by T. Shepard] 12vo. 1648. BM [preface to] The Parable of the Ten Virgins opened and applied.... [by T. Shepard] 8vo. 1797. BM [editor] The sincere Convert... [by T. Shepard] 12vo. 1641. BM -----. [another edition] 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM -----. [another edition] 1831. BM Axnh proV thn rizan. The Axe at the Root; A Sermon preached [on Mat. iii. 10] before the Honourable House of Commons, at their publike fast, April 26th, 1643. 4to. pp. 50. London, 1643. BM A Declaration of divers Elders and Brethren of Congregational Societies in and about London: decrying and disclaiming two Bookes; the one called "A Cry," and the other . . . "A Model of a New Representative." Wherein their judgements touching the qualifications of Electors, and eligible persons, are tendred to consideration. 4to. London, 1651. BM A Discourse . . . between Master Greenhill and M. Burroughs. 4to. 1641. BM An Exposition of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel . . . Delivered in several lectures. 8vo. 1839. BM An Exposition of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, with useful observations thereupon; in 5 vols. 4to. First five chapters. Vol. 1st, pp. 468. London, 1645. BM Sixth-thirteenth. Vol. 2d, pp. 565. London, 1649. BM fourteenth-nineteenth. Vol. 3d, pp. 621. London, 1651. BM twentieth-twenty-ninth. Vol. 4th, pp. 592. London, 1658. BM last nineteen chapters. Vol. 5th. pp. ???. London, 1662. BM Sermon before the Parliamen, Ezek. xliii. 2. Sermon on Ezek. xviii. 32. What must and can persons do towards their own conversion? [in S. Annesley, The Morning Exercise at Cripplegate.] 4to. London, 1661. -----. [another edition] 1677. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. vol. 1 1844 BM Sermons of Christ's last Discovery of Himself; viz. 1. Christ the Root of All. 2. His Royal Descent, &c. from Rev. xxii. 16, 17. London, 1656. The Sound-hearted Christian, or, a Treatise of soundness of heart: with several other Sermons; 8vo. pp. 319. London, 1670. BM Catalogus librorum. . . bibliothecae rev. viri Gulielmi Greenhill, auctione venditorum Londini. 4to. Londini, 1678. BM *Hacket, John 1592-1670 (none known) Hall, Henry. (CA) c. 1604-1644 (probably) Heaven Ravished; or, A Glorious Prize, atchieved by an Heroicall Enterprize, as it was lately presented in a sermon preached from Mat. xi. 12. to the Honourable House of Comons, at their solemn Fast, May 29, 1644. 4to. pp. 71. London, 1644. BM *Hammond, Henry 1605-1660--rejected, but later reenstated [assistant editor] Biblia Sacra Polyglotta . . . Edidit B. Waltonus. folio, 1657. BM Verklaring van de geheele heilige Schrift, door eenige van de voornaamste Engelsche godgeleerden. (S. Patrick...Henry Hammond). folio, 1741. BM A paraphrase and annotations upon the books of the Psalms, briefly explaining the difficulties thereof, folio, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1850. BM Novum Testamentum . . . cum paraphrasi annotationibus Henry Hammond, etc. folio, 1699. BM -----. [another edition] 1714. BM A Paraphrase and Annotations upon . . . the New Testament. folio, 1653. BM -----. [another edition] 1659. BM -----. [another edition] 1671. BM -----. [another edition] 1675. BM -----. [another edition] 1702. BM -----. [another edition] 1736. BM -----. [another edition] 1845. BM [co-author] Diatribe triplex: or a threefold exercitation, concerning: 1, Superstition; 2, Will-worship; 3, Christmas festival; [with D. Cawdrey]. 8vo. 1654. BM [writings in] A brief explanation of the obscure phrases in the Book of Psalms . . . Collected out of the writings of . . . Henry Hammond, and others, etc. [by J. Clutterbuck]. 8vo. 1702. BM [preface to] The Whole Duty of Man, etc. [by J. Fell]. 12vo. 1806. BM [letters in] J. Clerici Epistolae criticae et ecclesiasticae . . . Accessere Epistola de Hammondo, etc. [by J. Le Clerc] 8vo. 1700. BM [preface to] Holl ddyledswydd dyn [The Whole Duty of Man] . . . O gyfieithiad E. Samuel. 8vo. 1718. BM An Account of Mr. Cawdry's Triplex Diatribe concerning Superstition, Wil-worship and Christmass Festivall. 4to. J. Flesher for Richard Royston: London, 1655. BM (2 copies). Aien alhqeuein, or, a brief account of one suggestion of the Romanist against the "Dispatcher Dispatched." 4to. pp. 6. London, 1660. BM (2 copies) An Answer to the Animadversions [of John Owen] on the dissertations touching Ignatius's Epistles and the Episcopacie in them asserted. 4to. pp. 219. John Grismond for Richard Royston: London, 1654. BM (2 copies) Axia Qeou krisiV. Iudgment worthy of God. Or an assertion of the existence and duration of hell torments, in two occasional letters, written several years since . . . To which is added an Accordance of St Paul with St James in the great point of Faith and Works. 8vo. pp. 155. H. Hall for Ric: Royston& Ric: Davis: Oxford, 1665. BM The Baptizing of Infants reviewed, and defended from the exceptions of Mr. Tombes, in . . . his book intituled Antipedobaptisme. 4to. London, 1655. BM (2 copies) The Christians obligations to Peace and Charity. Delivered in an Advent Sermon [on Isaiah ii. 4] at Carisbrooke Castle, Ann. 1647, and now published with IX sermons more. 4to. London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] second edition, corrected. 4to. London, 1652. BM Considerations of present use concerning the danger resulting from the change of our Church Government. 4to. 1644. BM -----. [another edition] 1646. BM -----. [another edition] 1682. BM A Copy of some papers past at Oxford betwixt the author of the Practicall Catechisme [Hammond] and Mr. Ch[eynell]. 4to. London, 1647. BM -----. [another edition] second edition. 1650. BM De confirmatione . . . commentarius, ex sententia Ecclesiae Anglicanae . . . Huic accessit diatriba praeliminaris . . . Humphredi Episcopi Sarisburiensis. 8vo. pp. 174. H. Hall: Oxoniae, 1661. BM A defence of the Church of England against the objections of the Romanist. 8vo. 1846. BM Deuterai FrontideV, or a Review of the Paraphrase & Annotations on all the Books of the New Testament, with some additions & alterations. 8vo. pp. 303. J. Flesher for R. Royston: London, 1656. BM Directions for the Practice of a Christian in all the Points of his Religion . . . Collected chiefly from Dr. Hammond, and the author of The Whole Duty of Man. 12vo. pp. 242. 1728. BM The Disarmers Dexterities examined in a second defence of the Treatise of Schisme. 4to. London, 1656. BM The Dispatcher Dispatched [in reply to S. W.]: Or, an examination of the Romanist's rejoynder to the replies of D. Hammond, being a third defence of the treatise of Schisme: wherein is inserted a view of their possession and orall tradition in the way of M. White. 4to. pp. xvii. 821. For Richard Royston: London, 1659. BM Dissertationes quatuor, quibus Episcopatus Jura ex S. Scripturis et primaeva Antiquitate adstruuntrur, contra sentientiam D. Blondelli et aliorum, etc. 4to. Londini, 1651 [O.S.]. BM Dr Hammond's exposition of Gal. vi. 15 . . . and Bishop Hopkins's exposition of John iii. 5, etc. 8vo. London, 1740. BM Ektenesteron. Or the Degrees of Ardency in Christs Prayer reconciled with His fulnesse of habitual Grace. In reply to the author of a book, intituled, A mixture of Scholastical Divinity with Practical [H. Jeanes]. 4to. pp. 10. R. Royston: London, 1656. BM EuschmonwV kai kata taxin: or, the grounds of uniformity, from 1 Cor. xiv. 40. vindicated from Mr. Jeanes's exceptions to one passage in the View of the Directory. 4to. London, 1657. BM Five propositions to the king's Majesty and the Army concerning Church Government, in the ordering the discipline thereof toward communicants. 4to. Cambridge, 1647. BM CariV kai Eirhnh, or a Pacifick discourse of Gods Grace and Decrees in a leter . . . to . . . R. Sanderson . . . To which are annexed the Extracts of three Letters concerning God's Prescience reconciled with Liberty and Contingency. 8vo. London, 1660. BM A letter of resolution to six Quaeres, of present use in the Church of England. 12vo. London, 1653. BM (two copies) The Miscellaneous Theological Works of Henry Hammond . . . To which is prefixed the life of the author, by J. Fell . . . Bishop of Oxford. 3d edition. [Edited by N. Pocock] 8vo. 3 vol. Oxford, 1847-50. [in Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology] BM Mysterium Religionis recognitum. An Expedient for composing differences in religion. 4to. 1649. BM Nineteen Letters . . . written to Mr. P. Staninough and Dr. N. Ingelo . . . illustrated with notes by F. Peck. 8vo. London, 1739. BM (two copies) Notes of Hammond and Whitby, on [1 John v. 7], etc. [in A Selection of Tracts . . . on 1 John v. 7, edited by T. Burgess] 8vo. 1824. BM Of Concience. 4to. 1644. BM Of Fraternal admonition of Correption. 4to. London, 1647. BM Of Fundamentals in a Notion referring to Practise. 12vo. London, 1654. BM Of Idolatry. 4to. 1646. BM Of Resisting the Lawfull Magistrate upon Colour of Religion. 4to. London, 1643. BM Of Scandall. 4to. 1644. BM Of Schisme. A defence of the Church of England, against the . . . Romanists. 12vo. London, 1654. BM Of sins of weaknesse & wilfulnesse. 4to. 1645. BM Of Superstition. 4to. pp. 25. 1645. BM Of the Power of the Keyes: or, of binding and loosing. 4to. 1647. BM Of the reasonableness of the Christian Religion. 4to. 1650. BM Of Will-Worship. 4to. pp. 26. 1644. BM A Paraenesis: or Seasonable Exhortatory to all true Sons of the Church of England. Wherein is inserted a Discourse of Haeresy; in defence of our Church against the Romanist. 12vo. London, 1656. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. Oxford, 1841. BM A practical Catechisme. 8vo. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1646. BM -----. [another edition] fifth edition . . . enlarged. 4to. pp. 356. R. Royston: London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] sixth edition . . . enlarged. 12vo. London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] seventh edition. Whereunto is added the Reasonableness of Christian religion. By the same author. 8vo. pp. 482. Printed by J. F. for R. Royston: London, 1662. BM -----. [another edition] tenth edition. Whereunto is added the Reasonableness of Christian Religion by the same author.. 8vo. London, 1674. BM -----. [another edition] eleventh edition. 1677. BM -----. [another edition] twelfth edition. 1683. BM -----. [another edition] twelfth edition, Whereunto is added the Reasonableness of Christian Religion. By the same authrour. 8vo. pp. 482. Princted by M. Flesher for Richard DAvis: London, 1684. BM -----. [another edition] thirteenth edition. 1691. BM -----. [another edition] fifteenth edition . . . Whereunto is added the Reasonableness of the Christian Religion, by the same author . . . the author's Life, and some account of his writings. 8vo. London, 1715. BM A brief vindication of three passages in the Practical Catechism from the Censures affixt on them by the Ministers of London in a book, entitled, "A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ," etc. 4to. London, 1648. BM Large additions to the Practicall Catechisme . . . by Henry Hammond. Together with the Author's preface, and many other insertions by way of appendix, etc. 4to. pp. 66. R. Royston: London, 1646. BM A view to some exceptions to the Practical Catechisme: from the censures affixt on them by the ministers of London in a Book entituled, a Testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, etc. 4to. London, 1650. BM A resolution to the proposed quaere of marrying the wife's sister. By . . . H. H. Being a reprint from vol. I of his works. By a member of the University. 8vo. Oxford, 1849. BM A second defence of the learned Hugo Grotius; or, a vindication of the digression concerning him, from some fresh exceptions. 4to. J. Flesher for Richard Royston: London, 1655. BM (2 copies) A continuation of the defence of H. Grotius, in an answer to the review of his Annotations; whereto is subjoyned a reply to some passages of the reviewer in his late book of schisme, concerning his charge of corruptions in the primitive church; . . . To which are added two short answers to some passages of the author of A mixture of scholastical and practical divinity. 4to. London, 1657. BM Sermons preached by that . . . great divine Henry Hammond. folio. London, 1664. BM Sermons . . . Published according to the author's own copies. folio. London, 1675. BM Of a Late, or, a deathbed Repentance. 4to. 1645. BM Several Sermons . . . folio, 2 pt. London, 1664. BM Several Tracts of . . . Conscience . . . Scandall . . . Will- worship . . . Superstition . . . Sinnes of Weaknesse, Wilfulnesse . . . A late, or, a Death-bed repentance. 4to. 2 pt. R. Royston: London, 1646. BM Six books of late controversie in defence of the Church of England. All in two volumes. 4to. vol. 1. London, 1656. BM Solemn petition and advice to the Convocation, etc. 8vo. 1661. BM Some profitable directions both for Priest and People, in two Sermons [on 2 Cor. xii. 14, and Deut. xxvi. 12, 13], preached before these evil times, the one to the Clergy, the other to the Citizens of London. 8vo. 2 pt. London, 1657. BM To the Right Honourable the Lord Fairfax and his Councell of warre: the humble addresse of H. H. [desiring them to review some of the principles by which they seem to be actuated.] 4to. London, 1649. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. London, 1649. BM A view of some exceptions . . . made by a Romanist to the Lord Viscount Falkland's Discourse of the Infallibility of the Church of Rome, etc. 4to. 1650. BM A View of the New Directory, and a Vindication of the Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. &c. 4to. 1645. BM A View of the New Directory, &c. 4to. 1646. BM A vindication of the ancient Liturgie of the Church of England, etc. 4to. London, 1660. BM Vindication of Dr. Hammond's Addresse, etc., from the exceptions of Eutactus Philodemius. 4to. 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM A vindication of the dissertations concerning Episcopacie: from the . . . exceptions offered against them by the London Ministers, in their Jus Divinum Ministerii Evangelici. 4to. pp. 191. R. Royston: London, 1654. BM The Works of Henry Hammond [Edited by W. Fulman], etc. 2d edition. Together with the Life of the author [by J. Fell]. folio. 4 vol. London, 1684. BM #Hardwick, Humphrey. (CA; Cov) The Difficulty of Sions Deliverance and Reformation; together with the Activity which her friends should manifest, during the time that her cause is in agitation. Deliverd in a sermon [on Psal. cxxvi. 5, 6] preached at Margaret's, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, on Wednesday morning, the 26th day of June, 1644 [being a day of public fasting and humiliation]. 4to. pp. 36. London, 1644. BM *Harris, John 1588-1658 A View of the Life of Dr. Arthur Lake, Bishop of Bath and Wells. in Arthur Lake's Sermons with some religious and divine meditations. London, 1629. Harris, Robert. (CA; moderate) 1581-1658 The Works of R. H. . . . revised, and . . . corrected. . . . With an addition of two Sermons, not formerly extant [on Ezech. ii. 19, 20, and on Heb. xiii. 5]. folio. 17 pt. Printed by R. Y(oung), for J. Bartlet: London, 1635, 1634. BM The Works of R. H. revised, corrected and collected into one volume, with an addition of sundry sermons, etc. folio. London, 1654, 1653. BM Severall Sermons of R. H. . . . containing I. A brief treatise of the threefold state of man . . . II. A sermon preached to the . . . House of Commons. III. A sermon touching prayer and mercy . . . IV. Abner's funeral . . . V. Concio ad Clerum, preached to the University of Oxford. 4to. pp. 5 pt. London, 1654, 53, 45, 41. BM Abners Funerall, or a sermon [on 2 Sam. iii. 38, 39] preached at the funerall of that learned and noble knight, Sir Thomas Lucie. 4to. London, 1641. BM (2 copies) Absaloms Funerall (a sermon [on] 2 Sam. xviii. 33); preached at Banbyrie, by a neighbor minister (R. H.). Or, the lamentation of a loving father for a rebellious childe. 4to. pp. 34. T. Man: London, 1610. BM -----. [another edition] Absaloms Funerall: preached at Banburie, etc. William Hall, for Thomas Man: London, 1611. BM -----. [another edition] F. Kyngston for T. Man: London, 1614. BM -----. [another edition] B. Alsop for T. Man: London, 1622. BM -----. [another edition] J. Haviland for J. Bartlet: London, 1630. BM The Arraignement of the whole Creature at the Barre of Religion, Reason, and Experience, etc. 4to. 1631. BM A briefe discourse of man's estate in the first and second Adam, etc. 12vo. London, 1654. BM The blessednesse of a sound spirit. London, 1628. Concio ad Clerum. 1. Oxoniae jam dudum habita. 2. Dein posthabita & repubiata. 3. Nunc denium in lucem edita. London, 1641. David's comfort at Ziklag, a plaine sermon. [on 1 Sam. 30, 6.] 12vo. Printed by R. Y. for J. Bartlet: London, 1640. [1628?] BM The Drunkards Cup. 4to. pp. 29. Printed by George Purslowe, for Iohn Bartlet: London, 1626. [1619] BM -----. [another edition] Printed by the Assignes of T. Man . . . Sold by J. Bartlet: London, 1630. BM Encouragement to Perseverance and Holy Importunity in Prayer, being the substance of a sermon [on Luke xviii. 1-8] . . . preached . . . May 25th, 1642 in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster. 8vo. pp. 16. H. N. Batten: Clapham, 1832. BM Gods Goodness and Mercy. Layd open in a sermon [on Ps. cxxxvi. 1] preached at Pauls-Crosse on the last of June 1622. 4to. pp. 29. J. Bartlet: London, 1622. BM ----. [another edition] The third edition, etc. London, 1626. BM (2 copies) Hezekiah's Recovery. Or, a Sermon [on Is. xxxviii. 9] shewing what use Hezekiah did, and all should make of their deliverance from sicknesse . . . Second edition, etc. 4to. Printed by R. Y. for J. Bartlet: London, 1626. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1630. BM Judas his miserie. S. Pauls exercise, S. Pauls confidence. Blessedness of a sound spirit, miserie of a wounded spirit. David's comfort at Ziklag. London, 1635. Pedum Pastorale,...a Latin Sermon from John xxi. 17, 18. Utrecht, 1657. Peters Enlargement upon the Prayers of the Church. London, 1624. -----. [another edition] Peters Enlargement upon the Praryers [sic] of the Church. The fift edition. Whereunto is added certain queres and cases touching the theorie and practice of praier: also inducements and incouragements to perseuerance in that duetie. 4to. pp. 47. Printed by H. L. for Iohn Bartlet: London, 1627. BM -----. [another edition] Peter's Enlargement upon the Prayers of the Church. [A sermon on Acts xii. 6,7.] The sixt edition. Whereis added certaine Queres and Cases touching the Theorie and Practice of Prayer, etc. G. Purslowe for J. Bartlet: London, 1629. BM -----. [another edition] The seventh edition. John Bartlett: London, 1631. BM -----. [another edition] The eighth edition. Printed by T. P. for J. Bartlet: London, 1634. BM -----. [another edition] The ninth edition. 12vo. Printed by R. Y. for J. Bartlet: London, 1640. BM Reprint in facsimile of The Drunkards Cup . . . To which is added an illustrated Talk on Cups by Henry F. Morriss, etc. 8vo. 2 pt. Clifton Publishing House: London, 1918. BM S. Pauls Confidence. A Sermon. London, 1628. Samuel's Funerall. Or a sermon [on 1 Sam. xxv. 1.] preached at the funerall of Sir A. Cope. 4to. F. Kyngston for T. Man: London, 1618. BM -----. [another edition] Samuels Funerall. Or, a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope, Knight and Barronnet, etc. 4to. pp. 25. Bernard Alsop for Thomas Man: London, 1622. BM -----. [another edition] G. Purslowe for J. Bartlet: London, 1626. BM -----. [another edition] folio. London, 1653. [A fragment, being pp. 245-268 of the collected works of the author, published 1654.] BM A Sermon [on Luke xviii. 6-8] preached to the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at a publike Fast, May 25, 1642. 4to. London, 1642. BM Six Sermons, never heretofore published. London, 1628. Sixe sermons of conscience: . . . the second edition. 4to. 5 pt. H. L. for J. Bartlet: London, 1630. BM True Religion in the old way of piety and charity, delivered in a sermon [on Acts x. 31] to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of this city of London, at their anniversary meeting, . . . at the spittle, 1645. 4to. London, 1645. BM Two Letters written by Mr Harris in vindication of himselfe from the known slanders of an unknown author. 8vo. London, 1648. BM Two sermons: the one preached before the judges at Oxford; the other to the Universitie. London, 1628. Two sermons [on Heb. xiii. 18]: wherein we are taught, 1. How to get, 2. How to keepe, 3. How to use a good conscience. London, 1630. BM The Way to true happinesse. Delivered in XXIV. Sermons upon the Beatitudes . . . Also, a Treatise of the New Covenant; set forth sermon-wise upon Ezechiel the xi. 4to. J. Bartlet: London, 1632. BM Herle, Charles. (CA; Presby; Cov) 1598-1659 Abrahams offer, Gods offering, in a sermon [on Gen. xxii. 2.] preached before the rt. hon. the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London. 4to. London, 1644. BM Ahabs fall by his prophets flatteries: being the substance of three sermons upon 1 Kings xxii.22, etc. (Answers to D. Fern's second reply, etc.) 4to. London, 1644. BM An Answer to Dr. Ferne's Reply, entituled: Conscience satisfied: Especially to as much of it as concerned the Answer to his Treatise which went under the name of the Fuller Answer. by the same author. 4to. London, 1643. BM An Answer to mis-led Doctor Fearne, according to his own method of his book, etc. 4to. London, 1642. BM Contemplations and devotions on the severall passages of our blessed Saviour's death and passion. 12vo. pp. 546. Printed by Aug. Mat. for H. Robinson: London, 1631. BM Davids reserve and rescue; in a sermon [on 2 Sam. xxi. 16, 17.] before the Honourable the House of Commons, Nov. 5. 1644. 4to. pp. 18. London, 1645. BM David's Song of three Parts: Delivered in a Sermon from Psal. xcv. 1. preached before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, at the Abby-Church in Westminster, upon the 15th of June, 1643. Being the day appontd for publike Thanksgiving for Gods great deliverance of the Parliament, Citie, and Kingdome from the late mischievous Conspiracy against all three. 4to. pp. 29. London, 1643. BM Fast Sermon before the House of Lords, 1646. A fuller Answer to a treatise written by Doctor Ferne, entituled, The Resolving of Conscience, done by another authour. London, 1642. BM The Independency on Scriptures of the Independency of Churches: the Question of Independency of Church Government is temperately, first, Stated; secondly, Argued: thirdly, cleered from the objections: and fourthly, Appeald in, to the judgements of such as stand for it. By Master Herle . . . at the request . . . of some Friends of his, and by them published: together with Letter sent them together with the Treatise. 4to. London, 1643. BM (2 copies) Microcosmography, in Essays and Characters, 1628; small book. A Payre of Compasses for Church and State; Delivered in a Sermon from Zech. viii. 19. at Margaret's, in Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their Monethly Fast, Nov. last, 1642. 4to. London, 1642. BM A Thanksgiving Sermon, before the House of Commons, 12th of May, 1646. Three Sermons on 1 Kings xxii. 22. Worldly Policy and Moral Prudence; the vanity and folly of the one, and the solidity and usefulness of the other, in a moral Discourse; a small book, London, 1654. -----. [another edition] Second edition, Wisdom's Tripos, or rather its inscription, Detur Sapienti; in three treatises. 1. Of Worldly Policy. 2. Of Moral Prudence. 3. Of Christian Wisdom. The vanity of the first, the usefulness of the second, and the excellency of the third. 12vo. 2 pt. London, 1655. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] Third edition, 1670. Heyrick, Richard. (CA; Cov) 1600-1667 Excommunicatio Excommunicata: or a Censure of the . . . proceedings in the Classis at Manchester . . . In a discourse betwixt . . . (R. Heyrick) . . . [and others]. 4to. 1658. BM The harmonious consent of the Ministers of the province within the county . . . of Lancaster, with . . . the ministers of the province of London, in their late testimony . . . against the errours, heresies, and blasphemies of these times, etc. [signed by RH and others] 4to. Reprinted at Edinburgh, 1648. BM Queen Esthers Resolves; or, A Princely Pattern of Heaven-born Resolution, for all the Lovers of God and their Country; opened in a Sermon preached from Esther iv. 16. before the Hon. House of Commons, at the monethly Fast, 27th of May, 1646. 4to. London, 1646. BM Sermon from Gal. iv. 16. A Sermon from 2 Kings xi. 12. preached at the Collegiate Church in Manchester . . . 23 April, 1661, being the Coronation-day of his royall Majestie Charles II. 4to. London, 1661. BM Three Sermons preached at the Collegiate Church of Manchester, The first on Psalm cxxii. 6., July 8, 1640, the publike Fast day; The second on 2 Thess. ii. 15. November 5, 1638; The third on Gen. xlix. 5, 6, 7. November 5, 1638. 8vo. pp. 173. T. B., for L. Fawne: London, 1641. BM Hickes, Gaspar. (CA; Presby) 1605-1677. The Advantage of Afflictions, a sermon from Hos. v. 15. preached before the right honorable House of Peers, Jan. 28, 1645 [O.S] being the day of publike humiliation, etc. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1645. BM The Glory and Beauty of God's Portion, set forth in a sermon from Isai. xxviii. 5, 6. before the Honourable House of Commons, at the Public Fast, June 26th, 1644. 4to. pp. 43. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) The Life and Death of David, a sermon from Acts xiii. 36, preached at the funeralls of . . . Will. Strode, Esq. 4to. London, 1645. BM (2 copies) *Hildersham, Samuel c. 1594-1674 (none known) Hill, Thomas. c. 1602-1653 [co-editor] The Works of . . . W. Fenner . . . published by his overseers, etc. 8vo. 1651. BM [epistle to] Wilfull impenitency the grossest selfe-murder. 8vo. 1648. BM [another edition] 4to. 1651. BM [another edition] 8vo. 1658. BM The Good Old Way, Gods Way, to Soule-refreshing Rest; discovered in a Sermon from Jer. vi. 16-19. preached to the . . . Lord Maior, and Court of Aldermen of London, on Wednesday in Easter Week, 24 April, 1644, being the day of the monethly publike fast. 4to. London, 1644. BM The Militant Church Triumphant over the Dragon and his Angels; presented in a Sermon preached from Rev. xii. 11. to both Houses of Parliament . . . on 21 July, 1643, being an extraordinary day of publik humiliation. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1643. BM The Right Separation Incouraged, in a Sermon preached from 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. to the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in the Abbey-church at Westminster, on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, 1644, being the day of the monethly public Fast. 4to. pp. 35. London, 1645. BM The Season for England's Selfe-Reflection, and Advancing Temple- Work; discovered in a Sermon preached from Hag. i. 7, 8. to the two Houses of Parliament, Aug. 13, 1644, being an extraordinary day of Humiliation. 4to. pp. 37. London, 1644. BM Six sermons. 4to. 6 pt. London, 1649, 48. BM The Trade of Truth Advanced, in a Sermon from Prov. xxiii. 23. to the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemne Fast, 27th of July, 1642. 4to. pp. 59. London, 1642. BM several other sermons Hodges, Thomas. (CA; Cov) 1600-1672 A Glimpse of God's Glory: as it was presented in a sermon from Psalm cxiii. 5, 6. preached . . . before the hon. House of Commons, at the late solemne fast, 28th Sept. 1642. 4to. pp. 41. London, 1642. BM The Growth and Spreading of Haeresie: set forth in a Sermon from 2 Pet. ii. 2. preached before the Honourable House of Commons, March 10 [1647] being the day of their publike fast and humiliation for the growth of haeresie. 4to. pp. 60. London, 1647. BM Inaccessible Glory, or, the impossibility of seeing God's Face whilst we are in the body; . . . a sermon from Exod. xxxiii. 20. . . . at the funeral of Sir Theod. de Mayerne, in the church of St. Martin in the Fields, on the 30th of March , 1655. 4to. London, 1655. BM Sions Hallelujah: set forth in a sermon on Ps. cxxvi., 20. before the rt. hon. House of Peers . . . on Thursday, June 24, being the day of publick thanksgiving to Almighty God for his Majesties safe return. 4to. London, 1660. BM Sermon on Gen. i. 31. *Holdsworth, Richard 1590-1649 Praelectiones Theologicae, habitae in Collegio Greshamensi apud Londinenses a R. H. Editae (una eum oratione solenni, quam habuit idem in Vesperis comitiorum academiae procancellarius an. 1641) cura et studio R. Pearson. Praemissa authoris vita. folio. Londini, 1660. BM The Peoples Happinesse. A sermon [on Ps. xcliv. 15. preached in St. Maries in Cambridge, upon Sunday the 27 of March, being the day of His Majesties happy Inauguration. 4to. Cambridge, 1642. BM (2 copies) The Valley of Vision; or, a clear sight of sundry sacred truths in twenty one sermons, etc. [with a preface by T. Fuller.] 4to. London, 1651. BM Hoyle, Joshua. (CA; ) c. 1590-1654 Jehojadah's Justice against Mattan . . . A sermon . . . by J. H., Minister of the Gospel. 4to. 1645. BM A Rejoynder to Mr Malone's Reply [to Mr. James Usher] concerning Reall Presence. 4to. pp. 662. Printed by the Societie of Stationers: Dublin, 1641. BM *Hutton, Henry c. 1609-1655 (none known) Jackson, John. (CA) 1600-1648 [dedicatory epistle to] The Morall Law expounded, etc. [by L. Andrewes]. 4to. 1642. BM The Booke of Conscience opened and read. In a sermon [on Prov. xv. 15] preached at the Spittle on Easter Tuesday. 12vo. London, 1642. BM Das Buch des Gewissens eröffnet durch J. J. . . . Zur Lehr der Unwissenden, zur Warnung der Gewissenlosen, etc. übergesetzt durch Z. Forsterum nebenst eine Vorrede G. Schachmanni. 12vo. Bremen, 1668. BM Ecclesiastes. The worthy Church-Man. London, 1628. The Key of Knowledge. London, 1640. The True Evangelical Temper. Preached in three sermons at S. Martins in the Strand, upon the lucent Prophecie of Peace, and Union, Esay. chap. 11. v. 6, 7, and 8. 8vo. pp. 233. R. Milbourne: London, 1641. BM Works likely by Jackson, according to Reid: 1. A Taste of the Truth as it is in Jesus, &c. 2. The faithful Minister of Jesus Christ, described by polishing the twelve Stones in the High Priest's Pectoral, &c. London, 1628. *Jenison, Robert 1583-1652--replaced before invitation The Christian's apparelling by Christ. Wherein is shewed . . . 1, the happiness . . . of all true Christians; . . . 2, the duetie it selfe; 3, the triall and examination of our selves. 8vo. London, 1625. BM The Cities Saftie: or, a fruitful treatise . . . on Psalm 127.1. . . all applyed to our cities in England. Being the effect of divers sermons preached at Newcastle upon Tine. 8vo. London, 1630. BM Directions for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. London, 1624. The height of Israels heathenish idolatrie. London, 1621. Newcastles call to her neighbor and sister townes and cities throughout the land, to take warning by her sins and sorrowes, lest this overflowing scourge of pestilence reach even to them also . . . Whereunto is added the number of them that dyed weekely in Newcastle and Garth-side from May 6 to December 31 1636. 12vo. London, 1637. BM Purgatories triumph over Hell maugre the barking of Cerberus in Syr E. Hobyes Counter-snarle. Described in a letter . . . from J. R. [i.e. R. Jenison?] etc. 4to. 1613. BM The Return of the Sword: or, a Divine Prognostick, delivered in a Sermon [on Jer. xxxiv. 22] at Newcastle: manifesting that breach of Covenant is a prognostick of the return of the sword. 4to. London, 1648. BM ^Johnston, Robert. replaced Carter, deceased (none known) Langley, John. (CA) Gemitus Columbae: The Mournfull Note of the Dove: a sermon preached from Psalm lxxiv. 19, 20. at Margaret's, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemn Fast, Decemb. 25, 1644. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) *Launce, William c. 1588-1666 (none known) *Levett, Matthew c. 1585-1643 replaced before invitation (none known) Ley, John. (CA; Presby; Cov) 1583-1662 An Acquittance or Discharge from Dr E. H. (Edward Hyde) his demand of the fifth part of the Rectory of Brightwell in Berks, pleaded as in the Court of Equity and Conscience, etc. 4to. London, 1654. BM An After-reckoning with Mr Saltmarsh; or, an Appeal to the impartial and conscientious Reader, 1646. Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament; . . . by . . . [J. L.] folio. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. -----. [another edition] 1657. An Apology in Defence of the Geneva Notes on the Bible. ca. 1612. Attestation against errors, &c. Case of Conscience concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: When either the Bread or Wine is wanting, or when there is a desire, yet with an antipathy to them, or debilitie to receive them. 4to. London, 1641. The Christian Sabbath maintained, in Answer to a Book of Dr Pocklington, styled, 'Sunday no Sabbath.' 1641. A Comparison of the parliamentary protestation with the late Canonicall Oath; and the difference betwixt them them: as also, the opposition betwixt the doctrine of the Church of England and that of Rome, etc. 4to. London, 1641. BM A Debate concerning the English Liturgy, . . . drawn out into two English and two Latine Epistles, written betwixt E. Hyde, Doctor in Divinity and J. L. 4to. London, 1656. BM Defensive doubts, hopes, and reasons, for refusall of the Oath, imposed by the sixth Canon of the late Synod. With . . . a letter against the erection of an altar . . . and a case of conscience, touching the receiving of the Sacrament, resolved. 4to. 3 pt. London, 1641. BM A Discourse concerning Puritans. A Vindication of those, who unjustly suffer by the mistake, abuse, and misapplication of that Name. A Tract necessary and usefull for these Times. 4to. London, 1641. A discourse of disputations, chiefly concerning matters of religion; with animadversions on two printed books . . . [concerning a disputation betwixt Dr. J. Bryan and J. Onely, a lay-preacher] . . . Whereto is added, a consolatory letter to Dr Bryan &c., upon the death of his dear . . . much bewailed son, Nathaniel Bryan. (Catalogue of books in defence of the lawfulness of tithes). 4to. London, 1658. BM (2 copies) Equitable and necessary considerations for the Association of Arms in England and Wales. Exceptions many and just. A farther Discussion of the Case of Conscience touching the receiving the Sacrament--Printed with the Comparison. The Fury of Warre, and Folly of Sinne, (as an Incentive to it) declared and applyed. For Caution and Remedy against the Mischiefe and Misery of both. In a sermon [on Jer. iv. 21,22] preached at St. Margarets Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemne and publicke Fast, Aprill 26, 1643. from Jer. iv. 21, 22. 4to. pp. 74. London, 1643. BM (2 copies) General Reasons grounded on Equity, Piety, Charity, and Justice, against the defaulcation of a fift part of the Ministers Maintenance, who beareth the whole burden of the ministerial function to any parish or people. Whereto are added . . . reasons . . . against the payment of fifth part to Dr E. H[yde] out of the Rectory of Br[ightwell] in Berks, . . . with an answer to a letter of . . . Dr. E. H. occasioned by the late insurrection at Salisbury. 4to. London, 1655. BM A learned Defence of Tithes, 1651. (1653) A Letter (against the Erection of an Altar). Written June 29th, 1635, to the Reverend Father John L. Bishop of Chester, 1641. A Letter to Dr E[dward] Hyde, in answer to one of his, occasioned by the late Insurrection at Salisbury, 1655. 4to. London, 1655. BM Light for Smoke; or, a cleare and distinct Reply . . . to a dark and confused Answer, in a book, made and intituled, 'The Smoke in the Temple, by John Saltmarsh.' Whereto is added, Novello Mastix; or, A Scourge for a scurrilous News-monger, (by C. D., Master of Arts) in answer to the malevolent aspersions cast upon that Rev. and learned divine, Mr John Ley. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1646. BM A Monitor of Mortalitie, in two funeral Sermons, which were occasioned by the death of John Archer, Esq. son and heir of Sir Simon Archer, knight of Warwickshire, and of Mistris Harpur of Chester, and her daughter, aged 12 years. 4to. London, 1643. BM The new quere, and Determination upon it, by Mr. Saltmarsh, lately published to retard the establishment of the Presbyteriall Government, examined and shewed to be unseasonable, unsound and opposite to the principles of True Religion and State. Whereunto is annexed a censure of what he hat produced to the same purpose in . . . The opening of master Prinne's Vindication; and an Apologeticall Narative of the late Petition of the Common Coucell and Ministers of London to the honourable Houses of Parliament, with a justification of them from the calumny of the Weekly Pamphleteers. 4to. pp. 106. London, 1646. BM A patterne of Pietie. Or, the religious life and death of . . . Mrs Jane Ratcliffe of Chester, etc. [Being a funeral sermon on Ruth iii.2.] 8vo. F. Kingston for R. Bostocke: London, 1640. BM (3 copies) A Petition to the Protector, by divers, for establishment, as Ministers of the Gospel, without induction by Bishops. Sunday a Sabbath; Or, a preparative discourse for discussion of Sabbatary Doubts, being the first part of a greater worke. 4to. London, 1641. BM Lightfoot, John. (CA;) 1602-1675 [preface to] The Works of . . . H. Broughton. Collected into one volume, etc. [With a preface containing the Life of H. Broughton by J. L.]. Folio. 1662. BM The Works of J. L. . . . With the author's life. (Vol. 1. Revised and corrected by G. Bright. Vol. 2. Published by the care and industry of J. Strype.) Folio. 2 vol. London, 1684. BM (2 copies) J. Lightfooti . . . Opera omnia, etc. [edited by J. Texelius.] Folio. 2 vol. Roterodami, 1686. BM The Whole Works of . . . J. L. . . . Edited by J. R. Pitman. [With the prefaces of former edition.] 8vo. 13 vol. London, 1825, 1822. BM Some Genuine Remains of . . . J. L., consisting of three Tracts . . . I. Rules for a Student of the Holy Scriptures. II. Meditations upon some Abstruser Points of Divinity. . . . III. An Exposition of two . . . Articles of the Apostles Creed; together with a large preface concerning the author, etc. [by J. Strype.] 8vo. pp. 295. London, 1700. BM Animadversiones in tabulaas chorographicas terrae sanctae. Biblia sacra polyglotta, etc. Folio. tom. 1. 1657. BM Centuria Chorographica in S. Matthaeum, necnon Decas Chorographica in S. Marcum, Chorographica pauca in S. Lucam, et Disquisitio Chorographica in S. Joannem. in Ugolinus, Thesaurus Antiquitatum, etc. vol. 5. Folio, 1744. BM A Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles: chronicall and criticall. The difficulties of the text explained, and the times of the story cast into Annals. The first part, from the beginning of the booke to the end of the twelfth chapter. With a briefe survey of the contemporary story of the Jewes and Romans. 4to. pp. 331. 12 pt. Printed by R. C. for A. Crooke: London, 1645. BM Elias Redivius: A Sermon [on Luke i. 17.], preached before the Honourable House of Commons, in the Parish of Saint Margarets Westminster, at the publike Fast, March 29, 1643. 4to. pp. 50. London, 1643. BM (3 copies) Erubhin; or Miscellanies, Christian and Judaicall, and others: Penned for Recreation at vacant hours. 8vo. pp. 203. London, 1629. BM A Few, and New, Observations, upon the Booke of Genesis. The most of them certaine, the rest probable, all harmless, strange, and rarely heard of before. 4to. London, 1642. BM An Handfull of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus. Probable solution of some of the mainest scruples, and explanation of the hardest places of that booke, etc. 4to. 1643. BM The Harmony, Chronicle, and Order of the Old Testament: the years observed and laid down chronically; and the books, chapters, stories, prophesies, &c. taken up orderly . . . Also, a second part of the Harmony of the four Evangelists among themselves, and with the Old Testament, etc. 4to. 3 pt. R. Cotes for J. Clark: London, 1647. BM The Harmony, Chroniclse, and Order, of the New Testament--The text of the four Evangelists methodized--The story of the Acts of the Apostles analized--The Order of the Epistles manifested--And the times of the Revelation observed. All illustrated, with variety of observations upon the chiefest difficulties Textual and Talmudical, for clearing of their sense and language. With an additional Discourse concerning the Fall of Jerusalem, and the condition of the Jews in that land afterward. Folio. pp. 195. London, 1655. BM The Harmony of the Foure Evangelists . . . Part 1st, from the beginning of the Gospel to the baptism of our Saviour. 4to. pp. 214. London, 1644. Part 2d, 4to. pp. 136, from the baptism of our Saviour, to the first passover after. London, 1647. Part 3d, from the first passover after our Saviour's baptism, to the second. 4to. pp. 295. London, 1650. BM Horae Hebraicae, et Talmudicae. Impensae I. In Chorographiam aliquam terrae Israeliticae. II. In Evangelium S. Matthaei. 4to. Joannes Field, impensis Edovardi Story: Cantabrigiae, 1658. BM Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, impensae in evangelium Sancti Marci. Praemittitur Decas chorographica loca nonnulla terrae Israeliticae perlustrans, et praesertim quorum mentio apud S. Marcum. 4to. 2 pt. Cantabrigiae, 1663. BM Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, impensae in Evangelium S. Johannis. Praemittitur disquisitio chorographica, loca quaedam terrae Israeliticae investigans: illa praesertim quorum mentio apud hunc Evangelistam. 4to. Londini, 1671. BM Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, impensae in Evangelium S. Lucae. Praemittuntur chorographica pauca, de locis apud hunc Evangelistam nominatis. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1674. BM Johannis Lightfooti . . . Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae in Acta Apostolorum, partem aliquam Epistolae ad Romanos, et priorem ad Corinthios. Nunc primum in Germania cum indicibus . . . editae e Museo Jo. Benedicti Carpzovi. 4to. pp. 288. Sumptibus Haeredum Friderici Lanckisii: Lipsiae, 1679. BM Johannis Lightfooti . . . Horae Hebraicae et Talmuicae: in quatuor Evangelistas cum tractatibus chorographicis, singulis suo Evangelistae praemissis. Nunc secundum in Germania junctim, cum indicibus . . . editae e Museo Jo. Benedicti Carpzovi. 4to. pp. 1152. Sumptibus Haeredum Friderici Lanckisii: Lipsiae, 1684. BM Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae: Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the Gospels, the Acts, some Chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, and the First Epistle to the Corinthians. A new edition by the Rev. R. Gandell. 4 vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1859. BM Observatio Lightfootiana de nomine Sethur cujus litterae faciunt numerum 666 ad Num. xiii. 14 coll Apoc. xiii. 18, notis commendatitiis illustrata a P. von San. [in D. Gerdes, Miscellanea Duisburgensia, etc. tom. 1.] 8vo. 1732. BM A Sermon from Psalm iv. 4. preached before the hon. House of Commons, at their publique fast, . . . Feb. 24, 1646/7. 4to. pp. 35. London, 1647. BM (2 copies) A Sermon from Rev. xx. 1, 2. preached before the House of Commons, August 26, 1645, etc. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1645. BM (3 copies) The Temple Service, as it stood in the Dayes of our Saviour. Described by J. L. 4to. pp. 200. Printed by R. Cotes for Andrew Crooke: London, 1649. BM The Temple: especially as it stood in the dayes of our Saviour. 4to. pp. 286. Printed by R. C. for Andrew Crook: London, 1650. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM Descriptio Templi Hierosolymitani, praesertim quale erat tempori Servatoris nostri [in B. Ugolinus, Thesaurus Antiquitatum, vol. 9] folio, 1744. BM *Lloyd, Richard c. 1573-1642--died before invitation (none known) *Love, Richard 1596-1661 Oratio habita in Academia Cantabrigiensi, in solenni Magnorum Comitiorum die . . . paulo post Regem Carolum II. foelicissime reducem, praefatoria ad disputationem theologicam; . . . Secunda editio. Cui adjungitur oratiuncula qua praedictus Dr. Love . . . Regem allocutus est, cum Legati Academiae Cantabrigiensis Aulam Regiam primum gratulatum accederent, etc. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1660. BM (3 copies) The Watchman's Watchword. A sermon [on Isa. xxi. 12] preached at Whitehall . . . upon the 30 March last [1642], being the fifth Wednesday in Lent, and the day of the monethly Fast. 4to. [Cambridge], 1642. BM (3 copies) *Lyford, William 1598-1653--rejected, but wound up on list anyway [editor] The Tryall of a Christians syncere love unto Christ. [by W. Pinke] 16vo. 1634. BM -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1657. BM -----. [another edition] 1659. BM An Apologie for our public Ministerie, and Infant-Baptism, written som years ago for private satisfaction of som Dissenting Brethren, etc. 4to. pp. 46. J. Cranford: London, 1653. BM ------. [another edition] 3d edition. London, 1657. BM Lyford's Legacie, or an help to young people, preparing them for the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper. Together with four additional resolves of admission to the same, etc. 8vo. London, 1656. BM (2 copies) The Plain mans Senses exercised to discern both good and evil; or, a discovery of the errors, heresies, and blasphemies of these times and the toleration of them as they are collected and testified against by the ministers of London. (Some memorialls of W. Lyford . . . by W. H., D.D.) 4to. London, 1655. BM Principles of Faith & Good Conscience digested in a catechetical forme. London, 1642. -----. [another edition] 3d edition. Oxford, 1652. BM -----. [another edition] 4th edition. 8vo. pp. 260. Printed by Henry Hall for Joh Adams, and Edward Forrest: Oxford, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] 5th edition. Oxford, 1658. Three Sermons preached at Sherborne in Dorsetshire . . . upon . . . 2 Cor. 2, 15, 16. 4to. 2 pt. E. Forrest: Oxford, 1654. BM (2 copies) The Translation of a Sinner from death to life, by the free grace of God; opened in a sermon [on Ti. iii. 5], etc. 4to. Oxford, 1648. BM (3 copies) Some memorialls of this godly . . . Minister of Christ W. Lyford, etc. 4to. 1655. BM Marshall, Stephen. (CA; cov; Presby) c. 1594-1655 [co-author] An Answer to the Articles against Master Calamy, Master Martiall . . . and amny other painfull Divines who were impeached of High Treason by His Majesty, etc. 4to. 1642. BM [writings in] His Majestie's Paper containing severalle questions propounded to the Commissioners Divines touching Episcopacy. With an . . . answer returned to his Majesty by Mr. Marshall, Mr. Vines, Mr. Cavill, etc. 4to. 1648. BM [co-author] An Answer to a Book entitled, An Humble Remonstrance; in which, the Original of Liturgy and Episcopacy is discussed: and Queries propounded concering both. The Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demonstrated. The occasion of their Imparity in Antiquity discovered. The Disparity of the Ancient and our Modern Bishops manifested. The Antiquity of Ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The Prelatical Church bounded. Written by Smectymnuus. 4to. pp. 94. 1641. BM -----. [another edition] . . . .Composed by five . . . divines (S. Marshall, Edm. Calamy, Tho. Young, Matthew Newcomen, Will. Spurstowe). [with a preface signed, Tho. Manton.] 4to. pp. 67. J. Rothwell: London, 1669. BM [co-author]. A Letter from Scotland to his Brethren in England concerning the Success of Affairs there. 4to. London, 1643. A Copy of a Letter written by Mr Stephen Marshall to a Friend of his in the city, for the necessary Vindication of himself and of his Ministry, against that altogether groundless, most unjust, and ungodly Aspersion cast upon him by certain Malignants in the city, and lately printed at Oxford, in their Mendacium Aulicum . . . otherwise called Mercurius Aulicus. . . . With . . . the lawfulnesse of the Parliaments taking up defensive arms. 4to. pp. 30. London, 1643. BM A Defence of Infant-Baptism: In Answer to two Treatises, . . . concerning it; lately published by Mr John Tombes. Wherein that controversie is fully discussed. 4to. pp. 256. London, 1646. BM A Divine Project to save a Kingdom, opened in a Sermon from Numb. xxv. 10, 11. to the Right honourable the Lord Maior, and Court of Aldermen, of the city of London, at their anniversary meeting, on Easter Munday, April 22, 1644, etc. 4to. pp. 44. London, 1644. BM Emmanuel: a Thanksgiving Sermon [on Isa. viii. 9, 10] preached to the Hon. House of Commons, upon their solemn day of praising God for the victory obtained by the parliaments forces in South Wales, . . . May 17, 1648. 4to. London, 1648. BM God's Master-Piece; a Sermon from Psal. cii. 16. tending to manifest God's glorious appearing in the Building up of Zion, preached to the Right honourable the House of Peers, . . . March 26, 1645, being the day of the monthly publike fast. 4to. 1645. BM Master Marshals speech, spoken at the Guildhall . . . Octob. 27, 1643. (Wherein is shew'd the readynesse of the Scots to assist the Kingdome and Parliament of England.) [in Sir H. Vane, Two Speeches, etc.] 4to. 1643. BM Meroz Cursed; or, a Sermon preached from Judges v. 23. to the honourable House of Commons, at their late solemn Fast, Feb. 23, 1641. 4to. pp. 54. London, 1641. BM A Peace-offering to God; a Sermon preached from Psal. cxxiv. 6, 7, 8. to the honourable House of Commons, . . . at their publique thanksgiving, Sept. 7, 1641, for the Peace concluded between England and Scotland. 4to. pp. 51. London, 1641. BM A Plea for Defensive Armes; London, 1642. The Power of the Civil Magistrate, in matters of Religion, vindicated. The extent of his power determined. In a Sermon [on 1 Tim. ii. 2] preached before the Parliament, on a monthly Fast- day. . . . Published by G. Firmin . . . with notes. 8vo. pp. 45. W. Webb and W. Grantham: London, 1657. BM Reformation and Desolation; or, a Sermon [from 2 Kings xxiii. 26]tending to the Discovery of the Symptomes of a People to whom God will by no meanes be reconciled. Preached to the . . . House of Commons, at their late solemne Fast, Dec. 22, 1641. London, 1642. BM (2 copies) The Right Understanding of the Times; opened in a Sermon [on 1 Chron. xii. 32] before the Commons, Dec. 30th, 1646, Fast. 4to. pp. 46. London, 1647. BM (2 copies) A Sacred Panegyrick; or, a Sermon of Thanksgiving, preached from 1 Chron. xii. 38, 39, 40. to the two Houses of Parliament, his Excellency the Earl of Essex, the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and common Council of London, the reverend Assembly of Divines, and Commissioners from the Church of Scotland. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1644. BM A Sacred Record to be made of God's Mercies to Zion: a Thanksgiving Sermon preached from Psal. cii. 18. to the two Houses of Parliament, the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, and common Council of the city of London, at Christ's church, June 19, 1645 . . . for the . . . Victory . . . in Naseby-field. 4to. London, 1645. BM A Sermon of the Baptizing of Infants, preached from 1 Pet. iii. 21. in Abbey-church at Westminster, at the Morning Lecture, appointed by the Hon. House of Commons. 4to. pp. 61. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) A Sermon preached from 2 Chron. xv. 2. before the honourable House of Commons, at their publike Fast, Nov. 17, 1640. 4to. pp. 50. London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] A Sermon Preached before the Honourable House of Commons . . . at their first publike Fast, November 17, 1640, etc. Samuel Man: 1645. BM -----. [another edition] republished in Two Sermons, preached to the honourable House of Commons Assembled in Parliament. At their Publique Fast, Novemb. 17, 1640. By Cornelius Burgess D.D. and Stephen Marshall B.D. London, 1641) A Sermon [on Mat. xi. 12] preached to to the . . . House of Commons . . . at their late solemne Fast, Januar. 26, 1647 at Margarets Westminster. 4to. London, 1647. BM A Sermon [on Rom. xii. 4, 5] preached to the Right honourable the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, at their anniversary meeting on Easter Monday, April 1652, at the Spittle: wherein the Unity of the Saints with Christ the Head, and especially with the Church the Body, With the duties thence arising are endeavoured to be cleared. 4to. London, 1652. -----. [another edition] Second impression, corrected . . . By S. Marshal. 4to. London, 1653. BM A Sermon [on Joshua xxii. 33] preached to the two Houses of Parliament at their solemn meeting to praise God for his infinite mercy in the restoring of the . . . parliament to their honor and freedome, in the Abbey church, Westminster, Aug. 12, 1647. 4to. London, 1647. BM (2 copies) A Sermon preached from Isai. viii. 9 The Sinne of Hardnesse of Heart: the nature, danger and remedy of it: opened in a sermon [on Zech. vii. 12] preached to the Hon. House of Commons July 28, 1648, being the day of their solemne monethly fast. 4to. London, 1648. BM The Song of Moses the servant of God, and the Song of the Lambe, opened in a Sermon preached from Rev. xv. 2, 3, 4. to the honourable House of Commons, at the late solemne day of Thanksgiving, June 15, 1643, for the discovery of a dangerous, desperate, and bloudy, Designe, tending to the utter subversion of the Parliament, and of the famous City of London. 4to. pp. 48. London, 1643. BM The Strong Helper; or, the Interest and Power of the Prayers of the Destitute, for the Building up of Zion, opened in a Sermon from Psal. cii. 17. preached before the hon. . . . House of Commons, . . . upon the solemn day of their monthly Fast, April 30, 1645. 4to. London, 1645. BM A Thanksgiving Sermon [on Isa. ix. 4, 5]: preached to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor . . . of London upon occasion of the . . . victories . . . vouchsafed to the Parliaments forces, . . . July 27, 1648. 4to. London, 1648. BM Qrhnwdia. The Churches Lamentation for the Good Man his Losse; delivered in a Sermon from Micah vii. 1, 2. to the Right honourable the two Houses of Parliament and the reverend Assembly of Divines, at the Funeral of that excellent Man, John Pym, Esquire, a late Member of the honourable House of Commons, on the 15th of Dec. 1643. 4to. pp. 42. For S. Bowtell: London, 1644. BM (4 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 30. London, 1644. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 34. London, 1644. BM A true and succinct relation of the late battel neere Kineton in Warwickshire. Expressed in a letter from that godly and reverend divine master S. Marshall. folio. London, 1642. BM The Two Edged Sword out of the mouth of Babes, to execute vengeance upon the enemy and avenger; presented in a sermon from Psal. viii. 2. to the Rt. Hon. the House of Lords, at Westminster, Oct. 28, 1646, the solemn day of their monthly Fast. 4to. London, 1646. BM *Marshe, James 1592-1646--approved (by one vote) but never invited (none known) #Maynard, John. (Cov) -1665 (replaced H. Nye, deceased) The Beauty and Order of the Creation Displayed in the six days' work. The Law of God ratified, by the Gospel of Christ; or, the Harmony of the Doctrine of Faith, with the Law of Righteousness, wherein many of the types and rites of the Ceremonial law are unfolded. As it was delivered in several sermons . . . by Mr. Mainard. 8vo. London, 1674. BM A Sermon [on Prov. xxiii. 23] preached to the Hon. House of Commons at their late solemne fast, Feb. 26, 1644. 4to. London, 1645. BM A Shadow of the Victory of Christ; represented to the Hon. House of Commons in a sermon [on Phil. iii. 21] preached on the day of the publick fast, 28th Oct. 1646. 4to. London, 1646. BM The Young Man's Remembrancer, and Old Man's Monitor, 1660. Bibliotheca Maynardiana; sive Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae selectisimae Rev. Viri D. Maynard. 4to. London, 1687. BM Mewe, William. (CA) c. 1602-1659 The Robbing and Spoiling of Jacob and Israel considered and bewailed in a Sermon [on Isa. xlii. 24, 25] preached . . . before the honourable House of Commons, at the late solemn Fast, November 29, 1643. 4to. pp. 48. London, 1643. BM (2 copies) Micklethwait, Thomas. (CA) replaced, but reinstated (none known) *Moreton, William d. 1643 *Morley, George 1598-1684 (if this is the right one--successively Bishop of Worcester and of Winchester) Articles of Visitation and Enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical . . . exhibited . . . in the primary episcopal visitation of . . . George . . . Bishop of Winchester. 4to. London, 1662. BM The Bishop of Winchester's vindication of himself from divers false reflexions made upon him by R. Baxter in several of his writings. 4to. pp. 525, 27. London, 1683. BM The Bishop of Worcester's letter to a friend for vindication of himself from Mr. Baxter's calumny. 4to. pp. 45. R. Norton for Timothy Garthwait: London, 1662. BM A Letter of the now Lord Bishop of Winchester's . . . of the means to keep out Popery. Folio, 1682. BM A Modest Advertisement concerning the present controversie about Church Government, etc. 4to. 1641. BM A Sermon [on Prov. xxviii. 2] preached at the . . . Coronation of . . . Charles II., King of Great Britain, etc. 4to. pp. 62. R. Norton for T. Garthwait: London, 1661. BM (5 copies) -----. [another edition] London printed, 1661; reprinted, 1714. BM A Sermon [on 1 Cor. xiv. 33] preached before the King . . . Nov. 5, 1667. 4to. London, 1683. BM Several Treatises, written upon several occasions . . . both before and since the Kings Restauration, etc. 4to. 9pt. London, 1683. BM Two Letters to . . . J. Ulitius; wherein it is . . . proved that neither Augustine, nor any one of those Fathers who flourished in the ages before him did . . . in any wise countenance the Invocation of Saints . . . Made English by a Divine of the Church of England. With a letter to the translator, by G. Hickes. 4to. London, 1707. BM A Vindication of the Bishop of Worcester's Letter touching Mr. Baxter from the animadversions of D. E. [i.e., E. Bagshaw.] 4to. London, 1662.BM Newcomen, Mathew. c. 1610-1669 [co-author] An Answer to a Book entitled, An Humble Remonstrance; in which, the Original of Liturgy and Episcopacy is discussed: and Queries propounded concering both. The Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demonstrated. The occasion of their Imparity in Antiquity discovered. The Disparity of the Ancient and our Modern Bishops manifested. The Antiquity of Ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The Prelatical Church bounded. Written by Smectymnuus. 4to. pp. 94. 1641. BM Smectymnuus Redivivus . . . Composed by five . . . divines. 4to. 1669. BM The All-Seeing Unseen Eye of God; a Sermon from Heb. iv. 13. preached before the Hon. House of Commons, Dec. 30th, 1646, being the day of their solemne monethly fast. 4to. London, 1647. BM Another Sermon in the Country Collection, which is the last in the volume, from Acts xx. 32. entitled, Ultimum Vale; or, The last Farewell of a Minister of the Gospel to a beloved people. pp. 78. London, 1663. The Best Acquaintance, and Highest Honour of Christians. A Discourse on Job xxii. 21. A small book. London, 1668. (1679) The Craft and Cruelty of the Churches Adversaries, discovered in a Sermon [on Neh. iv. 11] preached at St. Margarets in Westminster before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, Nov. 5, 1642. 4to. pp. 70. London, 1643. BM The Duty of Such as would Walke worthy of the Gospel, to endeavour Union, not Division, nor Toleration; opened in a Sermon from Phil. i. 27. at Paul's, upon the Lord's day, 8th Feb. 1646. 4to. London, 1646. BM An Endeavour of making the Principles of Christian religion . . . plain and easie. London, 1640. Irenicum. Jersalem's Watchmen, the Lord's Remembrancers: a sermon [on Isa. lxii. 6, 7] preached . . . before both Houses of Parliament, and the Assembly of Divines, upon their solemn Fast, July 7, 1643. 4to. pp. 34. London, 1643. BM Mr. M. Newcomen his farewel-sermon [on Rev. iii. 3], preached at Dedham in Esses, Aug. 20, 1662. [in A compleat collection of Farewell Sermons] 8vo. 1663. BM -----. [another edition] Farewell Sermons of some of the most eminent of the Nonconformist Ministers. 8vo. 1816. BM The Necessity and Encouragement, of Utmost Venturing for the Churches Help. . . . preached to the Honourable House of Commons, on the day of the Monthely solemn Fast, 28 June 1643. London, 1643. Scripture and Reason pleaded for Defensive Armes: or the whole Controversie about Subjects taking up armes. Wherein besides other pamphlets, an Answer is punctually directed to Dr. Fernes Booke, entitled, Resolving of Conscience &c. London, 1643. A Sermon [on Acts xiii. 36] preached at the Funerals of . . . Mr Samuel Collins, Pastor of the Church of Christ at Braintree in Essex, who exchanged this life for immortality . . . in the year 1657. 8vo. London, 1658. BM A Sermon [on Josh. vii. 10, 11] tending to set forth the Right Use of the Disasters that befall our Armies: preached before the Hon. Houses of Parliament, at a fast specially set apart, . . . Sept. 12th, 1644. 4to. pp. 41. London, 1644. BM The Upright Protestant, as he was reformed from the superstitious errours of Popery in the happy reignes of Edward the 6th, Qu. Elizabeth, and King James . . . and for which this . . . Parliament will live and die. London, 1643. *Nicholson, William 1591-1672 replaced but later invited (Bishop of Gloucester) Magna Charta [sic]; More news from Rome . . . as also a new Font erected in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester in October 63. and consecrated by th ereverend moderate Bishop, Dr. William Nicholson. [by Silawl, pseud.] 4to. 1666. BM An Apology for the Discipline of the Ancient Church, intended especially for that of our mother the Church of England: in answer to the admonitory letter lately published. 4to. London, 1659 [1658]. BM David's Harp strung and tuned; or, an easie analysis of the whole book of Psalms . . . With a . . . meditation or prayer at the end of every Psalm, framed for the most part out of the words of the Psalm, etc. folio. pp. 535. W. Leake: London, 1662. BM EkqesiV pistewV; or, an exposition of the Apostles' Creed, delivered in several sermons. folio. London, 1661. BM A plain, but full Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England . . . collected out of the best Catechists by . . . William Lord Bishop of Gloucester. 4to. pp. 113 [213]. 4to. 1661. BM -----. [another edition] 1662. BM -----. [another edition] 1663. BM -----. [another edition] 1665. BM -----. [another edition] 1671. BM -----. [another edition] 1678. BM -----. [another edition] 1686. 8vo. BM -----. [another edition] 1842. 8vo. BM *Nye, Henry 1589-1643 (none known) Nye, Philip. (CA; Cov; Ind) 1596-1672 [publisher] The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven . . . [by J. Cotton]. 4to. 1644. BM [editor of J. Burroughs, Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew; Gospel Conversation; Gospel Worship; The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment] [publisher of J. Burroughs, The Eighth Book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs; Gospel Reconciliation; Gospel Remission; Gospel Revelation; The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs; The Saints Happiness; Two Treatises] [editor] Bowels Opened, or a discovery of the . . . Love, Union and communion betwixt Christ and the Church . . . in divers sermons, etc. [by R. Sibbes]. 4to. 1639. BM -----. [another edition] 1641. BM [publisher] The Christian's Portion . . . [by R. Sibbes]. 12vo. 1638. BM [publisher] The Excellencie of the Gospel above the Law. [by R. Sibbes]. 12vo. 1639. BM [editor] A Fountain Sealed. [by R. Sibbes]. 12vo. 1637. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1638. BM [publisher] Two Sermons [by R. Sibbes]. 12vo. 1637. BM [editor] Yea and Amen: or, Pretious Promises . . . By R. Sibbes. Reviewed by himselfe . . . and since perused by T. G. and P. N. 12vo. 1638. BM [editor] Two books: I, of Unbelief . . . II, Not going to Christ, etc. [by Sydrach Simpson] 4to. 1658. BM [co-author] An Apologetical Narration of some Ministers. Humbly submitted to the honourable Houses of Parliament by T. Goodwin, P. Nye, etc. 4to. London, 1643. BM [co-author] Some observations . . . upon the Apologeticall Narration, etc. 4to. 1644. BM [co-author] A copy of a remonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly. By T. Goodwin, J. Burroughs, W. Greenhill, W. Bridge, P. Nye, S. Simson and W. Carter. Declaring the grounds . . . of their declining to bring into the Assembly their modell of Church Government. 4to. 1645. BM [co-author] The Principles of Faith presented by Mr. T. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, . . . and other Ministers . . . by way of explanation to the proposals for propagating of the Gospel. 4to. 1654. BM -----. [another edition] De Fondamenten des Geloofs, gepresenteert by Mr. T. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, etc. 4to. 1654. BM [co-author] Queries of highest consideration, proposed to the five Holland Ministers upon occasion of their late printed Apologies for themselves and their churches, etc. 4to. 1644. BM [co-author] The Reasons of the Dissenting Brethren against the third proposition concerning Presbyterial Government. 4to. 1645. BM [co-author] (with Goodwin and Samuel Hartlib) An Epistolary Discourse about Toleration. 4to. London, 1644. [co-author] A Letter from Scotland to his Brethren in England concerning the Success of Affairs there. 4to. London, 1643. Beames of former Light, discovering how evil it is to impose doubtful and disputable formes for Practices upon Ministers: especially under the penalty of ejection for non-conformity unto the same. Also something about catechizing. 4to. pp. 241. London, 1660. BM Case of great and present use, &c. 1677 An Exhortation to the House of Commons and Divines of the Assembly, by Mr Nye before he read the covenant. 4to. London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] The Excellency and Lawfulnesse of the Solemn League and Covenan: set forth in a speech or exhortation to the House of Commons, and to the reverend Assembly of ministers, 25th Sept. 1643. 4to. London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] 2d edition. London, 1660. In Collection of Sermons and Speeches, at taking the Covenant. Glasgow, 1741. -----. [another edition] 1799. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, according to the Word of God, &c. London, 1644. (2d edit) The Kings authority in dispensing with ecclesiastical Laws, asserted and vindicated. 3d edition. 4to. London, 1687. BM (3 copies) The Lawfulnes of hearing the Publick Ministers of the Church of England, proved, by Mr. P. Nye and Mr. J. Robinson. 4to. London, 1683. BM The Lawfulness of the Oath of Supremacy, and Power of the King in Ecclesiastical Affairs, . . . with Queen Elizabeth's admonition, declaring the sence and interpretation of it. . . Together with a vindication of Dissenters. . . . With some account of the ecclesiastical courts. 4to. London, 1683. BM Mr Anthony Sadler re-examined . . . shewing the grosse mistakes in his Inquisitio Anglicana, etc. 4to. 1654. BM The Principles of Faith, presented by Thomas Goodwin, Philip Nye, &c. to the committee of Parliament for Religion, by way of explanation to the Proposals for propagating the Gospel. 4to. London, 1654. A Sermon preached from Neh. vi. 11. to the honourable Citizens of London, Sept. 29, 1659, being the day of the election of their Lord Mayor. 4to. London, 1661. BM A Vindication of Dissenters; Proving that their particular Congregations are not inconsistent with the King's Supremacy in Ecclesiastical Affairs. 1683. (also, Some Account of the Nature, Constitution, and Power of Ecclesiastical Courts: Printed with the former) Painter, Henry. c. 1583-1644 (none known) Palmer, Herbert. (Cov) 1601-1647 [actual author] Characteristicks of a Believing Christian . . . By F. Bacon [or rather by H. P.] 8vo. 1756. BM -----. [another edition] 1758. BM [actual author] Divine Paradoxes . . . Chiefly extracted from Lord Bacon [or rather H. P.] 12vo. 1799. BM [co-author] (with Daniel Cawdrey) Sabbatum Redivivum. The Christian Sabbath Vindicated, in a full Discourse concerning the Sabbath and the Lord's-day; Part I. Of the Decalogue in generall, and other laws of God, etc. 4to. London, 1645. BM [co-author] (with Daniel Cawdrey) Sabbatum Redivivum. The Chrsitian Sabbath Vindincated in a full Discourse concerning the Sabbath and the Lord's-day; Part II. of the Fourth Commandment of the Decalogue, in speciall. (The third part: in three questions concerning the Old Sabbath. The fourth part: in three questions concerning the Lord's Day.) 4to. 1652. BM The Duty and Honour of Church Restorers: set forth in a sermon [on Isa. lviii. 12] preached to the Hon. House of Commons, Septemb. 30, 1646, being the day of the monethly solemne fast, etc. 4to. London, 1646. BM An Endeavour of making the Principles of the Christian Religion . . . plain and easie. 8vo. 1640. BM -----. [another edition] sixth edition, 1645. -----. [another edition] The fourth impression, etc. [in A. F. Mitchell's Catechisms of the Second Reformation] 8vo. 1886. BM A full answer to a printed paper, entituled, Foure serious questions concerning excommunication, etc. 4to. 1645. BM The Glasse of God's Providence towards his Faithfull Ones; held forth in a Sermon [on Ps. xxix. 8] preached to the two Houses of Parliament, at Margaret's Westminster, Aug. 13, 1644, being an extraordinary Day of Humiliation. 4to. pp. 66. London, 1644. BM Letter of Mr. Palmer's, dated Aug. 14, 1632, printed in the Baptist Annual Register, Jan. 1, 1801, London. Memorials of Godlinesse and Christianitie. Part I of making religion one's businesse. (an appendix applyed to the calling of a minister.12vo. London, 1644. BM -----. [another edition] Seventh edition, corrected and enlarged by the author. 3 pt. 12vo. London, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] The tenth edition corrected and enlarged [by C. Herle]. With a brief account of the author's life [by H. Clark]. 3 pt. 12vo. H. Million: London, 1670. BM -----. [another edition] eleventh edition. 1673. -----. [another edition] thirteenth edition. 1708. -----. [another edition] in J. Wesley, A Christian Library. vol. 12. 8vo. 1819. BM -----. [another edition] Lord Bacon not the author of "The Christian Paradoxes": being a reprint of "Memorials of Godliness and Christianity" . . . With and introduction, memoir, and notes by A. B. Grosart. 8vo. Privately printed: Edinburgh, 1865. BM (2 copies) The Necessity and Encouragement of Utmost Venturing for the Churches Help; together with the Sin, Folly and Mischief of Self- idolizing; set forth in a sermon [on Esther iv. 13, 14] preached to the honourable House of Commons, on the day of the monethly solemn Fast, 21 June, 1643. 4to. pp. 71. London, 1643. BM Scripture and Reason pleaded for defensive Arms. The Soule of Fasting; or, Affectings requisite on a Day of solemne Fasting and Humiliation: according to the pattern, Neh. ix. 5, etc. 12vo. 1644. BM The Upright Protestant, as he was reformed from the superstitious errours of Popery in the happy reignes of Edward the 6th. Qu. Elizabeth, and King Iames . . . and for whom this . . . Parliament will live and die. 4to. pp. 6. 1643. BM -----. [another edition] The Character of a believing Christian. Set forth in Paradoxes and seming Contradictions. 12vo. pp. 11. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] The Characters of a believing Christian, in paradoxes, and seeming contradictions. [Commonly ascribed to Herbert Palmer] in Francis Bacon, The Remaines of the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, etc. 4to. 1648. BM -----. [another edition] in Francis Bacon, The Mirrour of State and Eloquence, etc. 4to. 1656. BM *Pashley, Christopher c. 1596-?? (none known) Peale, Edward. (CA) c. 1583-1645 (none known) Perne, Andrew. (CA) 1596-1654 Gospell Courage, or Christian Resolution for God and his Truth: in a sermon [on Micah iv. 5] preached before the honourable House of Commons, at Margaret's, Westminster, at a Publique Fast, . . . 31 May, 1643. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1643. BM Philips, John. (CA) c. 1585-1663 [pastor of Wrentham when called to the Assembly--the following was written by thepastor of Feversham in Kent, who may or may not be the same person (Kingston did publish the writings of at least one other divine, Thomas Case).] The Way to Heaven: shewing that salvation is onely in the Church; What the Church is, etc. 4to. F. Kingston: London, 1625. BM Pickering, Benjamin. A Firebrand Pluckt out of the Burning, from Zech. iii. 2. 4to. pp. 28. London, 1645. Price, William. d. 1666 Gods Working and Brittains Wonder. A sermon [on ps. cxviii. 31]: congratulating the most happy establishment of . . . Charles the II. on his throne, etc. 4to. London, 1660. BM Man's Delinquencie attended by Divine Justice, intermixed with Mercy; display'd in a sermon [on Ezra ix. 6, 7, 8] to the Right Honorable the House of Lords assembled in Parliament, in the Abbey-church, Westminster, Nov. 25, 1646, being the solemn day of their monethly fast. 4to. London, 1646. BM A Sermon [on Isa. i. 21, 22] preached . . . on Wednesday in Easter Weeke, April 13, 1642, before the . . . Lord Maior, etc. 4to. London, 1642. BM Triumphus Sapientiae: seu, conciones aliquae in selecta theologiae capita, Anglicano quidem idiomate factae; Latinitate donatae per G. Price. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1655. BM *Prideaux, John 1578-1650 (Bishop of Worcester, replaced before invitation) Viginti-Duae Lectiones de totidem Religionis Capitibus, praecipue hoc tempore controversis, prout publice habebantur Oxoniae. Quibus accesserunt tredecim orationes inaugurales, . . . prout in promotione Doctorum in Comitiis habebanter. Subnectuntur sex Conciones . . . Editio tertia, prioribus emaculatior, etc. 4to. 3 pt. Oxionae, 1648. BM Eight Sermons, preached by John Prideaux. 8vo. 7 pt. F. Kyngston for I. Budge: London, 1621. BM Twenty Sermons. [Christ's counsel for ending law cases, as it hath been delivered in two sermons; Ephesus Backsliding; A Christian's Free-Will Offering; The First Fruits of the Resurrection; Gowries Conspiracie; Higgaion & Selah; Hezekiah's Sicknesse; Perez-Uzzah; A Sermon preached on the fift of October, 1624; The great Prophet's Advent; Reverence to Rulers; The Draught of the Brooke; David's Rejoycing; The Christian's Expectation; Wisedomes Justification; Heresies progresse; A Plot for Preferment; The Patronage of Angels; Idolatrous Fasting.] 4to. Oxford, 1636-1641. -----. [another edition] Nine [or rather ten] Sermons heretofore preached upon severall occasions, and printed 1636. And now published without any alteration,1641. 4to. 10 pt. Oxford, 1641. BM -----. [another copy] Another copy of "The First Fruits of the Resurrection". L. Lichfield: Oxford, 1636. BM -----. [another copy] Another copy of "Hezekiah's Sicknesse and Recouery;" "Heresies Progresse;" and "A Plot for Preferment." 4to. L. Lichfield: Oxford, 1636. BM -----. [another copy] Another copy of "Wisedomes Iustification." L. Lichfield: Oxford, 1636. BM Castigatio cujusdam circulatoris qui R. P. Andream Eudaemon- Johannem Cydonium e Societate Jesu seipsum nuncupat. Opposita ipsius Calumniis in Epistolam I. Casauboni ad Frontonem Ducaeum. 8vo. Oxonii, 1614. BM -----. [another edition] 1637. Certaine sermons preached by John Prideaux. Oxford, 1637. Concio [on 1 Sam. xiv. 26] habita Oxoniae ad Artium Baccalaureos in die Cinerum Feb. 22, 1626. 4to. Iohannes Lichfield & Gulielmus Turner: Oxford, 1626. BM De Ecclesiae Visibilitate. in D. Chamieri, Panstatiae Catholicae . . . Corpus. folio. 1626. BM The Doctrine of the Sabbath. Delivered in the Act at Oxon. Anno, 1622. New translated into English for the benefit of the common people. 4to. E. P. for H. Seile: London, 1634. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] Second edition. 4to. pp. 41. Printed by E. P. for Henry Seile: London, 1634. BM Ephesus Backsliding Considered and Applyed to these times, in a sermon preached at Oxford, in St. Maries, the tenth of July being the Act Sunday 1614. 4to. J. Barnes: Oxford, 1614. BM Euchologia: or, the doctrine of practical praying. By the Rt. Rev. . . . J. Prideaux, . . . being a legacy left to his daughters in private, directing them to such manifold uses of our Common Prayer-Book, as may satisfie upon all occasions without looking after new lights from extemporal flashes. 12vo. London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] 1656. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo. London, 1660. BM -----. [another edition] The Doctrine of Prayer . . . A new edition. To which are added certain godly prayers, from early editions of The Book of Common Prayer, and the Treatise of St. Athanasius on the use and virtue of the Psalms. By S. W. Cornish. 8vo. Oxford, 1841. BM Fasciculus Controversiarum theologicarum ad juniorum aut occupatorum captum sic colligatus ut in praecipuis Fidei apicibus compendiose informentur, etc. 4to. Oxionae, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] Editio secunda emendatior & auctior binis Libellis posthumis . . . 1. Theologiae Scholasticae Syntagmati. 2 Conciliorum Synopsi. 4to. 3 pt. Typis Leon. Lichfield; veneunt apud Tho. Robinson: Oxoniae 1652/51. BM -----. [another edition] Editio tertia. . . . 4to. 3 pt. Typis Lichfieldianis; veneunt apud Joh. Wilmot, & Joh. Crosley: Oxoniae, 1664 [pt 2, 3 are dated 1660, 1661 respectively]. BM (2 copies of part 2) -----. [excerpt from] in J. Sharpe, A Vindication of the Consecration of Archbishop Cranmer. . . . To which is added an Appendix, containing the thoughts of Dr. Prideaux [in "Fasciculus Controversiarum"] concerning the Celibacy of the Clergy. 8vo. 1721. BM Gowries Conspiracie. A sermon preached at St. Maries in Oxford, the fift of August. Oxford, 1636. Higgaion and Selah: for the Discovery of the Powder-Plot. A sermon preached at St. Maries in Oxford, the fift of November. Oxford, 1636. Hypomnemata Logica, Rhetorica, Physica, Metaphysica, Pneumatica, Ethica, Politica, Oeconomica. Per. Jo: P[rideaux] Coll: Exon. 8vo. [1620?] No imprint. BM Lectiones decem. De totidem Religionis capitibus praecipue hoc tempore controversis prout publice habebanter Oxoniae in Vesperijs. 4to. pp. 366. Iohannes Lichfield & Guilielmus Turner: Oxoniae, 1626. BM Orationes Novum Inaugurales, de totidem Theologiae Apicibus . . . Accedit . . . de Mosis Institutione, concio habita in die cinerum An. 1616. 4to. 2 pt. Oxoniae, 1626. BM The Patronage of Angels. A sermon preached at the Court. 4to. pp. 27. Leonard Lichfield: Oxford, 1636. BM Perez-Uzzah: or the Breach of Uzzah: as it was delivered in a sermon [on 2 Sam. vi. 6, 7] before His Majesty at Woodstocke, August the 24 Anno 1624. (Alloquium serenissimo regi Jacobo Woodsochiae habitum 24 Augusti anno 1624.) 4to. J. Lichfield and W. Turner: Oxford, 1625. BM (2 copies) A Plot for Preferment. A Sermon [on 1 Pet. v. 6], etc. 4to. Oxford, 1636. BM A sermon [on Luke xix. 46] preached on the fifth of October 1624 at the consecration of St. James's Chapel in Exceter College. 4to. J. Lichfield and W. Turner: Oxford, 1625. BM Suneidhsilogia, or, The Doctrine of Conscience, framed according to the points of the Catechisme in the Book of Common Prayer, etc. [Continued and edited by Y. N.] 12vo. London, 1656. BM (2 copies) A Synopsis of Councels. in M. Prideaux, An Easy and Compendious Introduction for Reading All Sorts of Histories: contrived in a more facile way than heretofore hath been published. 3rd edition, in which is added a Synopsis of Councels, by John Prideaux, etc. 4to. Oxford, 1655, 54. BM -----. [another edition] 4th edition. 1664,61. BM -----. [another edition] 5th edition, . . . augmented. 1672,71. BM -----. [another edition] 6th edition. 1682,81. BM Tabulae ad Grammatica Graeca introductoriae . . . Accessit . . . ad eandem linguam paracnesis. Oxford, 1607. -----. [another edition] Editio tertia. (Tyrocinium ad syllogismum legitimum contexendum.--Heptades logicae.) 4to. 3 pt. Leonardus Lichfield, Impensis Eliae Pearse & Tho. Allam: Oxoniae, 1639. BM Tyrocinium ad syllogismum legitimum contextendum et captiosum dissuendum, expeditissimum. 4to. J. Lichfield: Oxoniae, 1629. BM Verses found written in the Bible of Bishop Prideaux. [in (no author) God's Almighty Call, etc.] folio. 1687. BM Proffet (Prophet), Nicholas. c. 1599-1669 England's Impenitence under Smiting, Causing Anger to Continue, and the Destroying hand of God to be stretched forth still; set out in a sermon [on Isa. ix. 13] preached before the honourable House of Commons, at a Publike Fast, Sept. 25, 1644. 4to. pp. 48. London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] Dumfries, 1799. **Pyne, John. c. 1592-1644 Epigrammata religiosa, officiosa jocosa. 1627. #Rathband (Rathbone), William. (CA) -1695 (of High-gate?, replaced Morley) (if it is the son, there are none known) (if it is the father, there are several) [preface to] An Answer to two treatises of Mr. J. Can, etc. [by J. Ball] 4to. 1642. BM [publisher] A Tryall of the New-Church way in New England and in Old . . . [by John Ball] 4to. 1644. BM [co-author] A Letter of Many Ministers in Old England, requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions . . . Together with their answer thereunto returned . . . and the reply made unto the said answer . . . Now published . . . by S. Ash and W. Rathband. 4to. pp. 90. Thomas Underhill: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) A Briefe Narration of some Church Courses held in opinion and practise in the Churches lately erected in New England . . . Presented to the publike view . . . by W. R. 4to. 1644. BM A most grave and modest confutation of the errors of the sect, commonly called Brownists or Seperatists. Agreed upon long since by the joynt consent of sundry godly and learned Ministers of this Kingdome . . . 4to. Published by W. Rathband. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Reyner, William. (CA) c. 1595-1666 Babylon's Ruining Earthquake, and the Restauration of Zion. Delivered in a Sermon [on Hag. ii. 6, 7] before the honourable House of Commons, at Margaret's, Westminster, at their public fast, August 28, 1644. 4to. pp. 60. London, 1644. BM Reynolds, Edward. (CA; Cov; Presby--later Bishop of Norwich) 1599- 1676 [contributor] Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament . . . By the joint labours of certain learned Divines. folio. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM [preface to] Knowledge & Practice, or a plain discourse . . . . [by S. Cradock] 8vo. 1659. BM [letters in] Praedestination . . . Defended . . . to which are prefixed the epistles of Dr. Reynolds, etc. [by W. Barlee] 4to. 1656. BM [recommendation] Imitation and Caution for Christian Women: or the life and death of . . . Mrs. Mary Bewley . . . Recommended to the Reader by . . . Doctor Reynolds. 4to. 1659. BM [preface to] A further accompt of the progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, etc. [Corporation for Promoting the Gospel among the Indians in New England] 4to. 1659. BM [epistle to the reader in] Sermons, etc. [by T. Watson]. 8vo. 1798. BM -----. [another edition] 1807. BM The Works of Edward Reynolds, containing three treatises of the Vanity of the Creature; sinfulness of sin; life of Christ; an explication of Psalm CX; meditions on the . . . Lords Supper. An explication of the XIV Chapter of Hosea; a treatise on the passions and faculties of the soul. Corrected and ammended. folio. pp. 1110. London, 1658. BM (2 copies) The Works of . . . Edward Reynolds, D. D. . . . containing three treatises . . . with a collection of thirty sermons, etc. folio. 2 pt. pp. 1123. Tho. Newcomb, sold by Robert Boulter: in the Savoy [London], 1679-78. BM (2 copies) The Whole Works of . . . Edward Reynolds . . . now first collected [by J. R. Pitman] with his funeral sermon by B. Rively . . . To which is prefixed a memoir of the life of the author by R. Chalmers. 8vo. 6 vol. London, 1826. BM Six Sermons. [in J. Wesley, A Christian Library. vol. 25.] 8vo. 1819. BM Select Works. [in C. Bradley, Select British Divines. vol. 28.] 12vo. 1824. BM Animalis Homo: Concio [on 1 Cor. ii. 14] Latine habita ad Academicos Oxonienses 9 Octob. 1649 pro inchoando termino. 4to. Londini, 1650 [1649]. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. Excudebat T. Ratcliffe pro Georgio Thomason: Londini, 1659. BM Annotations on the Book of Ecclesiastes. 12vo. pp. 413. 1669. BM The Author and Subject of Healing in the Church, etc. 4to. London, 1660. BM (3 copies) The Brand pluck'd out of the Fire. A sermon preached before the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Companies of London, on Novemb. 5. at Paul's, 1659. 4to. pp. 38. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe, for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM The Churches Triumph over Death. Opened in a sermon [on Isaiah xxvi. 18, 19] preached September 11, 1660 at the funeral of . . . Lady M. Langham. 4to. London, 1662. BM The Comfort and Crown of great actions; in a sermon [on Neh. xiii. 31] preached Dec. 4, 1657. Before the Hon. East India Company. 4to. London, 1658. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 31. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM Deaths Advantage opened in a sermon [on Phil. i. 21] preached the last summer at Northampton, at the funeral of Peter Whalley, Esq. then mayor of the said town. 4to. London, 1657. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] 1659. BM (2 copies) Divine Efficacy without Humane Power: opened in a Sermon preached . . . before the House of Commons, June 28, 1660, being the day of solemne thanksgiving for the happy return of the kings majesty. 4to. pp. 43. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1660. BM (2 copies) Eugenias Teares for Great Brittaynes distractions, or some slender observations reflecting on these sad times. 8vo. London, 1642. BM An Exhortation of sundry Ministers in London, to the people of their respective congregations [signed by E. Reynolds, Minister of Lawrence Jury, and 62 others]. 4to. London, 1660. BM An Explication of the Hundreth and Tenth Psalm: wherein the several Heads of Christian Religion therein contained. Being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincolns Inne. 4to. pp. 525. London, 1632. BM -----. [another edition] 2d edition, revised and corrected by the Author. 4to. pp. 525. London, 1635. BM -----. [another edition] 1642. -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. vii. 392. 1837. BM Gods Fidelity, the Churches Safety: opened in a sermon preached before the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-Councel . . . on . . . Sept. 15. 1658, etc. 4to. pp. 39. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM The Humble Proposals respecting the Engagement. 4to. London, 1650. Israels Petition in Time of Trouble. A sermon [on Hosea xiv. 2] preached in S. Margarets Church at Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament. At the late publique and solemne Fast, July 27, 1642. 4to. London, 1642. BM -----. [another edition] An humble exhortation to the . . . House of Commons . . . taken out of a sermon . . . upon Hosea xiv. 2 . . . Whereunto is added . . . an excellent passage of Archbishop Tillotson concerning Moderation in his preface to Bishop Wilkins's Sermons. 8vo. London, 1711. BM Israel's Prayer in the time of Trouble, with God's gracious Answer thereunto, or an Explication of the 14th Chapt. of the prophet Hosea in seven sermons preached upon many days of solemn humiliation. 4to. 3 pt. London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1649. -----. [another edition] 12vo. London, 1831. BM -----. [another edition] Select Meditions for every day in the year; being consecutive portions from Sermons by E. Reynolds [entitled, "Israel's Prayer, etc."] . . . with suitable texts . . . prefixed. Arranged and edited by . . . C. Smalley. 8vo. pp. xvi. 295. J. Burns: London, 1838. BM -----. [another edition] Israel's Prayers; and The Life of Christ in the Believer. [in Doctrinal Puritans, vol. 6] 12vo. 2 pt. R.T.S. London, [1846]. BM Joy in the Lord: opened in a sermon [on Phil. iv. 4] preached at Pauls, May 6, [1655] 4to. London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 39. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM -----. [another edition] in The First Series Tracts, etc. no. 345 [by Religious Tract Society] 1830? BM The Lords Property in his Redeemed People: opened in a Sermon . . . Octob. 28 [1660], etc. 4to. pp. 37. Printed by T. R. for George Thomason: London, 1660. BM (2 copies) Mary Magdalen's love to Christ: opened in a sermon [on John xx. 11, 12] preached at the funeral of Mistriss Elizabeth Thomason April 11, 1659. 8vo. London, 1659. BM The Means and Method of Healing in the Church. Set forth in a sermon. Preached before . . . the House of Peers in Westminster Abbey, April 30, 1660, etc. 4to. pp. 42. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe, for George Thomason: London, 1660. BM (3 copies) Meditations on the Fall and Rising of St. Peter. [edited by E. Reynolds, the younger]12vo. pp.111. T. Parkhurst: London, 1677. BM -----. [another edition] A new edition, with preface and life of the author, [by the editor, E. P.] and a recommendation by R. Winter. 12vo. London, 1819. BM -----. [another edition] Meditations . . . extracted from Bishop Reynolds. in The First Series Tracts, no. 292 [Religious Tract Society] BM Meditations on the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Last Supper. Written many yeares since by Edward Reynolds, then fellow of Merton College in Oxford. 4to. pp. 240. R. Bostock: London, 1638. BM -----. [another edition] 1647. The Misery of a Deserted People. Opened in a sermon preached . . . Decemb. 2. 1659, etc. 4to. pp. 43. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM The Pastoral Office. Opened in a visitation sermon preached at Norwich, October 10, 1662, etc. 4to. pp. 48. Printed by T. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1663. BM The Peace of Jerusalem. A sermon [on Ps. cxxii. 6-9] preached in the Parliament house Jan. 9, 1656 [O.S.] being a day of private humiliation kept by the members thereof. 4to. London, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 34. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM Preaching of Christ. Opened in a sermon preached . . . Septemb. 22, 1661. 4to. pp. 48. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1662. BM Questions extracted out of the ordinance of Parliament to be propounded to receivers of the Lords Supper. folio. 1648. BM The Rich Mans Charge. Delivered in a sermon . . . 12. April. 1658, etc. 4to. pp. 50. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM Self-Deniall opened and applied in a sermon [on Matt. xvi. 24] before the . . . Assembly of Divines on a day of their private humiliation. 4to. London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] third edition. 4to. pp. 47. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM A Sermon [on Heb. xiii. 20, 21] preached before the King, at Whitehall, on March 22, 1667 being Easter-day. 4to. London, 1668. BM (2 copies) A Sermon [on Philip. iii. 8] preached before the King, upon the twenty eighth of March 1669, etc. 4to. pp. 41. J. Cotterel, for P. Stephens: London, 1669. BM A Sermon [on Micah vi. 6-8] preached . . . before the . . . Lord Mayor. 4to. London, 1678. BM A Sermon [on Phil. iv. 5] preached before the Peers . . . Nov. 7, 1666, being a day of solemn humiliation for the continuing Pestilence. 4to. London, 1666. BM A Sermon [on Rom. xiv. 19] touching the Peace & Edification of the Church. Preached at the second triennial visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God Francis Lord Bishop of Peterborough at Daventrie in Northamptonshire, July XII 1637. 4to. pp. 46. F. Kyngston, for R. Bostock: London, 1638. BM A Sermon touching the Use of Humane Learning, preached . . . at the funeral of that learned gentleman Mr. John Langley late school-master of Pauls School in London . . . 21 Sept. 1657. 4to. pp. 34. Printed by T[homas] N[ewcomb]. for George Thomason: London, 1658 [November 20, 1657]. BM (3 copies) The Shieldes of the Earth. A sermon [on Psalm lvii. 9] preached before the Reverend Judges, Sir Richard Hutten, and Sir George Crooke, at the Assizes holden at North-hampton: February 25, 1634. 4to. F. Kyngston for R. Bostock: London, 1636. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 33. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM Sion's Praises, opened in a sermon preached before the . . . lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common council of London on the day of solemn thanksgiving unto God for his long and gracious preservation of that . . . city from Pestilence, Fire, and other Dangers. 4to. pp. 30. Printed by Tho. Newcomb for George Thomason: London, 1657. BM (2 copies) The Staves of Beauty & Bands. Opened in a sermon preached at Yarmouth, August 23, 1663. 4to. pp. 83. Printed by T. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1663. BM The Substance of Two Sermons; one [on Phil. iii. 15, 16] touching composing of controversies; another [on Phil. ii. 1, 2] touching Unity of judgment and Love amongst brethren. Preached . . . Jan. 27, 1657, Feb. 4, 1658. 4to. London, 1659. BM (2 copies of the first sermon) Three Treatises: The Vanity of the Creature, Eccl. iv. 14. 2. The Sinfulness of Sin, with the Use of the Law, Rom. iv. 9. and vi. 12. and vii. 13. 3. The Life of Christ: or, The Fellowship of the Saints with Him, in his Life, Sufferings, and Resurrection. Being the substance of several Sermons preached at Lincolns Inne. 4to. pp. 535. R. Bostocke: London, 1631. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition. Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Robert Bostocke: London, 1632. BM -----. [another edition] Third edition, revised and corrected. 4to. 3 pt. R. Badger for R. Bostock: London, 1634. BM -----. [another edition] Fouth edition. London, 1642. -----. [another edition] Fifth edition . . . corrected . W. Hunt for R. Bostock and G. Badger: London, 1651. BM A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soule of Man. With the several Dignities and Corruptions thereunto belonging. 4to. pp. 553. R. H. for R. Bostock: London, 1640. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. -----. [another edition] 1656. -----. [another edition] H. Cripps: London, 1658. BM -----. [another edition] Abridged in, A Discourse of the . . . dignities and corruptions of man's nature, etc. [by J. Hales] 8vo. 1720. BM True Gain, opened in a sermon preached at Paul's Nov. 2. 1656. 4to. London, 1657[1656]. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 36. Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for George Thomason: London, 1659. BM The Vanitie of the Creature, and the Vexation of Spirit. 12vo. F. Kyngston, for R. Bostocke: London, 1637. BM -----. [reissue] with a dedication and prefatory verses. 12vo. pp. 6. 249. 1654. BM The Wall & Glory of Jerusalem, in a Sermon . . . preached before the rt. hon. the Lord mayor . . . February 28, 1659, etc. 4to. pp. 31. Printed by Tho. Newcomb for George Thomason: London, 1660 [1659, O.S.] BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1660. BM *Robinson, Henry 1598-1663 replacement; replaced before invitation (none known) Salwey, Arthur. (CA) 1606-?? Halting Stigmatiz'd: in a Sermon [on 1 Kings xviii. 21] preached to the honourable House of Commons, on the monethly fast day, Octob. 25, 1643, at Margaret's, Westminster. 4to. pp. 21. London, 1644. BM *Saunderson/Sanderson, Robert 1587-1663 (bishop of Lincoln) [preface to] Clavi trabales; or Nailes fastned by some great masters of Assemblyes [by N. Bernard] . . . unto which is added a Sermon . . . with a preface by . . . the . . . Bishop of Lincolne, etc. 4to. 1661. BM [preface to] The Power communicated by God to the Prince [by James Usher] . . . Published . . . by . . . Robert Lord Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordship's preface thereunto. 4to. 1661. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1683. BM The Works of Robert Sanderson . . . now first collected by W. Jacobson. (The life of Dr. Sanderson written by Izaak Walton.) 8vo. 6 vol. Oxford, 1854. BM Sermons . . . With a life of the author by Isaac Walton, and an introductory essay, by . . . R. Montgomery. 8vo. 2 vol. London, 1841. BM Ten Sermons preached I. Ad Clerum. 3. II Ad Magistratum. 3. III Ad Populum. 4. 4to. 3 pt. pp. 476. London, 1627. BM Twelve sermons preached 1. Ad Clerum III. 2. Ad Magistratum III. 3. Ad Populum. VI. 4to. pp. 564. Aug. Math., for R. Dawlman and R. Allet: London, 1632. BM -----. [another edition] Whereunto are now added two Sermons more, the one Preached at St. Paul's Crosse, the other at a Visitation, concerning the Persuasion of Conscience . . . The third Edition. 4to. pp. 655. London, 1637, 36. BM Twenty Sermons, formerly preached: XVI. ad aulam; III. ad magistratum; I. ad populum. folio. London, 1656. BM Fourteen Sermons heretofore preached: IIII. ad Clerum; III. ad Magistratum; VII. ad Populum. Fourth impression. folio. London, 1657. BM XXXIV Sermons: viz. XVI. ad Aulam; IV. ad Clerum; VI. ad Magistratum; VIII. ad Populum. . . . With a large preface. . . . Fifth edition, corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added, a sermon [on Matt. xv. 9, ad clerum]. folio. London, 1671. BM -----. [another edition] Sixth edition. London, 1674. BM -----. [another edition] XXV. Sermons . . . with a large preface . . . Seventh edition; corrected and amended. Whereunto is now added the life of the . . . author, written by Isaac Walton. folio. 3 pt. London, 1681. BM -----. [another edition] XXVI. Sermons; viz. XVI ad Aulam, VI. Clerum, VI. Magistratum, VIII. Populum. With a large Preface . . . The eighth edition, corrected . . . Whereunto is now added the life of . . . the author, written by I. Walton. (Third Impression.) folio. London, 1689. BM Two sermons preached at Paules-Crosse London. Being the fifth and sixth ad populum. London, 1628. Two sermons: preached at two several visitations, at Boston, in the Diocesse and County of Lincolne. 4to. Printed by G. P. for Iohn Budge: London, 1622. BM Two Sermons: the former [on 1 Pet. ii. 16], concerning the right use of Christian Liberty, preached at S. Pauls Crosse, London, May 6 [1634]: the later [on Rom. xiv. 23] concerning the perswasion of Conscience, preached at a Metropoliticall visistation at Grantham, Lincoln, Aug. 22, 1634. 4to. pp. 98. M. F., for R. Dawlman and L. Fawne: London, 1635. BM Four Sermons. [in J. Wesley, A Christian Library, vol. 12.] 8vo. 1819. BM Nine Sermons. [in Christopher Wordsworth, Christian Institutes, vol. 3, 4] 8vo. 1837. BM Two Sermons [i.e., the first and fifth Sermons ad Clerum, 17 april 1619 and 8 Oct. 1641]. [in F. Fulford, The Progress of the Reformation in England] 12vo. 1841. BM Some short tracts or cases of conscience. [in Izaak Walton, The Life of Dr. Sanderson]. 8vo. 1678. BM Ad Clerum. A sermon [on Matt. xv. 9] preached at a Visitation holdern at Grantham . . . 8. octob. 1641. By a late learned Prelate. 4to. 1670. BM The Art of Contentment. [in Bishops' Tracts, no. 8.] 8vo. pp. 16. J. Hogg & Sons: Edingburgh, 1858. BM The Christian Man a contented man: with a short memoir of the author. 12vo. London, 1841. BM De juramenti promissorii obligatione praelectiones septem. Habitae in Schola Theologica Oxon . . . Praemisa Oratione ab eodem habita cum publicam professionem auspicaretur, etc. 8vo. pp. 246. Typis T. R. & E. M.; prostat vaenale apud O. Pullen & A. Crook: Londini, 1647. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1670. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 154. R. Scott: Londini, 1683. BM -----. [another edition] 1686. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 1710. BM -----. [another edition] 1719. BM De Juramento. Seven lectures concerning the obligation of promissory Oathes. Read publickly at the Divinity School at Oxford. Translated into English by His late Majesties speciall Command, and afterwards revised and approved under His Majesties own hand. 8vo. London, 1655. BM A Discourse concerning the Nature and Obligation of Oaths. [Abridged from the Latin Lectures delivered to the University of Oxford, in 1646, by R. Sanderson, Bishop of Lincoln.] 8vo. London, 1716. BM De obligatione conscientiae praelectiones decem: Oxonii in Schola Theologica habitae . . . MDCXLVII., etc. 8vo. pp. 387. Typis R. N., impensis J. Martin, etc.: Londini, 1660. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. Londini, 1661. -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 282. R. Littlebury: Londini, 1682. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 1686. BM -----. [another edition] 1696. BM -----. [another edition] 1710. BM -----. [another edition] 1719. BM -----. [another edition] With English notes, including an abridged translation, by W. Whewell, [and indexes by H. A. Holden.] 8vo. Cambridge, London, 1851. BM Several Cases of Conscience discussed in ten lectures in the Divinity School at Oxford. (Translated by R. Codrington.) 8vo. pp. 363. Printed by T. Leach: London, 1660. BM Bishop Sanderson's Lectures on Conscience and Human Law, delivered in the Divinity School at Oxford. Edited, in an English translation, with a preface by Chr. Wordsworth, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln. 8vo. pp. xxiv. 293. J. Williamson: Lincoln, 1877. BM A Discourse concerning the Church; in these following particulars, viz. I. Concerning the Visibility of the true Church. II. Concerning the Church of Rome. III. Concerning Protestant Churches. IV. An Answer to the Question--Where was your Church before Luther? 4to. London, 1688. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] [in Thomas Jackson, Two Treatises on the Church, etc.] 8vo. 1843. -----. [another edition] 1901. BM Eight Cases of Conscience: occasionally determined. 8vo. pp. 154. Henry Brome: London, 1674. BM Episcopacy, as established by Law in England, not Prejudicial to Regal Power. A treatise written in the time of the Long Parliament, by the special command of the late King, etc. 8vo. pp. 136. R. Norton, for Timothy Garthwait: London, 1661. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 140. Printed for Robert Pawlett: London, 1673. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 103. Printed for Robert Pawlet: London, 1678. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] Third edition. Printed for Blanch Pawlet: London, 1683. BM Five Cases of Conscience: occasionally determined by a late Learned Hand. 8vo. 1666. BM Fragmentary Illustrations of the History of the Book of Common Prayer, from manuscript sources [of] Bishop Sanderson and Bishop Wren. Edited by W. Jacobson. 8vo. London, 1874. BM Reason and Judgement: or Special Remarques of the Life of . . . Dr. Sanderson [signed, D.F.] . . . Together with his Judgement for settling the Church. 4to. Printed by J. W., for Will. Thorne: Oxford, 1663. BM Lincoln Cathedral; an exact copy of all the ancient monumental inscriptions there, as the stood in MLCXLI.; collected by R. Sanderson . . . and compared with and corrected by Sir W. Dugdale's MS. Survey. [from Peck's "Desiderata Curiosa."] 8vo. London, Lincoln, 1851. BM Logicae artis compendium. In quo universae artis synopsis, breviter proponiture. Oxford, 1615. -----. [another edition] Secunda hac editione . . . duplici appendice auctum, etc. 8vo. 2 pt. J. Lichfield: Oxoniae, 1618. BM -----. [another edition] Tertia hac editione recognitum, duplici appendice auctum, et publici juris factum. 8vo. pp. 239. 124. J. Lichfield: Oxoniae, 1631. BM -----. [another edition] Editio sexta. 1664. BM -----. [another edition] Editio decima prioibus emendatior. 1707. BM -----. [another edition] Editio undecima prioibus emendatior. 1741. BM -----. [another edition] Editio nova emendata. 12vo. 1841. BM Nine Cases of Conscience; occasionally determined by . . . R. Sanderson. 8vo. pp. 192. London, 1678. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 12vo. London, 1685. BM Casus Conscientiae (sive Questiones Practicae) Novem soluti pro re nata atque decisi. Ex anglico sermone . . . in Latinum conversi. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1688. BM Physicae scientiae compendium . . . Editio secunda . . . correctior. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1690. BM Reasons of the present judgement of the University of Oxford concerning the Solemn League, etc. 4to. 1647. BM Judicium Universitatis Oxoniensis de 1. Slenni Liga et Foedere. 2 Juramento negativo. 3. Ordinationibus Parlamenti circa disciplinam et cultum. In plena Convocatione 1 Junii 1647 . . . promulgatum . . . a R. Sandersono. 8vo. 1647. BM -----. [another edition] 1682. BM -----. [another edition] 1710. BM A Sermon [on Gal. v. 22, 23] preached at Newport in the Isle of Wight, October, 1648, in the time of the Treaty. 4to. pp. 24. T. M. for A. Crook: London, 1653. BM (2 copies) A Soveraigne Antidote against Sabbatarian Errours. Or a decision of the chiefe doubts and difficulties touching the Sabbath . . . By a reverend, religious, and judicious Divine. 4to. pp. 27. London, 1636. BM A Treatise of the Obligation of Humane Laws, in reference to their material cause. [appendix to James I, God and the King, etc.] 1727. Two . . . letters of Dr. Sanderson. 1. On the relative merits of the Presbyterians and Independants. II. On the measure of obedience to be paid to an usurped authority. [in G. D'Oyly, The Life of W. Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. 2] 8vo. 1821. BM Scudder, Henry. (CA) c. 1583-1652 [Publisher] Prototypes, or Examples out of the Book of Genesis, applied to our Instruction and Reformation, together with Mr Whatelye's life and death [by W. Whately]. Published by E. Leigh and H. Scudder. folio. London, 1640. BM -----. [another edition] 1647. BM The Christian's Daily Walke in Holy Securitie and Peace. London, 1627. -----. [another edition] The sixt edition, corrected . . . by the author. [Edited by J. Davonport] 12vo. London, 1635. BM -----. [another edition] Ninth edition. 1652. BM -----. [another edition] Tenth edition. 1674. -----. [another edition] Eleventh edition. 8vo. London, 1690. BM -----. [another edition] Twelfth edition. 12vo. London, 1761. BM -----. [another edition] Thirteenth edition, revised. 1776. BM -----. [another edition] Fifteenth edition, revised. 1813. BM -----. [another edition] With an introductory essay by T. Chalmers. 8vo. pp. 440. W. Collins: Glasgow, 1826. BM God's Warning to England by the voice of His rod: delivered in a Sermon preached at Margaret's, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their Solemn Fast, Oct. 30, 1644, from Micah vi. 9. 4to. pp. 35. London, 1644. BM A Key of Heaven: The Lords Prayer opened, and so applied, that a Christian may learne how to procure all things which may make for the glorie of God, and the good of himself, and of his neighbor. Containing . . . Doctrines of faith and godlinesse, etc. [With preface by R. Sibbs.] 12vo. London, 1620. BM Seaman, Lazarus. (CA) c. 1607-1675 [answer in] His Majesties papers containing severall questions propounded to the Commissioners Divines, touching Episcopacy: with an . . . answer returned to His Majesty by Mr. Marshall, . . . and Mr. Seaman. 4 October 1648. 4to. 1648. BM [preface to] The Divine Will considered in its eternal decrees [by E. Polhill] . . . with . . . J. Owen's and . . . L. Seaman's prefaces. 8vo. 1673. BM -----. [another edition] 1695. BM [address in] A Glance of Heaven [by R. Sibbes]. 12vo. 1638. BM The Diatribh proved to be Paradiatribh: or, a Vindication of the judgment of the Reformed Churches, and Protestant Divines from Misrepresentations, concerning Ordination and Laying on of Hands. Together with a brief answer to the pretences of E. Chillenden for the Lawfulnesse of Preaching without Ordination [made in a work entitled: "Diatribh, wherein the Judgement of the Reformed Churches . . . is shewed concerning Ordination," etc. 4to. pp. 96. London, 1647. BM (4 copies) Dr. Seaman's Farewell Sermon [in Farewell Sermons of some of the most eminent of the Nonconformist Ministers] from Heb. xiii. 20, 21. 8vo. 1816. BM -----. [another edition] in E. Calamy, A Compleat Collection of Farewell Sermons, etc. 8vo. 1663. BM -----. [another edition] in M. Seaman, For Bartholomew's Day, 1862. 8vo. 1862. BM A Glasse for the Times: wherein is represented the malady and remedy of divisions: in a sermon [on Mal. iv. 5, 6]. 4to. London, 1650. BM The Head of the Church, the Judge of the World: or, The Doctrine of the Day of Judgment briefly Opened and Applyed; in a sermon preached from Acts xvii. 30, 31, before the House of Peers, on a Publike Fast Day at Westminster, Jan. 27, 1646 [O.S.]. 4to. London, 1647. BM "Reverend and beloved," etc. [a letter from the Provincial Assembly on the Profanation of the Lord's Day, etc. Signed: La. Seaman, moderator.] folio. 1651. BM Solomons Choice: or, a president for Kings and Princes, and all that are in Authority; presented in a sermon from 1 Kings iii. 9, before the Honourable House of Commons at Margaret's, Westminster, at their public Fast, Sept. 25th, 1644. 4to. pp. 47. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Catalogus variorum et insignium Librorum instructissima Bibliotecae . . . Lazari Seaman . . . Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in aedibus defuncti . . . Octobris ultimo. 4to. pp. 137. Apud Ed. Brewster & Guil. Cooper: Londini, 1676. BM (2 copies) Sedgwick, Obadiah. (CA; Cov) c. 1600-1658 The Anatomy of secret Sins, Presumptuous Sins, Sins in Dominion, and uprightness . . . delivered in divers sermons . . . on Psalm xix. 12, 13. Together with the remissibleness of all sin, etc. [edited by H. Chambers, and others.] 4to. London, 1660. BM An Arke against a Deluge: or, Safety in Dangerous Times; discovered in a Sermon from Heb. xi. 7, before the hon. House of Commons, at their late extraordinary Fast, Oct. 22, 1644. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1644. BM The best and worst Magistrate: or, the people's happiness and unhappinesse laid open in a sermon [on Prov. xxix. 2] preached at the Election of the Lord Mayor, Sept. 29, 1648. 4to. 1648. BM The Bowels of tender Mercy Sealed in the Everlasting Covenant, wherein is set forth the nature, conditions and excellencies of it . . . and the danger of refusing this Covenant-Relation, etc. [with an Epistle to the Reader signed by Humphrey Chambers and others.] Folio. pp. 734. London, 1661. BM A Catechism. CristoV kai kerdoV: Christ the Life, and Death the Gain of every true believer; or, the life of a saint resolved into Christ and his death into gain: held forth clearly in a sermon [on Phil. 1. 21] at the funeral of Rowland Wilson, esq. a Member of Parliament. . . . Together with an epistle dedicatory wherein is an exact account . . . of the superlative worth of this eminent servant of Christ, and of the Commonwealth, by G. Cokayn. 4to. London, 1650. BM -----. [another edition] Christ's Counsell to his Languishing Church of Sardis. Or, the dying or decaying Christian. 8vo. London, 1640. BM The Doubting Beleever: or, a treatise containing the nature, the kinds, the springs, the remedies of doubtings, incident to weak beleevers. 12vo. London, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1653. BM The Doubting Christian Resolved, London, 1653. Elisha's Lamentation upon the suddain translation of Elijah, opened in a sermon preached from 2 Kings ii. 12, at the funeral of Mr William Strong. 4to. London, 1654. BM (2 copies) England's Preservation. Or, a Sermon from Jer. iv. 3, discovering the onely way to prevent destroying judgments: preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at their last solemne fast, being on May 25, 1642. 4to. London, 1642. BM The Fountain opened: and the Water of Life flowing out, . . . Set out . . . in several sermons, from Isa. lv. 1, 2, 3. 4to. London, 1657. BM Hamans Vanity; or, a Sermon from Esther ix. 1, displaying the birthlesse issues of Church-destroying adversaries: preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne thanksgiving, being on June 15, 1643. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1643. BM The Humbled Sinner Resolved what he should do to be saved: or, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only way for sensible sinners, discovering the Quality, Object, Acts, Seat, Subject, inseparable Concomitants, and Degrees of Justifying Faith. 4to. pp. 282. London, 1656. BM Military Discipline for a Christian Souldier. Drawne out in a sermon [on 1 Cor. xvi. 13-14] preached to the Captaines and Souldiers exercising Armes in the Artillery Garden, at their Generall meeting in Saint Andrew's Undershaft, in London, October 18, 1638. 8vo. p. 98. London, 1639. BM The Nature and Danger of Heresies; opened in a Sermon from Rev. xii. 15, 16, before the hon. House of Commons, Jan. 27, 1646 . . . being the day of their solemn monthly fast. 4to. pp. 44. London, 1647. BM The Parable of the Prodigal. . . delivered in divers Sermons on Luke xv. 11-24. [Edited by H. Chambers and others] 4to. pp. 368. London, 1660. BM The Riches of Grace Displayed, in the Offer and Tender of Salvation to Poor Sinners, in seven Sermons from Rev. iii. 20. 12vo. London, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition. London, 1658. The Shepherd of Israel: or, God's Pastoral Care over his People, delivered in divers sermons on the whole Twenty-third Psalm. Together with the Doctrine of Providence, practically handled on Mat. x. 29, 30, 31. [edited by H. Chambers, S. Ashe, E. Calamy and A. Byfield.] 4to. London, 1658. BM Mr. Obadiah Sedgwick his speech in Guildhall, . . . the sixt of October 1643. [in Foure Speeches . . . at a Common-Hall, etc] 4to. 1646. BM Synopsis of Christianity. A Thanksgiving Sermon, [on Ps. iii. 8] preached before the hon. house of Commons . . . Apr. 9, April 1644 for the happie and seasonable Victory of Sir W. Waller . . . etc. over Sir Ralph Hopton and his forcs raised against the Parliament. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1644. BM Catalogus variorum librorum . . . Bibliothecae . . . O. S. Rev. Doct. viri D. Obad. Sedgewick, etc. 4to. pp. 14. [Cambridge?] 1686. BM *Shute, Josiah 1588-1643 replaced by Ashe upon Death Divine Cordials: delivered in ten sermons upon part of . . . Ezra ix.-x., in a time of visitation, etc. [Edited by William Reynoldes.] 4to. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Judgement and Mercy: or the plague of frogges inflicted [and] removed; delivered in nine sermons [on Exod. viii. 1-10] . . . Whereunto is added a sermon [on 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8] preached at his funeral by Ephraim Udall. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1645. BM (2 copies of pt 2) Sarah and Hagar: or, Genesis the sixteenth chapter opened in XIX. sermons . . . Published according to . . . original manuscripts, . . . examined, and . . . transcribed, by E. Sparke, B.D., etc. folio. London, 1649. BM Simpson (Sympson), Sidrach. (CA; Ind) c. 1600-1655 replaced Prideaux [preface to] A godly and fruitful exposition upon . . . the first Epistle of Peter, etc. folio. 1650. BM [editor of J. Burroughs, Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew (1659); Gospel Conversation (1648); Gospel Worship (1648); The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (1646)] [publisher of J. Burroughs, The Eighth Book of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs (1654); The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Books of Mr Jeremiah Burroughs (1655); Two Treatises (1649)] [co-author] An apologetical narration of some ministers . . . by T. Goodwin . . . S. Simpson, etc. 4to. 1643. BM [co-author] A copy of a remonstrance lately delivered to the assemble. By T. Goodwin . . . S. Simpson, etc. 4to. 1645. BM [co-author] Queries of highest consideration proposed to T. Goodwin . . . S. Simpson, etc. Upon occasion of their late printed apologies for themselves and their churches, etc. 4to. 1644. BM [co-author] The reasons of the Dissenting Brethren. Against the third proposition, concerning the Presbyterial Government, etc. 4to. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] De Fondamenten des Geloofs, gepresenteert by Mr T. Goodwin . . . Mr S. Simpson, etc. 4to. 1654. BM The Anatomist anatomis'd: or, a short answer to some things in the book intituled: An Anatomy of Independencie, etc. 4to. London, 1644. BM Diatribh. Wherein the Judgement of the Reformed Churches and Protestant Divines, is shewed, concerning ordination, laying on of hands in ordination of ministers, and preaching by those who are not ordained ministers. 4to. pp. 18. 1647. BM The Form of an Excommunication made by Mr. S. Sympson, against Capt. R. Norwood, examined and answered. Or the excommunicating of Parson Sympsons excommunication . . . By Captain R. Norwood. [Together with the form of excommunication] 4to. London, 1641. BM (2 copies) Reformation's Preservation; opened in a sermon preached from Isa. iv. 5, at Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at the late solemne fast, July 26. 1643. 4to. pp. 30. Printed for Benjamin Allen: London, 1643. BM A Sermon [on Prov. viii. 15, 16] preached at Westminster before sundry of the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1770. BM Two Books: I. Of Unbelief . . . II. Not going to Christ for Life and Salvation . . . an exceeding great sin, yet . . . pardonable. (Two books of Mr. S. Simpson . . . 1, of faith . . . 2, of coveteousness.) [Edited by P. Nye and J. Loder.] 4to. 3 pt. London, 1658. BM [possible] A reply of two of the brethren to A[dam] S[teuart] wherein you have obersvation on his consideration . . . upon the Apologeticall narration [of . . . S. Simpson and others], etc. 4to. 1644. BM Smith, Peter. c. 1586-1653 Hexapla Leviticum . . . finished by P. Smith. folio. 1631. BM [publisher] Synopsis Papismi . . . [by Andrew Willet]. Published . . . by P. Smith, etc. folio. 1634. BM The Life and Death of A. Willet [in T. Fuller, Abel redevivus, etc.] 4to. 1651. BM A Sermon from Psal. cvii. 6, preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their monethly fast, May 29, 1644. 4to. pp. 46. London, 1644. BM *Smith, Richard 1592-1643 replaced before invitation (none known) *Soames, Thomas c. 1588-1649 replaced before invitation (none known) Spurstowe, William. (CA; Presby) c. 1605-1666 [co-author] An Answer to a Book entitled, An Humble Remonstrance; in which, the Original of Liturgy and Episcopacy is discussed: and Queries propounded concering both. The Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demonstrated. The occasion of their Imparity in Antiquity discovered. The Disparity of the Ancient and our Modern Bishops manifested. The Antiquity of Ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The Prelatical Church bounded. Written by Smectymnuus. 4to. pp. 94. 1641. [co-author] Smectymnuus Redivivus . . . Composed by five . . . divines. 4to. 1669. BM Death and the Grave no Bar to believers happinesse; or, a sermon from Psal. xvii. 15, at the funeral of Lady Honor Vyner, July 10th, 1656. 8vo. London, 1656. BM Englands eminent Judgments caused by the abuse of God's eminent Mercies; discovered in a sermon preached from Ezra ix. 13, 14, before the Right Honourable House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, at the publique thankesgiving, Nov. 5, 1644. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1644. BM England's Patterne and Duty in its Monthly Fasts; presented in a sermon preached from 1 Sam. vii. 6, to both Houses of Parliament . . . July 21, 1643, being an extraordinary day of publicke humiliation, etc. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1643. BM Fast sermon before the House of Commons, 24th June, 1646. A Funeral sermon for Mr William Taylor of Coleman-street, Sept. 12th, 1661. The Magistrates Dignity and Duty; being a sermon from Psal. lxxxii. 2. Oct. 30, 1653, before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London. 4to. London, 1654. BM (3 copies) A Practical Treatise of the excellency and right use of the Gospel-Promises. London, 1658. The Spiritual Chymist: or, Six Decads of Divine Meditations on several subjects; (Satana nohmata: or the wiles of Satan, in a dscourse.) 8vo. pp. 260. 2 pt. London, 1666. BM -----. [another edition] 1668. Tract entitled True and Faithful Relation of a Worthy Discourse between Colonel John Hampden and Colonel Oliver Cromwell. Preceeded by an explanatory preface. [A work of fiction, purporting to be by W. Spurstowe, but in reality by Lord Nugent] 4to. pp. viii. 61. Chapman and Hall: London, 1847. BM The Wels of Salvation Opened: or, A Treatise discovering the nature, preciousness, and usefulness, of Gospel promises, and rules for the right application of them. 8vo. pp. 295. F. R. & E. M., for R. Smith: London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] 1659. -----. [another edition] 12vo. 1821. BM Staunton, Edmund. 1600-1671. [Treatise in] The Life and Death of E. Staunton [by R. Mayo]. To which is added, his treatise of Christian Conference, etc. 8vo. 1673. BM A Dialogue or Discourse bewteen a Minister and a Stranger, about Soul-affairs. London, 1673. (1774). Phinehas's Zeal in Execution of Judgment: or a Divine Remedy for England's Misery; a sermon preached from Psal. cvi. 30, before the Rt. Hon. House of Lords, in Westminster-Abbey, at their late solemne monthly fast, Oct. 30, 1644. 4to. London, 1645. BM Poem upon King Charles' Return in Britannia Rediviva, 1660. Latin. Rupes Israelis; the Rock of Israel; a little part of its glory laid forth in a sermon preached from Deut. xxxii. 31, at Westminster, before the Hon. House of Commons, at their monthly fast, April 24, 1644. 4to. London, 1644. BM A Sermon preached at Great Milton, from 1 Thess. iv. 14, Dec. 9, 1654, at the funeral of Mrs Elizabeth Wilkinson, late wife of Dr Henry Wilkinson, Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. Whereunto is added a narrative of her godly life and death. 4to. Oxford. 1654. BM Sterry, Peter. c. 1613-1672 [letter in[ The Naked Woman, or a rare epistle sent to . . . P. S. . . . A satisfactory answer he returned, etc. [by David Brown] 4to. 1652. [prayers in] Prayers selected from the New Testament; Kempis . . . and chiefly, P. Sterry. 8vo. 1785. BM The clouds in which Christ comes; opened in a sermon from Rev. i. 7, before the House of Commons, . . . upon the solemne day of their monthly ast, Oct. 27th, 1647. 4to. pp. 56. London, 1648. BM The commings forth of Christ in the power of his death: opened in a sermon [on Ps. xviii. 1] preached before the high court of Parliament, Nov. 1, 1649, being a publike thanksgiving for the victories obtained by the Parliaments forces in Ireland, etc. 4to. London, 1650. BM A Discourse of the Freedom of the Will. folio. London, 1675. BM Englands deliverance from the Northern Presbytery, compared with its deliverance from the Roman papacy: or a thanksgiving sermon [on Jer. xvi. 14, 15], Nov. 5, 1651, before the supreme authority of this nation the high court of parliament. 4to. London, 1652 [November, 1651]. BM (2 copies) The Rise, Race, and Royalty of the Kingdom of God in the Soul of Man. Opened in several sermons upon Matthew 18. 3, as also the Loveliness & Love of Christ set forth in several other sermons upon Psal. 45. v. 1, 2. Together with an account of the state of a saints soul and body in death. [With an epistle from the Publisher to the Reader, signed: J. White.] 4to. pp. 515. T: Cockerill: London, 1683. BM Sermon [on John xvi. 8]. [in Fourteen Sermons, etc.] 12vo. 1831. BM The Spirit convincing of sinne: opened, in a sermon from John xvi. 8, before the Honourable House of Commons, Fast, Nov. 26, 1645. 4to. pp. 36. London, 1645. BM -----. [another copy/different title page] The Spirits conviction of sinne, etc. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] The Spirit convincing of sinne, etc. 4to. pp. 32. Overton & Allen: London, 1646. BM The teachings of Christ in the Soule, opened in a sermon [on Matt. xxiii. 10] before the rt. hon. House of Peers . . . upon the solemne day of their monthly fast, March 29, 1648. 4to. London, 1648. BM #Strickland, John. (CA; cov) 1601-1670 (replaced Dr. Ward, deceased) A Discovery of Peace: or, The Thoughts of the Almighty for the ending of the People's Calamities. Intimated in a sermon on Jer. xxix. 11, etc. 4to. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Gods Work of Mercy in Sion's Misery; laid out in a sermon preached from Isa. x. 20, before the Honourable House of Commons at Margaret's, Westminster, Decemb. 27, 1643. Whereunto is added a catalogue of the names of all the divines that preached before the parliament till this present. 4to. pp. 33. London, 1644. BM Immanuel: or, The Church Triumphing in God with us: a sermon preached from Psal. xlvi. 7, before the Right Honourable House of Lords, in the Abbey of Westminster, at their publique thanksgiving, Nov. 5, 1644. 4to. pp. 38. London, 1644. BM Mercy Rejoycing against Judgment: or, God Waiting to be Gracious to a sinful Nation; a sermon preached from Isa. xxx. 18, before the Honourable House of Commons upon the solemne day of their publique humiliation and monethly fast, in Margaret's, Westminster, Oct. 29th, 1645. 4to. pp. 28. London, 1645. BM ^Strong, William. (replaced Peale, deceased) [address to the reader] The Spiritual Taste described, etc. [by R. Dingley. With addresses to the reader, in pt. 1, by W. S., etc.] 8vo. 1649. BM Clavis Apocalyptica ad incudem revocata; vel, Clavis Recusa; Apocalypsis, quoad temporis supputationem, reclusa. 8vo. London, 1653. BM . The commemoration and exaltation of mercy . . . in a sermon [on Ezra ix. 13, 14] preached to the hon. House of Commons . . . Nov. 5, 1646, being the day of their publike thanksgiving, etc. 4to. London, 1646. BM Communion with God in ordinances, the Saints priviledge and duty. [Second edition, enlarged. Edited by Lady Elizabeth Carr. With prefatory notices by John Rowe, Thomas Manton, and Ralph Venning.] 12vo. London, 1656. BM A discourse of the two covenants: wherein the nature, differences, and effects of the covenant of works and ofgrace are . . . discussed, etc. [Edited by T. Gale.] folio. London, 1678. BM Hmera ApokaluyewV. The day of revelation of the righteous judgment of God: delivered in a sermon [on 2 Cor. v. 10] preached to the hon. House of Commons at . . . their late solemn fast, Dec. 31, 1645. BM Heavenly treasure, or man's chiefest good. [With recommendatory addresses by J. Rowe, R. Vines, G. Griffith, and T. Manton.] 12vo. London, 1656. BM The saints communion with God, and God's communion with them in ordinances: as it was delivered in severall sermons, etc. [Edited by J. Hering.] 12vo. London, 1656 [1655]. BM XXXI. select sermons, preached on special occasions . . . None of them being before made publique. 4to. London, 1656. BM A treatise shewing the subordination of the will of man unto the will of God . . . published [with a preface] by Mr. Rowe, Master Manton and Master Griffith. 8vo. pp. 335. F. Tyton: London, 1657. BM The trust and the account of a steward: laid open in a sermon [on Luke xvi. 2] preached before the . . . house of Commons . . . Apr. 28, 1647, being the day of their publique humiliation. 4to. London, 1647. BM The Vengeance of the Temple: discovered in a sermon [on Judg. v. 31] preached before the Lord Mayor . . . of London, May 17, 1648, being the day of publique thanksgiving, etc. 4to. London, 1648. BM A Voice from Heaven, calling the people of God to a perfect separation from mystical Babylon. As it was delivered in a sermon [on Rev. xviii.4] . . . on Nov. 5, 1653. 4to. London, 1654. BM The Way to the highest Honour: presented in a sermon [on 1 Sam. ii. 30] preached before the House of Peeres, . . . Feb. 24, 1646. 4to. London, 1647. BM *Styles, Matthias 1591-1652 (none known) Taylor, Francis. (CA) c. 1589-1656 [translator] Targum Hierosolymitanum in quinque libros Legis e lingua Chaldaica in Latinam conversum opera F. Tayleri, etc. 4to. 1649. BM [translator] Targum prius et posterius in Esteram. Nunc primum urbe donatum, & in linguam latinam translatum; studio & opera F. Taileri, etc. 4to. pp. 107. London, 1655. BM [translator] sive Jeremiae vatis Lamentationes denuo e fontibus Hebraicis translatae . . . opera F. Tayleri, etc. 4to. 1651. BM [selections in] Opuscula Graecorum veterum sententiosa et moralia. Greek & Latin. tom. 2. Appendix. (Ebraeorum et Arabum veterum sententiae morales Latine redditae et brevibus scholiis illustratae per J. Drusium, . . . F. Taylerum, etc.) [by J. C. von Orelli]. 8vo. 1819. BM [translator] [sic] [Aboth de Rabbi Nathan] Tractatus de Patribus . . . in linguam Latinam translatus. Una cum notis marginalibus . . . opera F. Taileri, etc. 4to. pp. 142. London, 1654. BM [co-author] (with Dr Boot) Examen Praefationis Morini in Biblia Graeca de Textus Ebraici Corruptione, et Graeci Authoritate. [contributor] Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament, etc. [by F. Taylor, etc.] folio. 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM Capitula Patrum. The Danger of Vowes Neglected, and the Necessitie of Reformation; or a sermon preached from Gen. xxxv. 1, before the . . . House of Lords, at a late solemne fast, in the Abbey-Church, Westminster, May 27th, 1646. 4to. pp. 26. London, 1646. BM An Exposition, with practical observations uppon the three first chapters of the Proverbs . . . 4to. 1655. BM An Exposition with practical observations upon the 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, chapters of the Proverbs . . . 4to. 1657. BM The Faith of the Church of England concerning Gods Work on Mans Will. Publikely confirmed by the subscriptions of all the Famous Martyrs, and Divines thereof. Faithfully gathered out of the Authenticke Records of the Church. 4to. London, 1641. BM God's Covenant the Churches Plea; or, a sermon preached from Psalm lxxiv. 20, before the Honourable House of Commons, at a late Solemn Fast, in Margaret's Church at Westminster, Oct. 29th, 1645. 4to. pp. 29. London, 1645. BM God's Glory in Man's Happiness, God's Choice, and Man's Diligence, and on Justification. 1654. Grapes from Canaan; or the Believers present taste of future glory: expressed in a short divine poem, etc. 8vo. London, 1658. BM Opuscula Rabbinica. 1654. Self-Satisfaction occasionally taught the Citizens in the Lecture at St. Magnes neere London-bridge. London, 1633. Vocatio divina, seu meditationes succintae. London, 1627. Temple, Thomas. (CA) c. 1599-1661 Copie van eenen Brief door verscheyden voorname predicanten . . . (W. Gauge, T. Temple, etc.) afgesonden . . . Ontdeckende den jammerlijcken . . . stant, van vele duysenden arme Protestanten in Yerlant, etc. 4to. 1643. BM Christ's Government in and over his People, from Psalm ii. 6, delivered in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late publick and solemne Fast, Oct. 26th, 1642. 4to. pp. 50. London, 1642. BM Tesdale (Tisdale), Christopher. (CA) 1592-1655 Hierusalem: or, A Vision of Peace; a sermon preached from Psalm cxxii. 6, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their monthly Fast, at Margaret's in Westminster, Aug. 28th, 1644. 4to. pp. 30. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Thorowgood, Thomas. c. 1595-1669 [introduction to] Dris M. Lutheri Colloquia mensalia: or Dr M Luther's divine dscourses at his table . . . Translated out of the high Germane . . . by H. Bell. folio. 1652. BM Jewes in America: or, Probabilities that the Americans are of that Race. With the removall of some contrary reasonings, and earnest desires for effectual endeavours to make them Christian. Proposed by T. Thorowgood (An Epistolary discourse of Mr. J. Dury to Mr. Thorowgood, concerning his conjecture that the Americans are descended from the Israelites. With the history of a Portugall Jew, Anonie Monterinos, attested by Manasseh Ben Israel, to the same effect.) 4to. pp. 139. London, 1650. BM Jews in America, or probabilities, that those Indians are Judaical, made more probable by some additionals to the former conjectures. An accurate discourse is premised of Mr. J. Elliot, . . . touching their origination, and his vindication of the planters. 4to. 3 pt. H. Broome: London, 1660. BM (2 copies) Moderation Justified, and the Lord's being at hand emproved: in a sermon from Phil. iv. 5, at Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, preached at the late solemne fast, Dec. 25th, 1644. 4to. pp. 33. London, 1645. BM (3 copies) *Tozer, Henry 1602-1650 A Christian Amendment, delivered in a sermon . . . in St. Martine's Church in Oxford, etc. 16o. John Lichfield: Oxford, 1633. BM Christian Wisdome, or the excellency, fame, and right meanes of true wisdome. As it was briefly delivered in a sermon in St. Maries Church in Oxford. 16o. L. Lichfield: Oxford, 1639. BM Christus: sive Dicta et Facta Christi: prout a quatuor Evangelistis sparsum recitantur. Collecta et ordine disposita ab H. Tozer. G. Turner: Oxoniae, 1634. BM Directions for a godly life: especially for communicating at the Lord's Table. Oxford, 1628. -----. [another edition] The eight edition. 24o. Oxford, 1671. BM -----. [another edition] The eleventh edition. 12o. Oxford, 1690. BM Tuckney, Anthony. (CA) 1599-1670 [Publisher] A briefe exposition . . . upon . . . Ecclesiastes. By . . . J. Cotton . . . Published by A. Tuckney. 4to. 1654. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1657. BM [publisher] A brief exposition with practical observations, upon the whole book of Canticles . . . by J. Cotton . . . Published by A. Tuckney. 8vo. 1655. BM The Balme of Gilead, for the Wounds of England: a sermon preached from Jer. viii. 22, at Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at the Solemn Fast, Aug. 30th, 1643. 4to. pp. 43. Richard Bishop, for Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] For John Rothwell and S. Gellibrand: London, 1654. BM (2 copies) Eight Letters of Dr. A. Tuckney and Dr. B. Whichcote, [in B. Whichcot, Moral and Religious Aphorisms, etc. 8vo. 1753. BM Forty Sermons upon several occasions . . . Published . . . by J. Tuckney. 4to. pp. 698. J. M., for J. Robinson and B. Aylmer: London, 1676. BM A Good Day Well Improved, or, five sermons upon Acts ix. 31 . . . To which is annexed a sermon on 2 Tim. i. 13, preached . . . in Cambridge on the Commencement Sabbath, June 30, 1650. J. F., for S. Gellibrand: London, 1656. BM None but Christ: a sermon upon Acts iv. 12, preached at Mary's in Cambridge, on the Commencement Sabbath, July 4th, 1652. To which is annexed, An enquiry after what hope may be had of the salvation of 1, Heathens; 2, . . . Jews . . . ; 3, . . . Infants, and Idiots, etc. 12o. pp. 143. For J. Rothwell and S. Gellibrand: London, 1654. BM Praelectiones Theologicae; Theological Lectures and Exercises, in the University, 4to. Amsterdam, 1679. Latin. Qanatoktasia: Death Disarmed; and the Grave Swallowed up in Victory; a sermon preached from 1 Cor. xv. 55, at Mary's in Cambridge, Dec. 22d, 1653, at the publick funerals of Dr Thomas Hill, . . . with a short account of his life and death. To which are added two sermons more from the same text, preached afterward in the same place; 8vo. pp. 175. For J. Rothwell and S. Gellibrand: London, 1654. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 12o. pp. 135. London, 1654. BM Twisse, William. c. 1578-1646 [response in] A Treatise of Mr Cotton's, clearing certaine doubts concerning Predestination: together with an Examination thereof written by W. Twisse. 4to. London, 1646. BM [letters in] Fifteen Letters to Mr Joseph Mede in Mede's Works. Folio, 3d edit. London, 1672. [preface to] The Apostacy of the latter times, etc. [by Joseph Mede] London, 1641. BM [preface to] TheKey of the Revelation, etc. [by Joseph Mede] 4to. London, 1643. BM G. Twissi . . . Opera tribus tomis distincta. Quorum primus tractat de vindiciis gratiae, potentiae, ac providentia Dei: Hoc est, ad examen libelli Perkinsiani de Praedestinationis modo & ordine, institutum a J. Arminio responsio . . . Secundus, de scientia media dissertatio contra Propugnaculum Libertatis humanae G. Pennotti, & F. Suaresii libros de scientia Dei. Tertius, ad collationem J. Arminii cum F. Junio, & J. a. Corvini defensionem sententiae Arminianae de Praedestinatione . . . , &c. quam adversus D. Tileni considerationem edidit animadversiones. Cum indicibus. folio. 3 tom. Amstelodami, 1652. [collection of three treatises with new titlepage. Imprints are Amstelodami, 1648; Arnhemii, 1639; and Amstelodami, 1649.] BM Guilielmi Twissi Anglo-Britanni S.S. Theologiae Doctoris, ad Jacobi Arminii collationem cum F. Junio, & J. A. Corvini defensionem sententiae Arminianae, de Predestione . . . quam adversus D. Tileni considerationem edidit, animadversiones. Nunc primum in lucem editae, etc. [With a preface by A. Rivetus.] folio. Amstelodami, 1649. BM Animadversiones de Praedestinatione. Folio. Amstel, 1649. Latin. A Briefe Catecheticall Exposition of Christian Doctrine. Divided into foure Catechismes, comprizing the doctrine of the 1. Two Sacraments. 2. Lord's Prayer. 3. X Commandments. 4. And the Creed. London, 1632. -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 54. London, 1636. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1645. BM Certaine Considerations to disswade men from further gathering of Churches in this present juncture of time. Subscribed by diverse Divines of the Assembly, etc. 4to. pp. 5. Ralph Smith: London, 1643. BM (3 copies) A Discovery of Dr Jacksons Vanitie. Or a perspective Glasse, whereby the admirers of Dr Jacksons profound discourses may see the vanity and weaknesse of them, in sundry passages, and especially so farre as they tende to the undermining of the doctrine hitherto received. 4to. pp. 710. London, 1631. BM Dissertatio de Scientia Media Tribu Libris Absoluta.... Folio, pp. 498. Arnhemii, 1639. Latin. The Doctrine of the Synod of Dort and Arles, reduced to Practise. 1631? 1650?. BM The Doubting Conscience resolved. In answer to a (pretended) perplexing question, &c. Wherein is evidently proved that the holy Scriptures (not the Pope) is the foundation, whereupon the Church is built . . . Written at the desire of Samuel Hartlib, Esq. 12o. pp. 136. T. Mathews: London, 1652. BM Of the Morality of the Fourth Commandment, as still in force to binde Christians. Delivered by way of answer to the translator of Doctor Prideaux his lecture, concerning the Doctrine of the Sabbath, etc. (Doctor Lake, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Theses de Sabbato). 4to. 2 pt. pp. 246. E. G., for John Rothwell: London, 1641. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] The Christian Sabbath defended: against a crying evil in these times of the Antisabitarians of our Age, etc. 4to. T. Pierrepont: London, 1652. BM The Riches of God's Love unto the Vessells of Mercy, consistent with his absolute hatred or reprobation of the Vessels of Wrath. Or, an answer unto a book, entitutled: God's Love unto Mankind, manifested by disproving His absolute decree for their damnation. In two bookes. The first being a refutation of the said booke, as it was presented in manuscript by Mr. Hord unto Sir Nath: Rich. The second being an examination of certain passages inserted into Mr. Hord's Discourse (formerly answered) by an author that conceals his name, but who was supposed to be Mr. Mason, Rector of Andrew-Undershaft, in London. . . . Whereunto are annexed two tractates of the same author in answer unto D. H. . . . Together with a vindication of D. Twisse from the exceptions of Mr. J. Goodwin in his Redemption Redeemed. By Henry Jeanes, etc. folio. 4 pt. L. L. and H. H., Printers to the University, for T. Robinson: Oxford, 1653. BM The Scriptures' sufficiency to determine all matters of Faith, made good against the Papist: or, That a Christian may be infallibly certain of his Faith and Religion by the Holy Scriptures. [With a commendatory epistle by J. Hall, Bishop of Norwich.] 12o. London, 1652. -----. [another edition] Second edition. London, 1656. BM -----. [another edition] Third edition. 8vo. pp. 96. R. Jackson: Dumfries, 1795. BM Vindiciae Gratiae, Potestatis, ac Providentiae Dei; hoc est, ad examen libelli Perkinsiani de Praedestinationis modo et ordine, institutum a J. Arminio, responsio scholastica, tribus libris absoluta. Una cum digressionibus ad singulas partes accommodatis, in quibus illustriores in hoc negotio fusius pertractentur . . . veritasque adversus Bellarminum, Didacum Alvarez, Gabrielem Vasques, aliosque tum Papistas tum Pelagianos asseritur, etc. Folio. Amstelodami, 1632. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition. Amstel., 1632. -----. [another edition] Third edition. Amstel., 1648. *Ussher, James 1581-1656 The editio princeps of the Epistle of Barnabas, by Archbishop Ussher, . . . with a dissertation on the literary history of that edition, by . . . J. H. B. 4to. 1883. BM A copie of the proceedings of some . . . divines [including J. U.], appointed by the Lords to meet . . . touching innovations in the doctrine . . . of the Church of England. 4to. 1641. BM [petition in] The order of the House of the Lords for . . . suppressing of a sermon falsly fathered upon James Archbishop of Armagh under the title of Vox Hiberniae. 4to. 1641. BM [possible author] Directions propounded . . . concerning the booke of common prayer, etc. 4to. 1642. BM [MS note in] A patterne of Catechisticall Doctrine, etc. 12o. 1641. BM The Whole Words of . . . J. Usher. With a Life of the author, and an account of his writings. By C. R. Elrington. [Vol. 1-14 edited by C. R. Elrington, and vol. 15-17 by J. H. Todd.] 8vo. 17 vol. Dublin, 1847-1864. BM De Ignatii et Polycarpi scriptis, etc. De Apostolicis constitutionibus et canonibus Clementi Romano tributis, etc. [in Polycarpi et Ignatii epistolae, etc.] 4to. 1644. BM Two Speeches of . . . Primate Usher's. The one of the Kings Supremacy, the other of the duty of subjects to supply the Kings necessities, etc. [in N. Bernard, Clavi trabales, etc.] 4to. 1661. BM Jacobi Usserii, Archiepiscopi Armachani, Opuscula duo, nunc primum latine edita: quorum alterum est De Episcoporum et Metropolitanorum origine: alterum De Asia proconsulari. Accessit veteris Ecclesiae gubernatio patriarchalis ab E. B[rerewood] descripta. Interprete R. R[ichardson] . . . Praeterea accedit appendix de antiqua Ecclesiae Britannicae libertate (autore J. B[asire]) et (J. Barnesii . . . Sententia de Ecclesiae Britannicae) privilegiis. 8vo. pp. 156. Londini, 1687. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. Londini, 1688. BM -----. [another edition] Edited by D. Philomusus. 8vo. Bremae, 1701. BM Duo Opuscula. I. De chronologia sacra Veteris Testamenti. II. De Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari. [in D. Petavii . . . rationarium temporum, etc.] folio. 1741. BM [letters in] The life of J. U. . . . With a collection of . . . letters between the . . . Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons . . . in his time, etc. [by Richard Parr] folio. 1686. BM Annales Veteris Testamenti . . . una cum rerum Asiaticarum et AEgyptiacarum chronico . . . (Pars posterior in qua praeter . . . Novi Testamenti historiam, Imperii Romanorum Caesarum . . . rerumque in Asia & AEgypto gestarum continetur Chronicon . . . ad Imperii Vespasiani initia . . . deductum). folio. 2 pt. Londini, 1650, 54. BM -----. [another edition] J. Usserii Armachani Annales veteris et novi testamenti . . . cum duobus indicibus . . . cura et studio A. Lubin. Accedunt ejusdem J. Usserii tractatus duo. I. Chronologia sacra veteris Testamenti [edited by T. Barlow]. II. Dissertatio de Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari. folio. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1673. BM -----. [another edition] J. Usserii . . . Annales veteris et novi Testamenti . . . Editio tertia ad Londinensem & Parisiensem collata, & ab . . . errorisbus . . . repurgata. folio. 2 pt. H. Brauerus: Bremae, 1686. BM -----. [another edition] Annales veteris et novi Testamenti. Quibus . . . praefixa est J. Usserii vita a T. Smitho . . . conscripta. Editio nova, etc. folio. Genevae, 1722. BM -----. [another edition] The annals of the world deduced from the origin of time, and continued to the beginning of the Emperour Vespasian's reign, and the totall destruction of the Temple and Commonwealth of the Jews. [Translated from the Latin.] folio. London, 1658. BM An Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland [i.e., W. B.]. Wherein the judgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truely delivered, and the noveltie of the new Romish doctrine plainly discovered. 4to. Dublin, 1624. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 527. Printed for the Society of Stationers: London, 1625. BM -----. [another edition] Third edition. (A sermon [on 1 Cor. x. 17] preached . . . the 18 of February, 1620 . . . Second edition. A briefe declaration of the Universalitie of the Church of Christ . . . delivered in a sermon [on Ephes. iv. 13] . . . the 20th of June, 1624 . . . The third impression. A discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and the Brittish. A speech delivered . . . 1622 . . . at the censuring of certaine officers who refused to take the Oath of Supremacie.) 4to. 5 pt. Printed by R. Young for the Partners of the Irish Stocke: London, 1631. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] Fourth edition, . . . augmented, etc. 4to. London, 1686-87. BM -----. [another edition] Archbishop Usher's answer to a Jesuit; with other tracts on Popery. 8vo. Cambridge, 1835. BM A Body of Divinitie, or the summe and substance of Christian religion, catechistically propounded and explained . . . Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, etc. folio. London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition, corrected, etc. [with a preface by J. Downame.] folio. 2 pt. London, 1647. BM -----. [another edition] 1649. BM -----. [another edition] Fourth edition, corrected. folio. 2 pt. London, 1653. BM -----. [another edition] Fifth edition, corrected and . . . enlarged by the author. folio. London, 1658. BM -----. [another edition] Sixth edition, etc. folio. London, 1670. BM -----. [another edition] The seventh edition, carefully corrected . . . To which is now added the life of the author, etc. folio. pp. 433 [443]. J. D. for Nathaniel Ranew & Jonathan Robinson: London, 1677. BM -----. [another edition] A new edition . . . By H. Robinson. 8vo. 1841. BM Archbishop Usher on the Sacraments. Extracted from his "Body of Divinity." 8vo. Thames Ditton, 1837. BM A Briefe Declaration of the Vniversality of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein: delivered in a sermon [on Ephes. iv. 13] before His Majestie the 20th of June, 1624 at Wansted. 4to. pp. 65. Robert Young for Thomas Downes & Ephraim Dawson: London, 1624. BM -----. [another edition] Second impression. 4to. London, 1625. BM -----. [another edition] Third impression. London, 1629. BM -----. [another edition] Fourth impression, . . . amended. London, 1687. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] [in J. Brogden, Catholic Safeguards, etc. vol 1.] 8vo. 1846. BM Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates. Quibus inserta est pestiferae adversus Dei gratiam a Pelagio Britanno in Ecclesiam inductae haereseos historia. . . . Appendix gemina: altera additiones et emendationes; altera chronologicum rerum indicem complectens. 4to. pp. 1196. Ex officina typographica Societatis Bibliopolarum: Dublin, 1639. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] Editio secunda . . . aucta et . . . emendata. folio. 2 pt. Londini, 1687. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] Glastonbury Traditions concerning Joseph of Arimathea. Being a translation by H. Kendra Baker, of the second chapter of Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates of James Ussher . . . with the original footnotes. 8vo. pp. 45. Covenant Publishing Co.: London, 1930. BM Usserii . . . Chronologia sacra; seu Annorum et PaidopoiiaV Patriarcharum, ParoikiaV Israelitarum in AEgypto, Annorum etiam Judicum, Regum Judae et Israelis ApodeixiV Chronologica. Opus posthumum . . . accurante T. Barlow. 4to. Oxoniae, 1660. BM The daily Examination, and Araignment of Sins; gathered out of the most Reverend the Primate of Ireland's sermon at Lincolns- Inne. Decemb. 3. 1648. folio. 1648 BM -----. [another edition] London, 1648. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1652. BM (2 copies) De Cainane Arphaxadi filio ejusque temporibus . . . dissertatio. [in John Pearson, Critici Sacri, tom. 9.] folio. 1660. BM -----. [another edition] [in tom. 6] folio. 1698. BM J. Usseriii . . . de Graeca Septuaginta Interpretum versione syntagma: cum Libri Estherae editione Origenica, et vetere Graeca altera, ex Arundelliana Bibliotheca nunc primum in lucem producta. Accesserunt . . . de Cainane . . . dissertatio: una cum . . . a G. Eyrio ad eundem Jacobum, . . . epistola. 4to. Londini, 1655. BM Usserii . . . De Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari dissertatio: cum Graecorum Astronomorum Parapegmate, ad Macedonici et Juliani anni rationes accommodato. 8vo. Londini, 1648. BM -----. [another edition] [in J. Seldenus de anno civili . . . Judaeorum, et J. Usserius de Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari.] 8vo. 1683. BM -----. [another edition] [in J. Gronarus, Thesaurus Antiquitatum, etc. Vol. 9.] folio. 1698-1702. BM De reducendo episcopatu ad formam regiminis Synodici, dissertatio, etc. [in J. Hoornbeeck, de independentismo, epistola, etc.] 8vo. 1661. BM -----. [another edition] The reduction of Episcopacie unto the form of Synodical government received in the antient church: proposed as an expedient for the compremising of the now differences: and the preenting of those troubles that may arise about the matter of Church-government. 4to. London, 1656. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] A true copy set forth by N. Bernard . . . occasioned by an imperfect copy lately printed. 4to. London, 1656. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. Edinburgh, 1689. BM (2 copies) De Romanae Ecclesiae Symbolo Apostolico vetere [with the text Gr. and Lat.] aliisque Fidei formulis, tum ab Occidentalibus tum ab Orientalibus, in prima Catechesi et Baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba. Accesserunt. I. Athanasis Symbolum, a Graecis interpolatum. II. Symbolum aliud, eidem etiam a quibusdam tributum. III. Hymnus matutinus et vespertinus Veteris Ecclesiae. IV. Hildeberti Cenomanensis de Confessione Trinitatis Hymnus, et Oratio ad Dominum. 4to. Londini, 1647. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] Oxonii, 1660. BM J. Usserii . . . de textus Hebraici Veteris Testamenti variantibus lectionibus ad Ludovicum Cappellum epistola. Cui addita est et consimilis argumenti altera, ante annos xlv a G. Eyrio ad eundem Jacobum data, epistola. 4to. Londini, 1652. BM Directions propounded and humbly presented to the High Court of Parliament, concerning the Booke of Common Prayer and Episcopal Government. Written by a Reverend and Learned Divine now resident in this city. 4to. 1641. BM A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. Dublin, 1631. -----. [another edition] Fourth edition corrected and augmented, etc. 4to. London, 1687. BM Dissertationes J. Armachani de Epistolis SS. Ignatii et Polycarpi. [in J. B. Cotelerius, SS. Patrum qui temporibus Apostolicis floruerunt . . . opera, etc.] folio. 1698. BM Eighteen Sermons preached in Oxford, 1640, of the doctrine of repentance, speedy conversion, and redemption by Christ . . . With a preface concerning the worthy author, by . . . S. Gower. [Edited by J. Crabb and others.] 4to. London, 1659. BM -----. [another edition] Published by Jos. Crabb [and others] . . . With a preface concerning the life of the pious author, by the Rev. S. Gower. 4to. pp. 464. I. R. for T. Basset: London, 1660. BM Episcopal and Presbyterian Government conjoyned; proposed as an expedient for the compromising of the differences and preventing of those troubles about the matter of Church Government. 4to. London, 1679. BM An Epistle . . . concerning the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Scottish. [see, Christopher Sibthorp, A friendly Advertisement to the pretended Catholickes of Ireland.] 4to. 1622. BM Epistola ad J. Buxtorfium Filium. [in J. Buxtorfius the Younger, J. Buxtorfi . . . catalecta philologico-theologica, etc.] 8vo. 1707. BM A Free Examination of the Common Methods employed to prevent the Growth of Popery, etc. 8vo. 1766. BM A Geographical and Historicall Disquisition, touching the Asia proper so called, the Lydian Asia (which is the Asia so often mentioned in the New Testaments) the Proconsular Asia and the Asian Diocese. 4to. Oxford, 1643. BM (2 copies) ------. [another edition] [in A Collection of Voyages and Travels, etc. vol. 1] folio. 1745. BM Gotteschalci, et Praedestinationae controversiae ab eo motae, historia: una cum duplice ejusdem confessione, nunc primum in lucem edita. Dublinii, 1631. BM Gravissimae questionis, de Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in Occidentis praesertim partibus, ab Apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usque aetatem, continua successione et statu, historica explicatio. 4to. B. Norton: London, 1613. BM -----. [another edition] Editio secunda. 8vo. Hanoviae, 1658. BM J. Usserii . . . Historia Dogmatica Controversiae inter Orthodoxos et Pontificios de Scripturis et Sacris Vernaculis. Nunc primum edita. Accesserunt ejusdem dissertationes II. de Pseudo-Dionysii Scriptis, et de Epistola ad Laodicenos . . . Descripsit . . . et notis atque auctario locupletavit H. Wharton, etc. 4to. Londini, 1690/89. BM (2 copies) Immanuel, or, the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God unfolded. Dublin, 1638. -----. [another edition] London, 1638. BM -----. [another edition] E. Greenfield's revision and publication of Archbishop Usher's Immanuel, or the mystery of the incarnation of God the Son . . . First printed in London A.D. 1653, etc. 8vo. London, 1843. BM -----. [another edition] 12o. London, 1844. BM -----. [another edition] [in J. Brown, Theological Tracts, etc. vol. 2] 8vo. 1853. BM The Judgment of Doctor Rainolds touching the Originall of Episcopacy. More largely confirmed out of Antiquity. London, 1641. BM The judgement of the late Archbishop of Armagh . . . 1. Of the extent of Christ's death and satisfaction, etc. 2. Of the Sabbath and observation of the Lord's day. 3. Of the ordination in other reformed Churches. With a vindication of him . . . by N. Bernard. (The reduction of Episcopacie unto the form of Synodical Government . . . by . . . J. U.) 8vo. London, 1657- 56. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1658. BM -----. [another edition] The judgment of the late Archbishop of Armagh . . . of the true intent and extent of Christ's death, etc. [in W. Dodsworth, General Redemption, etc.] 8vo. 1831. BM The judgement of the late Archbishop of Armagh, . . . Of Babylon (Rev. 18.4.) being the present see of Rome (with a sermon of Bishop Bedels upon the same words). Of laying on of hands (Heb. 6.2) to be an ordained ministery; of the old form of words in ordination; of a set form of prayer. Published and enlarged by N. Bernard . . . Unto which is added a character of bishop Bedel, and an answer to Mr. Pierce's fifth letter concerning the late primate. 8vo. London, 1659. BM -----. [another edition] Certain discourses, viz. Of Babylon, etc. London, 1659. BM (2 copies) A Method for Meditation, or a Manuall of divine duties, fit for every Christians practice. 8vo. pp. 165. T. W., sold by John Place: London, 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 1657. BM Of the original and first institution of Corbes, Erenachs, and Termon Lands. [in C. Vallancey, Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis, etc. vol. 1] 8vo. 1770. BM -----. [another edition] 1786. BM Archbishop Ussher on prayers for the dead. [in Tracts for the Times, etc. vol. 3] 8vo. 1834. BM The opinion of . . . J. U. . . . with some other reverend bishops in Ireland. [in T. J., The opinions of certaine . . . divines concerning the . . . Protestant religion, etc. 4to. 1642. BM The originall of Bishops and Metropolitans. [and] A geographicall and historicall disquisition touching the Lydian or proconsular Asia and the seven Metropoliticall churches contained therein. [in Certain briefe treatises, etc.] 4to. 1641. BM -----. [another edition] The originall of Bishops, etc. [in Confessions and proofes of Protestant divines, etc.] 4to. 1644. BM -----. [another edition] The original of Bishops and Metropolitans, briefly laid down. [in J. Somers, A collection of scarce and valuable tracts, etc. vol. 12] 4to. 1809. BM Petition to the House of Peers. London, 1641. The Power communicated by God to the Prince, and the Obedience required of the Subject. Briefly laid down and confirmed . . . published out of the original copy . . . by . . . Robert Lord Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordships preface thereunto. [Edited by James Tyrrell. With a portrait of Archbishop Usher.] 4to. pp. 231. Anne Seile: London, 1661. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] The second edition corrected. 8vo. pp. 244. Mary Clarke for Charles Harper: London, 1683. BM The Principles of Christian Religion: with a briefe method of the body of Christian religion, shewing the connexion and coherence of the chiefe points thereof, etc. 12o. London, 1644. BM -----. [another edition] 2 pt. London, 1645-46. BM -----. [another edition] 1647. BM -----. [another edition] 1650. BM -----. [another edition] 1653. BM -----. [another edition] with a large body of divinity . . . together with Immanuel, or the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. The seventh edition . . . to which is now added twenty sermons . . . Perused and published by his Lordship's chaplains [J. Crabb and S. Gower] with the life of the author, etc. folio. 5 pt. London, 1678-77. BM -----. [another edition] Edited by J. Gregg. 12o. Dublin, [1843?]. BM -----. [another edition] Reprinted from the edition of 1645 [in Catechisms of the Second Reformation, etc.] 4to. 1886. BM Prifannau Crefydd Gristnogawl a Llwybraidd fodd byrr or Athrawiaeth o honi: O waith J. U. . . . A Chyfieithiad R. Vaughan. 12o. 2 pt. Llundain, 1658. BM Prophecies. [in Thomas of Ercildoune, The Whole Prophecies, etc.] 12o. 1806. BM Prophecies and predictions . . . relating to England, Scotland and Ireland. [in Faults on all sides, etc.] 8vo. 1728. BM The Protestant School; or, a method . . . for bringing up . . . children and elder persons in the Protestant Religion . . . Also a Catalogue of all the English words beginning with one syllable, and proceeding by degrees to eight . . . To which is added, an historical account of several plots . . . from Queen Elizabeth to this present time, . . . represented in copper plates . . . By M. Lane. 8vo. London, 1681. BM The Right of Primogeniture; or, the excellency of royall authority. In a sermon [on Gen. xlix. 3], etc. 4to. London, 1648. BM A Sermon [on 1 Cor. x. 17] preached before the Commons House of Parliament . . . the 18 of February 1620, etc. (A speech delivered in the Castle-Chamber at Dublin, the xxii of November, Anno 1622, etc.) 8vo. pp. 102. London, 1681. [reprinted from the 1631 edition of An Answer made to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland]. BM Sermons. 12o. Religious Tract Society: London, 1831. BM A short Catechism. [in Compassionate Warning and advice to all, etc.] 12o. 1720 BM The Soveraignes Power, and the Subjects Duty: delivered in a sermon [on Rom. xiii. 1] at Christ-Church in Oxford, March 3, 1643. 4to. Oxford, 1644. BM A speech delivered in the Castle-Chamber at Dublin, the XX of November, Anno 1622. At the censuring of certaine Officers, who refused to take oath of Supremacie. 4to. pp. 12. Dublin, 1631. BM Strange and remarkable Prophecies and Predictions of . . . J. U. . . . giving an account of his foretelling. I. The rebellion in Ireland . . . II. The confusions and miseries of England . . . III. The death of King Charles the First. IIII. His own poverty and want. V. The divisions in England in matters of religion, etc. . . . Written by the person who heard it, from this excellent person's own mouth. 4to. London, 1678. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 8. Printed for R. G.: London, 1678. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1678. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1678. BM -----. [another edition] 1681. BM Bishop Ushers Second Prophesie, which he delivered to his daughter on his sick-bed. Wherein is contained divers Prophetick Sayings for the years 1680, 1681, etc. 4to. pp. 5. John Hunt: London, 1681. BM Prophecys concerning the return of Popery into England, Scotland and Ireland, by Archbishop Usher . . . Martin Luther, Archbishop Grindal, etc. 4to. London, 1682. BM The Prophecy of Bishop Usher . . . The second edition more corrected. 4to. London, 1688. BM -----. [another edition] Dublin reprinted, 1701. BM -----. [another edition] 12o. Edinburgh, 1708. BM A Warning to the inhabitants of Europe, and more particularly, England: being some remarkable Prophesies of Bishop U., J. Gibson, G. Withers, and J. Behme, which seem now fulfilling, etc. 8vo. London, 1734. BM Genuine and Remarkable Prophecies of Archbishop Usher, etc. 8vo. London, 1645. BM The Prophecy of Bishop U. To which is added two Letters, one from Sir W. Boswell; the other, from the Rev. J. Bramhall, Bishop of Derry. [in The Harleian Miscellany, etc. Vol. 7] 4to. 1741. BM The Prophecies and Predictions of . . . James Usher . . . relating to England, Scotland, and Ireland, etc. 8vo. 2 pt. London, 1793. BM Some striking and remarkable Predictions of Archbishop Usher . . . To which are added, a few interesting extracts from other . . . authors, concerning the nature and end of a spiritual life. 8vo. Bristol, 1797. BM The remarkable prophecy of Archbishop Usher, concerning the Roman Catholic Church, in these last days: to which is prefixed a letter addressed to his present Majesty, in favour of some of the religious dogmas peculiar to Catholics. By John Phillips, member of the Church of England. 8vo. London, 1825. BM Strange and remarkable Prophesies, etc. [reprinted from 1678 edition] folio. p. 4. Privately printed: Middle Hill, 1860? BM Strange and remarkable Prophecies, etc. [in C. Hindley, Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana, etc. vol. 3.] 8vo. 1871. BM Vreemde en aanmerkelyke voorzeggingen van . . . J. U., etc. [Translated from the English] 4to. s' Gravenhage, 1688. BM Daroganau a phrophwydoliaeth hynod a rhyfeddol . . . at yr hyn y chwanegwyd prophwydoliaeth ryfeddol . . . R. Nixon . . . yr hon sydd yn rhag-fynegi amryw ddygwyddiadau hynod perthynol i Frydain Fawr; y'nghyd a desgrifiad byr o'r prophwyd hwnw. 12o. pp. 48. P. Evans: Caernarfon, [1820?]. BM The substance of that which was delivered in a Sermon before the Commons House of Parliament the 18 of February, 1620. 4to. pp. 50. Felix Kyngston for Iohn Bartlet: London, 1621. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1621. BM -----. [another edition] The great Necessity of unity and peace among all Protestants and the bloody principles of the Papists made manifest. (I Cor. x. Vers. 17) 4to. London, 1688. BM Veterum epistolarum Hibernicarum sylloge; quae partim ab Hibernis, partim ad Hibernos, partim de Hibernis vel rebus Hibernicis sunt conscriptae. J. Usserius . . . collegit et recensuit. 4to. Ex Officina Typographica Societatis Bibliopolarum: Dublinii, 1632. BM (4 copies) -----. [another edition] 4to. Parisiis, 1665. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. Herbornae Nassovicorum, 1696. BM Vox Hibernae . . . a sermon [on Luke xiii. 5] preached before . . . divers of . . . the Lords . . . Dec. 22, 1641. 4to. London, 1642. BM Valentine, Thomas. 1586-1665 A Charge against the Jews, and the Christian World, for not coming to Christ, who would have freely given them Eternal Life; delivered in a sermon before the . . . House of Peers, from John v. 40, at Westminster, May 26, 1647, being the day of their publick fast. London, 1647. BM Christ's Counsel to Poor and Naked Souls; a sermon from Rev. iii. 18, before the Commons, Fast, 29th Sept. 1647. London, 1647. A Sermon from Zeph. iii. 8, preached to the . . . House of Commons, at their late solemne fast, Dec. 28, 1642. 4to. London, 1643. BM Two Sermons . . . one before the then House of Lords, on their publick fast, May 26, 1647; the other [on Rev. iii. 18] before the . . . House of Commons, on their publick fast . . . Sept. 29, 1647. 4to. London, 1647. BM Vines, Richard. ca. 1600-1655/56 [preface] The whole book of Psalms paraphrased . . . by G. Abbot. 4to. 1650. BM [preface] Mr. Blakes answer to Mr. Tombes, . . . in vindication of the birth priviledge . . . of beleevers, etc. [With a commendatory preface by E. Calamy and R. Vines] 4to. 1646. BM [address] Vindiciae Foederis, etc. [by T. Blake] [With a recommendatory address by R. Vines and S. Fisher.] 4to. 1653. BM [papers in] The papers which passed between His Majesty and Mr. Marshall, Mr. Vines, etc., concerning church government and Episcopacy. [in Charles I, Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae] 8vo. 1649. BM [address] Heavenly treasure . . . [by W. Strong] [with recommendatory addresses by J. Rowe, R. Vines, etc.] 12o. 1656. BM The Authours, Nature, and Danger, of Haeresie; Laid open in a Sermon from 2 Pet. ii. 1, preached before the . . . House of Commons at Margarets, Westminster, . . . the Tenth of March 1646 . . . set apart as a solemne day of Publike Humiliation, etc. 4to. pp. 70. London, 1647. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland Caleb's Integrity in following the Lord fully; in a sermon from Numb. xiv. 24, preached at St. Margarets Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne and publick Fast, Nov. 30th, 1642. 4to. London, 1642. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1646. -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland Christ the Christian's onely Gain: or, the excellency and desireableness of the knowledge of Jesus Christ . . . in several sermons preached in St Clement Danes. [With a prefatory address subscribed S. E.] 12o. London, 1661. BM The Corruption of Mind; a sermon preached from 2 Cor. xi. 3, at Paul's, 24th June, 1655. London, 1656. Funeral Sermon for Mr William Strong God's Drawing and Man's Coming to Christ. 1662. The Happinesse of Israel; as it was set forth in a sermon from Deut. xxxiii. 29, preached to both Houses of Parliament, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London being present, in Christ's Church, upon a solemne day of thanksgiving, March 12, 1645. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] second edition, 1656. -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland The hearse of the renowned . . . Robert earle of Essex . . . as it was represented in a sermon[on 2 Sam. iii. 38] preached . . . at the . . . solemnity of his Funerall, Octob. 22, 1646. 4to. By T. R. and E. M. for A. Roper: London, 1646. BM (4 copies) -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland -----. [another edition] [in E. M. Goldsmid, Bibliotheca Curiosa, etc.] 8vo. pp. 50. 1886. BM His Majesties concessions [of 4 Nov. 1648] to the Bill of Abolition of Arch Bishops and Bishops, &c., stated and considered. 4to. 1648. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 8. London, 1660. BM (2 copies) The Impostures of Seducing Teachers discovered; in a Sermon from Eph. iv. 14, 15, before . . . the Lord Major and Court of Aldermen of the City of London, at their Anniversary meeting, April 23d, 1644. 4to. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 1656. -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland Magnalia Dei ab Aquilone, set forth in a Sermon [on Isa. lxiii. 8] preached before the . . . Lords and Commons . . . July 18, 1644, being the day of publike thanksgiving for the . . . Victory obtained against Prince Rupert . . . neere Yorke. 4to. London, 1644. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1646. BM -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland Peiqarcia. Obedience to Magistrates, both Supreme and Subordinate, in three sermons from 1 Pet. ii. 13-16, and Tit. iii. 1, preached upon the Anniversarie election-day of three Lord Majors successively, Sept. 29th, 1653, 1654, and 1655. Together with a fourth sermon [on 2 Cor. xi. 3] tending toward a description of the corruption of the mind, preacht . . . at the Church of Lawrence-Jewry, 24 June 1655. 4to. 4 pt. London, 1656. BM -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland The Posture of Davids Spirit, when he was in a Doubtfull Condition; opened in a sermon from 2 Sam. xv. 25, 26, preached before the hon. House of Commons . . . Oct. 22d, 1644, being a day especially set apart for a publicke humiliation. 4to. pp. 26. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland The Purifying of Unclean Hearts and Hands; opened in a sermon from James iv. 8, preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their Solemn Fast, Jan. 28th, 1646. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1646. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] in volume of sermons, published Scotland The Saint's Nearness to God, London, 1662. A Treatise of the Right Institution, Administration, and Receiving, of the Sacraments of the Lord's Supper; delivered in twenty sermons at Lawrence-Jewry, London. 4to. pp. 376. London, 1657. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition. 4to. London, 1660. BM -----. [another edition] Third edition. 8vo. London,1677. BM Walker, George. (CA) 1581-1651 c. 1581-1651 [signed] Ernsthaffte . . . Representation des Urtheils des Ministerii in der Provintz Londen, etc. [Signed T. Gatakeri, G. Walker, etc.] 4to. 1649. BM A Brotherly and Friendly Censure of the errour of a dear friend and brother in Christian affection [W. Prynne] in answer to his four Questions [concerning Exommunication and Suspension from the Sacrament] lately sent abroad, etc. 4to. pp. 10. 1645. BM The Doctrine of the Sabbath. Wherein the first institution of the weekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the Law binding men to keep it, . . . are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures . . . Delivered in divers sermons by G. W. 4to. pp. 167. Amsterdam, 1638. BM -----. [another edition] Amsterdam, 1639. BM -----. [another edition] 1641. An Exhortation for contributions to maintain Teachers in Lancashire, circa 1641 . . . With an introduction by Charles W. Sutton. [in Chetham Remains, N.S. vol. 47. Chetham Miscellanies. N. S. vol. 1] 4to. pp. xiii. 25. Manchester, 1901. BM Fisher's Folly Unfolded; or, The Vaunting Jesuites Vanity discovered in a challenge of his (by him proudly made, but on his part poorely performed). Undertaken and answered by G. W. London, 1624. BM God made Visible in His Workes, or a Treatise of the Externall Workes of God, etc. London, 1641. BM The History of the Creation, as it is written by Moses in the first and second Chapters of Genesis, plainly opened and expounded in several sermons preache in London. Whereunto is added a short Treatise of Gods actuall Providence, in ruling, ordering, and governing the world and all things therein. London, 1641. The Key of Saving Knowledge, opening out of the Holy Scriptures, the right way, and straight passages to Eternal life. Or, a dialogue wherein the chiefe principles of Christian Religion are unfolded, etc. 8vo. London, 1641. BM The Manifold Wisdome of God; in the divers dispensations of Grace by Jesus Christ. In the Old and New Testaments. Their agreement and difference. pp. 173. London, 1640. (1641). A Sermon preached from Psalm lviii, 9. before the House of Commons at their late solemne monethly fast, Jan. 29. 1644. 4to. pp. 53. London, 1645. BM Socinianisme in the Fundamentall Point of Justification Discovered and Confuted. Or, an answer to a written pamphlet maintaining that faith is in a proper sense without a trope imputed to Beleevers in justification, etc. 8vo. pp. 355. London, 1641. BM The Summe of a Disputation between Mr Walker, Pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Watling-Street, and a Popish Priest, calling himself Mr Smith, but indeed Norrice, assisted by some other Priests and Papists. Held in the presence of some worthy knights; with other gentlemen of both religions. 4to. [London?] 1624. BM A True Copie of the disputation held between Master Walker and a Jesuite, in the house of one Thomas Bates in Bishops Court in the Old Baily, concerning ecclesiastical function. London, 1641. A True Relation of the chiefe passages between Mr. Anthony Wotton, and Mr. George Walker, in the yeare of our Lord 1611 and in the yeares next following untill 1615. Written by George Walker, out of his owne papers which he hath yet to shew; for the vindicating of himselfe from some imputations laid on him by Mr. Thomas Gataker, in his defence of Mr. Wotton. 4to. London, 1642. BM [a separate edition from Sylvester Norris] A True Report of the Private Colloquy betweene M. Smith, alias Norrice, and M. Walker. Held in the presence of two Worthy Knights, and of a few other Gentlement, some Catholikes, some Protestants. With a briefe Confutation of the false and adulterated summe, which M. Walker . . . hath diuulged of the same. 4to. 1624. BM #Wallis, John. 1616-1703 (amanuensis) [editor] Arcimhdou yammithV kai kuklou metrhsiV, Eutokiou eiV authn upomnhma . . . Arenarius, et dimensio circuli . . . cum versione et notis J. W. Greek and Latin. 8vo. 1676. BM [editor] Aristarcou Samiou peri megeqwn kai aposthmatwn hliou kai selhnhV biblion . . . Edidit J. W., etc. Greek and Latin. 8vo. 1688. BM [discourse in] An essay on the art of decyphering; in which is inserted a discourse of Dr. Wallis, etc. 4to. 1737. BM [letter in] Supplement to the Philosophical Transactions of July, 1670. With some reflections on Dr. J. Wallis, his letter there inserted. 4to. 1678. BM [editor] J. Horroccii . . . [by I. Horroxius] opera posthuma, etc. 4to. 1673. BM [editor] One hundred select sermons, etc. [by T. Horton] folio. 1679. BM [letters in] Commercium epistolicm de varia re mathematica, inter . . . I. Newtonum, . . . J. Wallisium, etc. 8vo. 1725. BM [editor] Klaudiou Ptolemaiou Biblia . . . Opus Harmonicum. [by C. Ptolemaeus] in Greek with a Latin version and Appendix. 4to. 1682. [in] Lux mathematica; excussa collisionibus J. W. . . . et F. Hobbesii . . . Adjuncta est Censura Doctrinae Wallisianae de Libra, etc. [by R. R.] 4to. 1672. BM [letters in] Correspondence of Scientific Men of the Seventeenth Century, including the letters of . . . Wallis, etc. [by S. P. Rigaud] 8vo. 1841. BM [remarks in] A proposal to perform musick in perfect . . . proportions . . . with . . . remarks . . . by . . . J. W. [by T. Salmon]. 4to. 1688. BM [tables in] Mathematical Tables . . . By . . . Dr. Wallis, etc. [by H. Sherwin]. 8vo. 1717. BM -----. [another edition] 1726. BM J. W. . . . opera mathematicorum pars altera: qua continentur De angulo contactus et semicirculi disquisitio geometrica. De sectionibus conicis tractatus. Arithmetica infinitorum . . . Ecclipseos solaris observatio. 4to. Oxonii, 1656, 55. BM -----. [another edition] Operum Mathematicorum pars prima (altera), etc. 4to. 6 pt. Leon Lichfield: Oxonii, 1657, 56, 55. BM -----. [another edition] 3 vols. folio. Oxoniae, 1699-93. BM (3 copies) An Answer to three papers of Mr. Hobs, etc. folio. 1671. BM An Answer to Dr. Sherlock's examination of the Oxford decree, etc. 4to. 1696. BM Animadversions on Mr Baxter's book, Aphorisms of Justification and of the Covenant. 1650. A Brief and Easy Explanation of the Shorter Catechism, which was presented by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster to both Houses of Parliament. (8th edit, London, 1659). -----. [another edition] 12o. 1660. BM Commercium Epistolicum de Questionibus Quibusdam Mathematicis nuper habitum. Inter nobilissimos viros d'Gulielmum, Vicecomitem Brouncker Anglum; D. Kenelmum Digby, ietm Equitem Anglum; D. Fermatium, in suprema Tholosatum Curia Iudicem Primarium; D. Freniclum, Nobilem Parisinum, una cum d. Joh. Wallis . . . D. Franc. a Schooten . . . aliisque. Edidit J. Wallis. 4to. pp. 190. Oxonii, 1658. BM A Defense of Infant-Baptism. In answer to a letter, here recited, from an Anti-Paedo Baptist. 4to. pp. 24. L. Lichfield: Oxford, 1697. BM A Defence of the Chrisitian Sabbath, in answer to a treatise of Mr. T. Bampfield pleading for Saturday Sabbath. 4to. Oxford, 1692. BM A Defence of the Royal Society, and the Philosophical Transactions, particularly those of July 1670, in answer to the cavils of Dr. W. Holder. 4to. London, 1678. BM (2 copies) A Discourse of Gravity and Gravitation, etc. 4to. pp. 36. London, 1675. BM A Second Letter concerning the holy Trinity. Pursuant to the former from the same hand; occasioned by a letter (there inserted) from one unknown [signed W. J.]. 4to. London, 1691. BM An explication and vindication of the Athanasian Creed; in a third letter pursuant to two fomer, concerning the sacred Trinity. Together with a postscript, in answer to another letter. 4to. London, 1691. BM (2 copies) A Fourth Letter, concerning the Sacred Trinity; in reply to what is entituled, An answer to Dr. Wallis's three Letters. 4to. London, 1691. BM (2 copies) A Fifth Letter concerning the Sacred Trinity; in answer to . . . the Arians vindication of himself against Dr. W.'s fourth letter on the Trinity. 4to. London, 1691. BM (2 copies) A Sixth Letter, concerning the sacred Trinity; in answer to a book, entituled: Observations on the four Letters, etc. 4to. London, 1691. BM (2 copies) A Seventh Letter, concerning the sacred Trinity; occasioned by a second letter from W. J. [With that letter]. 4to. London, 1691. BM (2 copies) An Eighth Letter concerning the sacred Trinity; occasioned by some letters to him on that subject. [with a letter, signed A. B.] 4to. London, 1692. BM Eight Letters concerning the Blessed Trinity . . . A new edition, with the author's last revisions and corrections; together with a preface and notes by Thomas Flintoff. 8vo. London, Manchester [printed, 1840]. BM Dr. Wallis's account of some passages of his own life. [in Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, etc. Vol. 1] 8vo. 1725. BM Dr. Wallis's letter against Mr. Maidwell [i.e., against his scheme for establishing an Academy], 1700. Edited by T. W. Jackson. [in Oxford Historical Society, Collectanea. First series.] 8vo. 1885. BM Due Correction for Mr Hobbes; or Schoole Discipline for not saying his Lessons right, in answer to his six lessons directed to the Professors of mathematicks, by the Professor of Geometry (J. W.). 8vo. Oxford, 1656. BM Hobbiani Puncti Dispunctio, or the undoing of Mr. Hobs's points, in answer to M. Mobs's Stigmai id est Stigmata Hobbii. 8vo. Oxford, 1657. BM Hobbius Heauton-timorumenos. Or a consideration of Mr. Hobbes his dialogues. In an epistolary discourse, addressed to the Hon. R. Boyle. 8vo. Oxford, 1662. BM J. W. . . . Elenchus Geometriae Hobbianae; sive, geometricorum, quae in ipsius elementis philosophiae, a Thoma Hobbes . . . proferuntur refutatio. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1655. BM J. W. . . . Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae. Cui praefigitur, de loquela sive sonorum formatione tractatus grammatico-physicus. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1653. BM -----. [another edition] Editio secunda, priore auctior. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1664. BM -----. [another edition] Editio quarta, prioribus auctior. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1674. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] Editio sexta, accessit epistola ad T. Beverley; de mutis surdisque informandis. 8vo. Londini, 1765. (3 copies) -----. [translated] Die Grammatik des englischen Sprachmeisters, John Wallis, etc. 8vo. 1936. BM Institutio Logicae, ad communes usus accommodata . . . Editio quarta, auctior. 8vo. pp. 313. H. Clements, etc: Oxford, 1715. BM -----. [another edition] Editio quinta auctior et emendatior. 8vo. Oxonii, 1729. BM A Letter of Dr. Wallis's to Bishop Fell, concerning St. Matthias Day. [in The True Time of keeping St Matthias's-Day, etc.] 8vo. 1711. BM -----. [another edtion] [in The True Time of keeping St. Matthias's Day in Leap-year] 8vo. 1712. BM -----. [another edition] A Treatise concerning St. Matthias's Day misplaced in the Oxford Almanac for . . . Feb. 24, in a letter . . . to Dr. Fell . . . Bishop of Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1719. BM The Life of Faith; in two sermons [on Heb. x. 38] to the university of Oxford, etc. 4to. London, 1684. BM (2 copies) Mathesis Universalis. 4to. Collected works on Mathmatics. 1657. Mens sobria serio commendata: concione [on Tit. ii. 6] . . . Accedunt ejusdem exercitationes bine, etc. 8vo. Oxford, 1657. BM The Necessity of Regeneration: in two sermons [on John iii. 3]. 4to. London, 1682. BM The Resurrection Asserted, in a sermon [on 1 Cor. xv. 20] preached to the university of Oxford, on Easter Day, 1679. 4to. Oxford, 1679. BM (another copy) [Sermons and Discourses] 4to. [London, 1692?] (lacks title page) BM Thirteen Sermons . . . To which are prefixed memoirs of the author, with some original anecdotes and a recommendatory introduction by C. E. de Coetlogon. 8vo. London, 1791. BM "J. W. . . . de loquela, sive sonorum formatione . . . Editio sexta" [in J. W. Sonorum formatio: ut et J. C. Amman Surdus loquens, sive de Loquela dissertatio]. 2 pt. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. BM (3 copies) T. Hobbes quadrata circuli, cubatio sphaerae, duplicatio cubi; confutata. 4to. Oxoniae, 1669. BM T. Hobbes quadrata circuli . . . denuo refutata. 4to. Oxoniae, 1669. BM Theological Discourses and Sermons on Several Occasions; containing 8 Letters and 3 sermons concerning the Blessed Trinity. The Life of Faith, in two sermons to the University of Oxford. God's Sovereignty and Justice, in two sermons before the Judges of Assize, from Gen. xviii. 25. The True Treasure, two sermons from Mat. vi. 19, 20, 21. God's Deliverances of his People; from 2 Cor. i. 10. Of Repentance; and Discourses concerning Melchizedek, Job, and the Titles of the Psalms, &c. 4to. London, 1692. BM Three Sermons concerning the Sacred Trinity. [With additions]. 4to. London, 1691. BM (3 copies) J. W. . . . Tractatus duo, prior de Cycloide et corporibus inde genitis, posterior epistolaris in qua agitur de Cissoide et corporibus inde genitis, et de curvarum, tum linearum euquwsei, tum superficierum platusmw. 4to. Oxoniae, 1659. BM Tractus de Loquela Grammatica Physicus. 1653 A Treatise of Algebra, both historical and practical . . . With some additional treatises: I. Of the conocuneus . . . II. Of angular sections . . . III. Of the angle of contact . . . IV. Of combinations, alternations, and aliquot parts. folio. 3 pt. R. Davis: Oxford; London printed, 1685-84. BM Truth Tried, or Animadversions on a treatise published by . . . Robert Lord Brook, entituled, The Nature of Truth, its union and unity with the soule, etc. (On the sad losse of . . . Robert lord Brook; an elegie, to his vertuous . . . Lady.) 4to. London, 1643. BM Two letters, containing a most useful method for instructing persons that are deaf and dumb, . . .to speak distinctly, etc. [in J. Locke, A new method of making common-place books, etc.) 8vo. 1706. BM Latin Works. 3 vols. folio. Oxford, 1699. #Ward, John. (CA) (replaced Painter, deceased) God Judging Among the Gods: opened in a sermon from Psalm lxxxii. 1, before the House of Commons, upon the solemn day of the monethly fast, March 26, 1645. 4to. London, 1645. BM The Good-Will of Him who Dwelt in the Bush; or, The Extraordinary Happiness of Living Under an Extraordinary Providence: a sermon preached from Deut. xxxiii. 16, before the . . . House of Lords, in the Abbey-Church, Westminster, July 22, 1645, at their publike thanksgiving for the good successe given to the Parliaments Forces under the command of Sir T. Fairfax in the West. 4to. London, 1645. BM *Ward, Samuel 1572-1643 replaced due to death [translator of Apocrypha in] The Holy Bible . . . newly translated . . . and reuised, etc. 1611. BM [editor] G. Perkinsi Problema de Romanae fidei ementito Catholicismo . . . Editum . . . opera . . . S. Wardi. 4to. 1604. BM S. W. . . . opera nonnulla, viz. Determinationes theologicae, Tractatus de justificatione, Praelectiones de peccato originali. Edita a Setho Wardo. folio. 2 pt. Londini, 1658. BM De baptismatis infantilis vi efficacia disceptatio privatim habita inter . . . Dnm. Samuelem Wardum et . . . Thoman Gatakerum, etc. 8vo. Londini, 1653. BM Gratia discrimnians. Concio [on Phil. ii. 12, 13] ad clerum habita Cantabrigiae . . . Jan. 12, 1625. 4to. Londini, 1626. BM -----. [another edition] [in Suffragium collegiale Theologorum Magnae Britanniae, etc., pt. 2] 4to. 1627. BM Magnetis reductorium theologicum tropologicum, in quo ejus . . . verus et supremus usus indicatur. 8vo. pp. 162. Impensis A. M.: Londini, 1637. BM -----. [another edition] Typis I. L., Impensis P. Stephani, & C. Meredith: Londini, 1639. BM The Wonders of the Loadstone, or the Load-stone newly reduc't into a divine and morall use. Translated from the Latin by Sir Harbottle Grimston. 12o. London, 1640. BM [letter in] Specimens of the handwriting of Harvey, etc. Edited by G. E. Paget. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849. BM *Weldy, James (none known) *Westfield, Thomas 1573-1644 (Bishop of Bristol) Englands face in Isrels glasse, or the sinnes, mercies judgments of both nations: [in several Sermons on Psal. cvi. 19, 20, etc. Edited by T. S.] 4to. 2 pt. London, 1655. BM -----. [another edition] Eleven Choice Sermons upon severall occasions, etc. 4to. 2 pt. Printed for the use and benefit of Thomas Gibbs: London, 1656. BM A sermon preached in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paul. On the fourteenth day of November, 1641. In the evening. 4to. London, 1641. BM The White Robe; or the Surplice vindicated; . . . together with a Discourse on Psalm xlv. 7, wherein is proved, that kings and no other can properly be said to be the Lords anoynted: being several sermons, etc. 12o. London, 1660. BM *Whiddon, Francis c. 1599-1656 (none known) Whincop (Wincop), John. (CA) c. 1602-1647 God's Call to Weeping and Mourning, set out in a sermon from Isa. xxii. 12. preached to the House of Commons . . . at their late solemne Fast, January 29, 1644, being the day before the treaty (at Uxbridg) began. 4to. pp. 51. London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. London, 1646. BM Israels Tears for Distressed Zion, shown in a sermon from Psalm cxxxvii. 1, before the . . . House of Lords, at their late solemn Fast . . . Sept. 24, 1645. 4to, pp. 47. London, 1645. BM Whitaker, Jeremiah. (CA; Presby) 1599-1654 [co-author] "chief hand" in Defence of the Gospel Ministry, by the Provincial Synod of London, 1654. The Christian Great Design on earth, is to attain assurance for Heaven: Or, How in this life he may lay hold on Eternal Life: Set forth in a Sermon preached from 1 Tim. vi. 17-19. before the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and other citizens of London, at a solemn anniversary meeting, 8th April, 1645. 4to. pp. 47. London, 1645. BM The Christian's Hope Triumphing in these Glorious Truths;--1. That Christ the ground of hope, is God, and not mere man; against the Arians, and other unbelievers.--2. That Christ is the true Messiah, against the unbelieving Jews.--3. That there is another life beside this, against the gross Atheist.--4. That the soul of man is immortal, and doth not sleep till the day of the resurrection, against the error of some seeming Semi-Atheists.-- 5. How the hope of heaven should be attained while here on earth, against the carnal worldlings.--6. How this hope may be discerned where it is, and attained where it is not, for the comfort of every poor Christian: in a Sermon preached from 1 Cor. xv. 19. before the House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, 28th may, 1645. Fast, 4to. pp. 52. London, 1645. BM (2 copies) The Danger of Greatnesse: Or, Uzziah his Exaltation and Destruction: A Sermon from 2 Chron. xxvi. 15, 16. Preached before the Lords, Commons, and Assembly of Divines, 14th of Jan. 1645, being a special day of Humiliation set apart to seek God, for his direction in settling the great work of Church- Government. 4to. pp. 44. London, 1646. BM Eirenopoios: Christ the Settlement of Unsettled Times: A Sermon from Hag. ii. 7. before the House of Commons, at their Public Fast, in Margaret's, Westminster, 25th Jan. 1642. 4to. pp. 61. London, 1642. BM White, John. 1575-1648 Verklaring van de geheele heilige Schrift, door eenige van de voornamste Engelshce godgeleerden (S. Patrick, . . . John White, etc). folio. 1741. BM Davids Psalms in metre agreeable to the Hebrew . . . By the Reverend Mr. John White. 12o. 1655. BM A Commentary upon the Three first chapters of the Book of Genesis. Small folio, London, 1656. BM The Planter's Plea. Or the grounds of plantations examined and usuall objections answered. Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in New England, etc. 4to. London, 1630. BM -----. [another edition] [in American Colonial Tracts. vol. 2, no. 3] 8vo. 1897. BM -----. [extracts from in] White's Brief Relation [in Alexander Young, Chronicles of the First Planters, etc.] 8vo. 1846. BM A sermon preached from Psal. lxxxii. 6 at Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, . . . at the General Assizes, . . . 7 March, 1632. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1648. BM (2 copies) The Troubles of Jerusalems Restauration: Or, The Church's Reformation. A sermon from Dan. ix. 25. before the House of Lords, in the Abbey church, Westminster, 26th Nov. 1645. 4to. pp. 62. London, 1646. BM (2 copies) A Way to the Tree of Life: discovered in sundry directions for the Profitable Reading of the Scriptures; wherein is Described occasionally the Nature of a Spiritual Man: and, in a Digression, the Morality and Perpetuity of the Fourth Commandment, in every circumstance thereof, is Discovered and Cleared. [With a recommendatory epistle by Thomas Goodwin.] 8vo. London, 1647. BM Wilkinson, Henry, Sr. 1566-1647 A Catechism for the Use of the Congregation of Waddesdon. (4th edit. London, 1637) The Debt-Book; or, a Treatise upon Rom. xiii. ver. 8, wherein is handled: the Civill Debt of Money or Goods . . . Also, the Sacred Debt of Love. 8vo. pp. 144. By R. B. and G. M. for R. Bird: London, 1625. BM Wilkinson, Henry, Jr. 1609-1675 [co-editor] The Confession of Faith, etc. [edited by Henry Wilkinson and others.] 12o. 1788. BM Babylons Ruine, Jerusalems Rising: Set forth in a sermon from Zech. i. 18-21, preached before the honourable House of Commons, on the 25 Oct. being the day appointed fo rthe monthly fast, etc. 4to. pp. 32. Printed for Chr. Meredith & Sa. Gellibrand: London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1644. BM The Gainefull Cost: as it was delivered in a sermon preached before the . . . House of Lords, from 1 Chron. xxi. 24, 27 Nov., 1644, being the day appointed for solemn and publike humiliation.. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1644. BM Miranda, Stupenda; or, The Wonderful and Astonishing Mercies which the Lord hath Wrought for England, in Subdoing and Captivating the Pride, Power and Policy of his Enemies: presented in a sermon from Numb. xxiii. 23, preached July 21, 1646, before the honourable House of Commons, . . . being the day . . . for thanksgiving for the surrender of Oxford. 4to. London, 1646. BM The Pope of Rome is Antichrist. A Sermon on 2 Thess. ii. 3-10. [in S. Annesley, The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. Vol. vi.] 8vo. 1844. BM A Sermon against Lukewarmenesse in Religion, preached at Saint Maries in Oxford, the Sixt of September 1640. from Rev. iii. 16. 4to. pp. 39. London, 1641. BM (2 copies) What is it to do all we do in the name of Christ, and how may we do so? A Sermon on Coloss. iii. 17. [in S. Annesley, A Supplement to the Morning-Exercise, etc.] 4to. 1676. BM -----. [another edition] [in S. Annesley, The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, etc. Vol II.] 8vo. 1844. BM Wherein are we endangered by things lawful. Sermon on Luke xvii. 27-29. [in S. Annesley, The Morning Exercise at Cripple-gate.] 4to. 1677. BM -----. [another edition] [in S. Annesley, The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, etc. Vol. I.] 8vo. 1844. BM Wilson, Thomas. 1601-1653 Davids Zeal for Zion . . . A sermon preached before sundry of the Honourable House of Commons: at St. Margarets at Westminster, April 4. 4to. London, 1641. BM Jerichoes Down-fall; as it was presented in a Sermon preached from Heb. xi. 30. in St. Margarets Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons. At the late Solemne Fast, Sept. 28th, 1642. 4to. pp. 48. London, 1643. BM *Wincop, Thomas c. 1596-1656 (none known) #Woodcock, Francis. (CA; Cov) 1614-1649 or 51 (replaced Moreton, deceased) [preface to] An Answer to Two Treatises of Mr. J. Can, etc. [by J. Ball]. 4to. 1642. BM Christ's Warning-piece: Giving Notice to Every One to Watch and Keep Their Garments: delivered in a Sermon at Margaret's, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemn Fast, from Rev. xvi. 15. Oct. 30, 1644. 4to. pp. 32. London, 1644. BM Joseph Paralled [sic] by the Present Parliament, in His Sufferings and Advancement: A Sermon preached from Gen. xlix. 23, 24, before the House of Commons, on their Solemn Day of Thanksgiving, Feb. 19th, 1645, for the . . . reducement of the City of Chester. 4to. London, 1646. BM Lex Talionis; or, God Paying Every Man in His Own Coyn: held forth in a sermon from 1 Sam. ii. 30. preached before the House of Commons . . . July 30th, 1645. 4to. London, 1646. BM The Two Witnesses discovered in severall sermons upon the eleventh Chapter of the Revelation, at Lawrence-Jewry, London, on Rev. xi. 3, &c. with the great Question discussed, Whether the two Witnesses were slain or not? 4to. London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] reprinted (date unknown). Young, Thomas. (CA) 1587-1655 [co-author] An Answer to a Book entitled, An Humble Remonstrance; in which, the Original of Liturgy and Episcopacy is discussed: and Queries propounded concering both. The Parity of Bishops and Presbyters in Scripture demonstrated. The occasion of their Imparity in Antiquity discovered. The Disparity of the Ancient and our Modern Bishops manifested. The Antiquity of Ruling Elders in the Church vindicated. The Prelatical Church bounded. Written by Smectymnuus. 4to. pp. 94. 1641. Smectymnuus Redivivus . . . Composed by five . . . divines (S. Marshall . . . Thomas Young, etc.). 4to. 1669. BM [pseudonym] Dies Dominica, sive succincta narratio ex Scripturarum &. . . vernerandae antiquitatis Patrum testimoniis concinnata, etc. [The dedication signed: Theophilus Philokuriaces] 4to. "Printed Abroad", 1639. BM Hope's Incouragement pointed at, in a Sermon preached from Psalm xxxi. 24. in Margaret's, Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons, at the Solemn Fast, Feb. 28th, 1643. 4to. pp. 38. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Scottish Commissioners Baillie, Robert. 1599-1662 Letters and Journals: containing an impartial account of public transactions, civil, ecclesiastical, and military, in England and Scotland, from . . . 1637, to . . . 1662 Now first published from the MSS. of Robert Baillie . . . With the life of the author, and a glossary. 8vo. 2 vol. (vol. i. pp. 456. vol. ii. pp. 462.) For William Creech and William Gray: Edinburgh, 1775. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] (Edited with a memoir, by David Laing). 4to. 3 vol. 1841, 1842. BM -----. [another issue] BM Anabaptisme, the true Fountaine of Independency, Brownisme, Antinomy, Familisme, and most of the other errours which for the time doe trouble the Church of England, unsealed. Also the questions of paedobaptisme and dipping handled from Scripture: In a second part of The Dissuasive from the errors of the time. 4to. pp. 179. M. F. for Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1647. BM A Dissuasive from the Errours of the Time: wherein the tenets of the principall sects, especially of the Independents, are drawn together in one map, for the most part in the words of their own authours; and their maine principles are examined by the touch- stone of the Holy Scrptures [sic]. 4to. pp. 252. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 242 [252]. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1645. BM -----. [a reissue] Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1646. BM The Disswasive from the Errors of the Time, vindicated from the exceptions of Mr. Cotton and Mr. Tombes. 4to. pp. 88. Evan Tyler for Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1655. BM Errours and Induration are the Great Sins and the Great Judgements of the time. Preached in a sermon before the . . . House of Peers, from Isaiah lxii. 17 . . . July 30th, 1645, the day of the monethly fast. 4to. pp. 44. R. Raworth for Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1645. BM A Historicall Vindication of the Government of the Church of Scotland, from the manifold base calumnies which the most malignant of the prelats did invent of old, and now lately have been published with great industry in two pamphlets at London: The one intituled, Issachar's burden, &c., written . . . by John Maxwell, a Scottish prelate . . . The other falsly intituled A Declaration made by King James in Scotland, concerning Church- government and presbyteries; but indeed written by Patrick Adamson, pretended archbishop of St. Andrews, etc. (The Recantation of P. Adamson.--Two pious and propheticall letters of Master Jo. Welch which he wrote out of his prison.) 4to. 2 pt. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1646. BM Ladensium AutokatakrisiV The Canterburian self-conviction . . . With a post-script to the personate Iesute Lysimachus Nicanor, etc. 4to. pp. 128.28. BM (3 copies) -----. [another edition] 1640. BM -----. [another edition] The third edition augmented by the author, with a large supplement, etc. 4to. 3 pt. 1641. BM A Large Supplement of the Canterburian Self-conviction. Opening to the world, yet more of the wicked mysteries of that faction from their own wits. [Followed by "A Postscript for . . . Lysimachus Nicanor." By R. Baillie.] 4to. pp. 70.37. 1641. BM The Life of William now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, examined. Wherein his principall actions, or deviations in matters of doctrine and discipline . . . are traced, and set downe, as they were taken from good hands, by Mr. R. Bayley. 4to. pp. 131. For N. B.: London, 1643. BM (2 copies) Operis historici et chronologici libri duo; in quibus historia sacra & profana compendiose deducitur ab ipsis fontibus, a creatione mundi ad Constantinum Magnum, etc. folio, 2pt. Apud Joannem Janssonium: Amstelodami, 1663. BM Operis historici et chronologici libri duo; in quibus historia sacra & profana compendiose deducitur . . . a creatione mundi ad Constantinum Magnum, etc. folio, 2pt. Pt. I. pp. 307. Pt. II. pp. 151. J. a Someren: Amstelodami, 1668. BM A Parallel, or Briefe Comparison of the Liturgie with the Masse- book, the Brevarie, the Ceremoniall, and other Romish ritualls. Wherein is . . . demonstrated, not onely that the Liturgie is taken . . . out of these anti-christian writts; but also that not one of the most abominable passages of the Masse can in reason be refused by any who cordially imbrace the Liturgie . . . By R. B. K. 4to. pp. 95. 1641. BM -----. [another edition]. 4to. pp. 80. London, 1661. BM [attributed] Prelacie is Miserie: or, the Suppressing of Prelaticall Goverment [sic] and establishing of Provintiall, and nationall Sinods, is a hopefull meanes to make a flourishing Church, and happie Kingdome. 4to. pp. 4 [10]. 1641. BM Queries anent the Service-Book A Review of Doctor Bramble . . . his Faire Warning against the Scotes Disciplin. By R. B. G. 4to. pp. 91. 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. pp. 64. For M. Stait [Stael]: Delph, 1649. BM (2 copies) Ondersoeck van Doctor Brambels . . . waerschouwinge tegens de Kercken-regeringe der Schotten . . . Overgeset uyt het Engelsch. 4to. pp. x. 64. Utrecht, 1651. BM A Reply to the Modest Inquirer. Satan the Leader in chief to all who resist the Reparation of Sion. As it was cleared in a sermon preached from Zech. iii. 1. to the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemn fast Febr. 28. 1643. 4to. pp. 54. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1643. BM A Scotch Antidote against the English Infection of Arminianism, etc. [Against John Goodwin's Redemption Redeemed.] 12vo. pp. 114. For Samuel Gellibrand: London, 1652. BM (2 copies) The Unlawfulnesse & danger of Limited Episcopacie. Whereunto is subjoyned a short reply to the modest advertiser and calme examinator [i.e. G. Morley] of that Treatise [i.e., The Unlawfulness and Danger of Limited Prelacie, by R. Blair or A. Henderson.] As also the Question of Episcopacie discussed from Scripture and Fathers. 4to. pp. 47. For Thomas Vnderhill: London, 1641. BM (2 copies) *Blair, Robert (1593-1680) [preface to] The Dying Man's Testament to the Church of Scotland . . . To which is prefixed an excellent preface of famous Mr. Blair, etc. [by James Durham] 8vo. 1659. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1680. BM The Life of Mr Robert Blair . . . containing his autobiography from 1593 to 1636, with supplement to his life, and continuation of the history of the times to 1680, by his son-in-law, Mr William Row . . . Edited . . . by Thomas M'Crie. 8vo. pp. xxiv. 627. Edinburgh, 1848. BM Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Robert Blair . . . In two parts. The first part wrote by himself, and the second by Mr. William Row. 8vo. pp. 128. Andrew Stevenson: Edinburgh, 1754. BM (3 copies) *Douglas, Robert (never sat) The diary of R. D. when with the Scotish army in England, 1644. [in the appendix to Historical fragments, etc.] 8vo. 1833. BM -----. [another edition] in J. Burns, Memoirs, etc. 8vo. 1832. BM Master Douglasse his sermon [2 Chron. xix. 6] preach't at the down-sitting of this last parliament of Scotland 1661. With an adverstisement to the courteous reader, etc. 4to. London, 1661. BM A memorandum to be communicated to R. Johnson [in the appendix to Historical Fragments, etc.] 8vo. 1833. BM Sermon preached at Scoone, Jan. 1. 1651, at the Coronation of Charles the Second, etc.[in The form and order of the Coronation, etc.] 4to. 1651. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1660. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1661. BM -----. [another edition] in A Phenix, or the Solemn League and Covenant, etc. 12vo. 1662. BM -----. [another edition] in The memorial of the Presbyterians, exemplified in the solemn League and Covenant, etc. 4to. 1706. BM -----. [another edition] in The Phoenix, etc. vol. 1. 8vo. 1707. BM -----. [another edition] in A Collection of Choice . . . Tracts, etc. 8vo. 1721. BM Gillespie, George. -1648 The Presbyterian's Armoury. vol. I., II. The Works of G. G. . . . now first collected. With memoir of his life and writings by W. M. Hetherington. 8vo. 1843. BM Aarons Rod Blossoming; or, The Divine Ordinance of Church- Government Vindicated, . . . from the groundlessenesse of the chiefe objections made against the presbyteriall government in point of a domineering arbitrary unlimited power. 4to. pp. 590. London, 1646. BM An Assertion of the Government of the Church of Scotland in the points of Ruling Elders, and of the Authority of Presbyteries and Synods. With a postscript in answer to a treatise . . . against Presbyteriall Government. 4to. Edinburgh: for James Bryson, 1641. BM -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1641. CXI Propositions concerning the Ministerie and Government of the Church. 4to. 1647. BM -----. [Latin translation] Theoremata CXI de ministerio. Edinburgi, 1647. -----. [another edition] Juxta exmplar qud--, 1648. -----. A form for church government and ordination of ministers contained in the XCI Propositions, propounded to the late General Assembly at Edinburgh, 1647. Together with an act concerning Erastianism, Independencie, and Liberty of Conscience, etc. London: for R. Bostock, 1647. A Dispute against the English Popish Ceremonies, obtruded upon the Church of Scotland, 4to. 1637. BM -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1660. BM Faces About. Or, A Recrimination Charged upon Mr. John Goodwin in the point of Fighting Against God and opposing the Way of Christ. London, 1644. (anonymous--some dispute over authorship) The Humble Representation of the Commission of the General Assembly to the Honourable Estates of Parliament, upon their Declaration lately communicate, etc. 28 April 1648. London: by Edward Griffin for I. R., 1648. The Answer of the Commissioners of the General Assembly August 15, 1648 unto the observations of the Honourable Committee of Estates upon the Declaration of the late General Assembly. Edinburgh: by Evan Tyler, 1648. A Late Dialogue Betwixt A Civilian and a Divine, concerning the present condition of the Church of England. London: for Robert Bostock, 1644. Male Audis; or an answer to Mr Coleman on his Male dicis. . . . Together with some animadversions upon Master Hussey his Plea for Christian magistracy, etc. 4to. pp. 56. London, 1646. BM Nihil Respondes: or, a discovery of the extreme unsatisfactorinesse of Master Coleman's peece . . . under the title of a "brotherly examination re-examined," etc. 4to. London, 1645. BM (2 copies) Reasons for Which the Service Book Urged Upon Scotland ought to be Refused. Edinburgh, 1638. The Scriptural mode of administering and receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, as laid down in a treatise of miscellany questions, printed in . . . 1649, etc. 12vo. pp. iv. 16. Newcastle, 1816. BM A sermon [on Mal. iii. 2] before the rt. hon. House of Lords, Aug. 27, 1645, being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation. Whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr Coleman's late printed sermon upon Job xi. 20, etc. 4to. pp. 30. London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1645. A sermon [on Ezek. xliii. 11] preached before the hon. House of Commons, at their last Solemne Fast, March 27, 1644. 4to. pp. 42. London, 1644. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition. 1644. -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1644. A Treatise of Miscellany Questions: wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved. . . . Published by P. Gillespie. 4to. pp. 281. Edinburgh, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1844. BM An useful case of conscience, discussed and resolved, concerning Associations and Confederacies with Idolaters, Infidels, Hereticks, or any other known enemies of Truth and Godlinesse. Whereunto is subjoyned a letter written by him to the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, . . . Together with his testimony unto this truth, written two dayes before his death. 4to. London, 1649. BM -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1649. BM (2 copies) Wholesome Severity reconciled with Christian Liberty. Or, the true Resolution of a present Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience . . . The chiefe arguments and exceptions used in The Bloudy Tenent, The Compassionate Samaritane, M. S. to A. S. &c. examined, etc. 4to. pp. 40. 1645. BM (2 copies) Henderson, Alexander. ca.1583-1646 [letters in] The Papers which passed at New-Castle betwixt his sacred Majestie and Mr A. H., concerning the Change of Church- Government. 4to. 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 24o. 1649. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. 1649. BM The Papers which passed at Newcastle betwixt his Sacred Majesty and Mr A. H., concerning the change of Church Government, Anno Dom. 1646. [in Eikwn Basilikh] 24o. 1649. BM -----. [another edition] [in Reliquiae sacrae Carolinae, etc] 8vo. 12649. BM Cahiers de la Conference par ecrit, tneue a Neufchastel, en l'annee 1646, entre sa Majeste de la Grande Bretagne, et le Sr A. H. Ministre Escossois, touchant le changement du Gouvernement Ecclesiastique en l'Eglise Anglicane. [in Eikwn Basilikh, our portrait royal, etc.] 12o. 1649. BM Conference du roy et le Docteur Henderson touchant le gouvernement de l'eglise Anglicane. [in P. Grebner, Prediction, etc.] 160. 1650. BM Sermons, Prayers, and Pulpit Addresses . . . Edited from the original MS. by R. T. Martin. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. BM The Declaration of Mr. A. H. principall minister of the word of God at Edebrough, and chiefe Commissioner from the Kirk of Scotland to the Parliament and Synod of England: made upon his death-bed. 4to. London, 1648. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] [in J. Somers, A Collection of Scarce . . . Tracts, etc. vol. 5] 4to. 1809. BM -----. [another edition] The Declaration of Mr. Alexand. Henderson . . . to the Parliament and Synod of England made upon his Death-Bed. [in Memoirs of the Two last Years of the Reign of . . . King Charles I, etc.] 8vo. 1702. BM The Government and Order of the Church of Scotland. 4to. 1641. BM Gymnasma philosophicum de rebus logicis, ethicis, physicis, sphaericis, metaphysicis, in publico philosophantium consessu in Academia Andreana, ab ingenuis nonnullis Salvatoriani Gymnasij adolescentibus, rude philosophica jam donandis . . . habendum a.d. Iunij 1611. loco consueto. Alexandro Henrisono praeside. 4to. pp. xxvi [xxxvi]. Andreas Hart: Edinburgi, 1611. BM Letters to the brethren in England, in Acts of the General Assembly, 1641. Petition from the Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Jan. 4th, 1643. (in Clarendon's History) Reasons for the removal of Bishops out of the Church. 1641. The Remonstrance of the Nobility, Barons, Burgesses, Ministers, and Commons, within the Kingdom of Scotland, vindicating them and their proceedings, from the crimes wherewith they are charged by the late proclamation in England, Feb. 27th 1639. A Sermon [on John xviii. 36, 37] preached before the Rt. Hon. House of Lords, in the Abbey Church, Westminster, May 28, 1645, being the day appointed for solemne and publick humiliation. 4to. pp. 31. London, 1645. BM A Sermon [on Mat. xiv. 21] preached before the Rt. Hon. the Lords and Commons . . . assembled in Parliament, in Margaret's Church, Westminster, July 10, 1644, it being the day of publick thanksgiving for the . . . happie successe of the forces of both kingdomes neer York, against the enemies of king and parliament. 4to. pp. 24. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) -----. [another edition] with a large Address prefixed to the Kirk and Kingdom of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1644. A Sermon [on Ezra vii. 23] preached to the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemne fast, Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1643. 4to. pp. 36. London, 1644. BM (2 copies) Sermon concerning the utility and importance of magistracy, preached from 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 3, at the opening of Parliament at Edinburgh, on the 31st of Aug. 1639. Sermon from Acts. v. 33. preached at the opening of the General Assembly, Aug. 12, 1639. Sermon from Rom. xi. 36. August, 1641. Short treatise on Church-discipline. A Speech delivered, immediately before the taking of the Covenant by the House of Commons. [in The Covenant, etc]. London, 1643. BM -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1643. The Vnlawfulnes and Danger of Limited Prelacie, or perpetuall preceidencie in the Church, briefly discovered. 4to. pp. 19. 1641. BM Lives of Alexander Henderson [by T. Mac Crie] and J. Guthrie [by T. Thomson]. With specimens of their writings [edited by T. Thomson]. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846. BM Rutherford, Samuel. -1661 [excerpts in] The Refiner's Fire. Thoughts on affliction, selected from the works of Archbishop Leighton, Rutherford . . . and other . . . writers. [by R. Leighton] 8vo. 1875. BM [excerpts in] Some Predictions . . . of the . . . servants of the Lord, viz. Mr. T. Lundie, Mr. S. Rutherford, etc. [by T. Lundie] 12vo. 1739. BM Joshua Redivivus, or, Mr. Rutherfoord's Letters, divided in two parts. The first containing those which were written from Aberdeen . . . The second containing some, which were written from Anworth, etc. 8vo. pp. 579. 1664. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1671. BM -----. [another edition] the third edition, now divided in three parts. The first containing those which were written from Aberdeen . . . The second and third containing some, which were written from Anwoth, . . . and others . . . from St. Andrews, London, &c.. Published by a Welwisher to the work, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1675. BM -----. [another edition] The fourth edition. 12o. pp. 666. London, 1692. BM -----. [another edition] The fifth edition. 12o. Edinburgh, 1709. BM -----. [another edition] The fifth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1724. BM -----. [another edition] The sixth edition. 12o. Edinburgh, 1738. BM -----. [another edition] Joshua Redivivus: or three hundred and fifty-two religious letters, by Samuel Rutherford. To which is added, the author's testimony to the covenanted work of reformation, between 1638 and 1649. And also, his dying words . . . not in any of the former editions. As also, a large preface and post[s]cript, which were left out in some of the late editions, supposed to be wrote by the Rev. Mr McWard. The ninth edition. 8vo. Glasgow, 1765. BM -----. [another edition] A new edition. 8vo. Glasgow, 1824. BM The Letters and Life of . . . Samuel Rutherford, edited by . . . C. Thomson. 2 vol. 12o. London, 1836. BM Letters of . . . Samuel Rutherford . . . with biographical notices of his correspondents by the Rev. J. Anderson; and a sketch of his life, etc. by the Rev. A. A. Bonar . . . Containing several Letters not before published, etc. 12o. Edinburgh, 1848. BM Letters by the eminently godly . . . Samuel Rutherford . . . from the original edition. [Edited by D. A. Doudney] 8vo. Bonmahon, 1857. BM Letters of Samuel Rutherford. With biographical sketches of his correspondents. Edited by A. A. Bonar. With sketch of his life. 2 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. BM -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. xx. 744. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier: Edinburgh & London, 1891. BM -----. [another edition] Third edition. Religious Tract Society: London, 1894. BM Letters . . . Edited by . . .T. Smith . . . With a preface by . . . A. Duff . . . Complete edition. 8vo. pp. viii. 576. Oliphant & Co.: Edinburgh, 1881. BM Samuel Rutherford's Letters. Rearranged and revised for use of modern readers, with a brief record of his life, by James Stephen. (Complete edition.) 8vo. pp. 220. Pickering & Inglis: London, 1920. BM [Letter in] Historical Fragments, etc. 8vo. 1833. BM Extracts from the Letters of Mr. S. Rutherfoord. [in J. Wesley, A Christian Library, vol. 16.] 8vo. 1819. BM Christ's Cross. (Extracted from Rutherford's Letters.) 8vo. Birmingham, 1855. BM Letters and Extracts from Rutherford. [with a memoir.] [in R. Leighton, A Memoir of Leighton.] 16o. 1859. BM Manna. Crumbs for hungry souls. Consisting of excerpts from the letters of . . . S. Rutherford, gathered by . . . W. P. Breed. 12o. Philadelphia, 1865. BM Select Letters of . . . Samuel Rutherford. 16o. pp. 252. 1884. BM Daily Thoughts for a Year from the letters of S. Rutherford. Selected by Eva S. Sandeman. 8vo. Oliphant & Co.: Edinburgh & London, 1899. BM Letters . . . Selected from the edition edited by the Rev. A. A. Bonar. 8vo. pp. 128. Oliphant & Co.: Edinburgh & London, 1899. BM Christ and his Cross. Selections from Rutherford's Letters arranged by L. H. M. Soulsby. 8vo. pp. xxvii. 207. Longmans & Co.: London, 1902. BM The Upward Way: a book of extracts from the letters of Samuel Rutherford written chiefly from his prison at Aberdeen, 1636- 1638. Edited by Eleanor C. Gregory. [Heart and Life Booklets. no. 19] 8vo. pp. 58. 1908. BM The Loveliness of Christ. From the Letters of Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661). Selected by Ellen S. Lister. With a prefatory note by the Bishop of Durham. [Bagster's Christian Classics] 16o. pp. 114. 1909. BM The King in his Beauty. Extracts from the letters and sermons of Samuel Rutherford. Selected by J. Cyril Downes. [Epworth Devotional Books] 8vo. pp. 94. Epworth Press: London, 1955. BM Lettres aux Chretiens persecutes ou affliges ecrites en 1630 . . . par Samuel Rutherford. Traduites de l'anglais, et precedees d'une notice sure Rutherford et son epoque par G. Masson. 12o. Paris, 1848. BM Nine letters . . . translated by J. Gillies. [Gaelic] 12o. Glasgow, 1851. BM Gleanings from Samuel Rutherford. 32o. Edinburgh, 1854. BM -----. [another edition] in Christian Graces, pt. 6. 16o. 1859. BM Last Words of Samuel Rutherford. [Verses suggested by them]. 32o. Kingston-upon-Hull, 1860. BM Rubies from Rutherford. Gathered by W. J. Mathams. 8vo. p. 57. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier: Edinburgh, 1892. BM Ane Catechisme containing the Soume of Christian Religion. [in A. F. Mitchell, Catechisms of the Second Reformation, etc.] 4to. 1886. BM Christ and the Doves Heavenly Salutations, with their conference together: or a sermon [on Canticles ii. 14-17] before the Communion in Anworth. Anno 1630. 4to. pp. 29. [1630?] BM -----. [another edition] Heavenly Salutations, with pleasant Conferences between Christ and his people, preached from Cant. ii. 14-17, at Anwoth, before the Communion, in 1630. Glasgow, 1778. Christ's Love to his Church, Cant. ii. 8-12. Glasgow, 1798. Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himselfe; or a survey of our Saviour in His soule-suffering, etc. 4to. pp. 598, London, 1647. BM -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1727. -----. [another edition] 8vo. pp. 730, Glasgow, 1803. Christ's Napkin: or, a sermon [on Rev. xxi. 4-8] preached in Kirkcubright at the Communion, May 12, 1633. 4to. 1633. BM -----. [another edition] To which is added, An epitaph (by W. W.) put upon his Grave-stone, in the year 1735. 12o. A. Miller: Glasgow, 1739. BM -----. [another edition] Glad Tidings to the People of God; or, Comfort afforded in views of Death, from Rev. xxi. 4-8, preached inKirkcudbright, at the Communion, May 10th, 1633. Glasgow, 1779. The Covenant of Life opened; or, a treatise of the Covenant of Grace. 4to. pp. 368. Edinburgh, 1655 [1654 O. S.]. BM The Cruel Watchmen; a sermon on Song v. 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1728. BM -----. [another edition] Glasgow, 1784. Disputatio Scholastica De Divina Providentia. 4to. pp. 620. Edinburgh, 1649. The Divine Right of Church Government and Excommunication: or, a peaceable dispute for the perfection of the holy Scripture in point of ceremonies and Church-government; in wich the removal of the Sevice-book is justifi'd, the six books of Tho: Erastus against Excommunication are briefly examin'd; with a vindication of . . . Theod. Beza against the aspersions of Erastus; the arguments of Mr. W. Pryn, R. Hooker, &c. touching will-worship, ceremonies, imagery, idolatry . . . are modestly discussed. To which is added a brief tractate of Scandal. 4to. London, 1646 [1645 O.S.]. BM The Door of Salvation opened, etc. [a sermon on 2 Thess. i. 8, and Rev. iii. 20.] [in A Collection of scarce and valuable Sermons, etc. 12o. 1814. BM -----. [another edition] Hall and Son: Oxford, 1871. BM The Due Right of Presbyteries, or a peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scotland, wherein is examined 1. The way of the Church of Christ in New England, etc. 2. Their apology for the said government, etc. 3. A treatise for Church covenant is discussed. 4. The arguments of Mr. Robinson in his justification of separation are discovered. 4. His treatise, called, The people's Plea for the full exercise of prophecy is tryed, etc. 4to. London, 1644. BM Examen Arminianismi . . . Recensitum et editum a Matthia Netheno. 8vo. pp. 761. Ex Officina Antonii Smytegelt: Ultrajecti, 1668. BM Exercitationes apologeticae pro divina gratia, Contra Jesuitas et Arminianos. pp. 400+ Amsterdam, 1636. -----. [another edition] . . . in quibus vindicatur doctrina orthodoxa de divinis decretis, & Dei tum aeterni decreti, tum gratiae efficacis operationis, cum hominis libertate consociatione & subordinatione amica. Adversus I. Arminium ejusque asseclas, & Iesuitas, imprimis vero F. Suarezium, G. Vasquezium, L. Molinam, L. Lessium, P. Fonsecam & R. Bellarminum, etc. [with a preface by C. Schotanus]. 8vo. pp. 529 [539]. Impensis Johannis Dhuiringh: Franckerae, 1651. BM An Exhortation at a Communion, to a Scots Congregation in London . . . Never before printed. 12o. Printed . . . in Person's Closs: Edinburgh, 1728. BM -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1731. BM -----. [another edition] Second edition. Glasgow, 1804. Fourteen Communion Sermons . . . With a preface and notes by . . . A. A. Bonar. Second Edition, enlarged. 8vo. C. Glass & Co.: Glasgow, 1876. BM A Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Conscience, tending to resolve doubts moved by Mr. J. Goodwin, John Baptist, Dr. Jer. Taylor, . . . and other authors contending for lawlesse liberty, or licentious toleration of sects and heresies. 4to. pp. 410, London, 1649. BM Influences of the Life of Grace; or, a practical treatise concerning the way, manner and means of having and improving of spiritual dispositions, and quickning influences from Christ, etc. 4to. pp. 438. London, 1659 [1658 O.S.]. BM The Lamb's Marriage proclaimed, An action sermon, preaced before the celebration of the Lord's Supper at Kirkcudbright, June 20th, 1634, on Rev. xix. 7-14. Glasgow, 1775. -----. [another edition] 12o. Falkirk, 1822. BM -----. [another edition] 12o. pp. 24. T. Johnston: Falkirk, 1822. BM The Last and Heavenly Speech and Glorious Departure of John Viscount Kenmuir. 8vo. pp. 22. 1712. BM -----. [another edition] The Last and Heavenly Speeches, glorious departure, John Viscount Kenmuir. To which is added, The Happy Man and True Gentleman. 8vo. pp. vi. 25. 1774. BM -----. [another edition] With an introductory memoir of that nobleman, and notes, by T. Murray. 12o. Edinburgh, 1827. BM Letter to the Professors of Christ and of his Truth, in Ireland. Glasgow, 1771. Lex Rex; the Law and the Prince. A dispute for the just Prerogative of King and People. Containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the Kingdom of Scotland, and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their dear brethren of England. In which . . . a full answer is given to a seditious pamphlet, intituled "Sacro-Sancta Regum Majestas" . . . penned by Jo. Maxwell . . . with a scriptural confutation of the ruinous grounds of W. Barclay, H. Grotius, H. Arnisaeus . . . , etc. 4to. pp. 467. London, 1644. BM -----. [another edition] 1648. -----. [another edition] With a sketch of the life of Samuel Rutherford.--De jure Regni apud Scotos; a dialogue concerning the rights of the Crown in Scotland. By George Buchanan. Translated . . . by R. Macfarlan. [in The Presbyterian's Armoury, vol. III] 8vo. 1843. BM A Peaceable and Temperate Plea for Paul's Presbyterie in Scotland. 4to. pp. 326. London, 1642. BM A Practical Discourse, on Mat ix. 27-31, respecting the Power and Prevalence of Faith and Prayer; printed in the year 1713. The Prison Sayings of Samuel Rutherford . . . 1637. With an introductory sketch of his character. 16o. London, 1854. BM Quaint Sermons of Samuel Rutherford hitherto unpublished. With a preface by . . . A. A. Bonar. [Edited by J. H. Thompson]. 8vo. pp. vi. ii. 384. Hodder & Stoughton: London, 1885. BM Religious Letters. 1664. (3d edit. 1675; 1692; 1724; 1738; 9th edit, Glasgow, 1765, to which is added "the Author's Testimony to the Covenanted work of Reformation, and some of his Dying words, with a large Preface and Postscript"; 1783; 1796; 12th edit, Aberdeen, 1802) A Sermon [on Dan. vi. 26] preached to the . . . House of Commons, at their late solemne fast . . . Jan. 31, 1643. 4to. pp. 64, London, 1644. BM (2 copies) A Sermon [on Luke viii. 22-25, Mark iv. 38-40 and Matt. viii. 26] preached before the . . . House of Lords, in the Abbey Church, Westminster, the 25 June, 1645 . . . the day appointed for solemne . . . humiliation. 4to. London, 1645. BM A Survey of the Spirituall Antichrist. Opening the secrets of familisme and antinomianisme in the antichristian doctrines of J. Saltmarsh and W. Del, and of R. Town, and others. In which is revealed the rise and spring of Antinomians, Famulists, Libertines, etc. (A modest survey of the secrets of Antinomianisme; with a briefe refutation of them, etc.). 4to. 2 pt. London, 1648. BM A Survey of the Survey of that Sum of Church Discipline, penned by Mr Thomas Hooker . . . Wherein the Way of the Churches in N. England is now re-examined, arguments in favour there of winnowed, etc. 4to. London, 1658. BM A Testimony left by Mr. Rutherford to the work of Reformation in Britain and Ireland, before his death, with some of his last words . . . 1661. 12o. Lanark, 1739. BM -----. [another edition] To which are added, a short account of his life, with some of his last words. 12o. Stirling, 1802. BM A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ; or to the Doctrine . . . of the Kirk of Scotland; . . . By the Ministers of Perth and Fife. [Subscribed by Samuel Rutherford, J. Wedderburn, and others.] [in J. Howie, Faithful Witness-bearing exemplified, etc.] 8vo. 1783. BM A Treatise of Civil Policy: being a resolution of forty three questions concerning prerogative, right, and privilege in reference to the supream prince and the people. 4to. London, March 26, 1657. BM The Tryal and Triumph of Faith; or, an exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the Woman of Canaan. Delivered in (27) sermons; in which are opened, The Victory of Faith; the condition of those that are tempted; the excellency of Jesus Christ and Free Grace . . . and some speciall Grounds and Principles of Libertinisme and Antinomian Errors, discovered, etc. 4to. R. Smith: London, 1645. BM -----. [another edition] London, 1652. -----. [another edition] Edinburgh, 1721. -----. [another edition] 12o. Glasgow, 1743. BM -----. [another edition] Edited by T. Thomson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845. BM The True Right of Presbyteries. 4to. pp. 780. London, 1644. Scribes Byfield, Adoniram. -1660. [Publisher] The Rule of Faith: or, an Exposition of the Apostles Creed . . . [by Nicholas Byfield]. 4to. pp. 563. G. M. for Philemon Stephens & Christopher Meredith: London 1626. BM [co-author] An Apology for the Ministers . . . of . . . Wilts in their actings at the election of Members for the approaching Parliament, etc. [by H. Chambers, A. Byfield, and others] 4to. 1654. BM A Brief View of Mr. Coleman his New-Modell of Church Government, delivered by him in a late sermon, upon Job. 11. 20 [entitled, "Hopes deferred and dashed"]. 4to. 1644. BM A Letter sent from a Worthy Divine [i.e., A. Byfield?], to the Right Honourable the Lord Maior of the City of London. Being a true relation of the battaile fought betweene his Majesties forces, and his Excellency the Earle of Essex, etc. folio. 1642. BM -----. [another edition] 4to. 1642. BM The Summe of the Principles. Or, a Collection of those Principles of Religion, which are set down in a little treatise, called, The Principles, or Patterne of wholesome words, etc. [selected from Nicholas Byfield, The Principles, etc.] 12o. 1630. BM -----. [another edition] 12o. 1634. BM -----. [another edition] [from Nicholas Byfield, The Marrow of the Oracles of God--same book, different title] 12o. 1637. BM -----. [another edition] [from N.B., The Principles] 1662. BM Roborough, Henry. -1650 The Doctrine of Justification Cleared and Vindicated from Arminian, Socinian, and Popish Errors. Or, an Answer to Mr John Goodwin's Animadversions upon Mr George Walker's Defence of the true sense of Rom. iv. 3, 5. Together with an Examination of the said Mr John Goodwin's Treatise of Justification.--Wherein the Imputation of Faith in a proper sense is denied and confuted: and the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness is affirmed and proved. Republished, etc. 4to. 2 pt. London, 1650. BM Copyright 1996, All rights reserved.