Two basic models of seminary management prevailed in the Old School: synodical control and General Assembly control. Princeton (New Jersey, 1812), Western (Allegheny, Pennsylvania, 1827), and Danville (Kentucky, 1853) seminaries were under the General Assembly, while Union (Hampden-Sydney, Virginia, 1823), Columbia (South Carolina, 1829), and Hanover (Indiana, 1830–later moved to New Albany, Indiana), were organized by synods and remained under synodical control. New School seminaries, such as Union Theological Seminary in New York and Lane Seminary in Cincinnati, were independent institutions operated by self-perpetuating boards. The only Old School seminary to follow this model (Cincinnati Theological Seminary, under the leadership of Nathan Lewis Rice and James Hoge) lasted for only three years, 1850-53, and was considered by its supporters as a temporary expedient.

            I am in the process of compiling a database of all Old School ministers and congregations. While the database is still incomplete, I have identified 4,724 Old School ministers for the years 1837-1869. While students often attended more than one seminary, figure A3.1 reveals that 40% of all Old School ministers began their formal theological training at Princeton. A total of 47% (2,245) of Old School ministers studied at Princeton.


Figure A3.1     Seminaries Where Old School Ministers began their theological studies

Princeton                      1910

Western                       766

Union                           287

Columbia                      278

New Albany                 146

Danville                        123

Other Presbyterian        156     

New School                 121     

Other Seminaries          172     

Private              313     

Unknown                     462


            Since I have been able to look through the student rosters of many non-Old School seminaries, it is likely that almost all of the 462 “unknown” students studied privately. But by 1840, almost all students spent at least some time in seminary. Of the 864 men who entered the Old School ministry in the 1840s, only 80 (9.3%) had not attended seminary at all.

            Seminary attendance also reveals the prominence of Princeton throughout most of the Old School period, as Figure A3.2 demonstrates.


Figure A3.2. Annual Old School Seminary Attendance, 1836-1870

                                ------Northwestern-----         --------Southern--------

PTS         WTS       NATS     CinTS     DTS        CTS        UTS        PTS/others            South     NW

1836        136          38            12                                            18            28            ^136/96                   46            50

1837        142          37            15                                            17            31            ^142/100 48            52

1838        135          42            20                                            19            19            ^135/100 38            62

1839        98            42            30                                            30            19            98/121                     49            72

1840        115          31            10*                                          24            24            ^115/89                   48            41

1841        110          20            14*                                          20            25            ^110/79                   45            34

1842        120          17            23                                            16            30            ^120/86                   46            40

1843        115          30            30                                            24            35            115/119                   59            60

1844        119          54            31                                            28            32            119/145                   60            85

1845        140          50            24*                                          23            26            ^140/123 49            74

1846        149          56            18*                                          19            21            ^149/114 40            74

1847        165          48            18*                                          25            18            ^165/109 43            66

1848        147          48            22*                                          23            15            ^147/108 38            70

1849        150          51            25*                                          27            16            ^150/119 43            76

1850        136          46            19                                            27            13            ^136/115 40            65

1851        150          52            23            5                              33            12            ^150/125 45            80

1852        133          50            22            14                            31            12            ^133/129 43            86

1853        120          52            14            11                            37            11            120/125                   48            77

1854        107          54            17                            24            34            23            107/152                   81            71

1855        109          52            19                            37            32            28            109/168                   97            71

1856        101          79            16                            45            38            23            101/201                   106          95

1857        110          81            13                            36            38            25            110/193                   99            94

1858        132          95              0                            40            45            21            132/201                   106          95

1859        185          129             NWTS 47            43            18            185/233                   108          129

1860        180          140                13                      53            62            36            180/304                   151          153

1861        162          165                11                      42            67           39           162/324                   148          176

1862        170          158                11                      11            58           22           170/260                   91            169

1863        181          134                12                      8              29           4              181/187                   41            146

1864        186          114                14?                    14            7              3              ^186/152 24            128

1865        173          91                  23                      15            5              1              ^173/135 21            114

1866        162          84                  34?                    6              5              24           ^162/153 35            118

1867        135          73                  38                      0              14           17           135/152                   31            111

1868        115          73                  23                      0              23           24           115/143                   47            96

1869        105          74                  30                      12            26           26           105/168                   64            104         

1870        118          75                  35                      10            32           35           118/187                   77            110


Sources: annual seminary reports to General Assembly, supplemented by seminary catalogs

*estimate due to lack of official report

^14 of the 17 years between 1836-1852, and again from 1864-1866, PTS had more students than all other Old School seminaries combined. In 1861 WTS was briefly the largest Old School seminary.